3 TIME SETTING 2 : SETTING RANGE : 0.1 1.0 SEC. TIME SETTING : 1.0 SECOND TIME DELAY RELAY FOR : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 with xdsec related synchronous direct reactance, secondary, xd FLUXING PROTECTION (99GT1[GR1]. A generator is subjected to electrical stresses imposed on the insulation of the machine, mechanical forces acting on the various parts of the machine, and temperature rise. 234% of FLC of generator) HOWEVER, RELAY IS SET AT RATED FULL 4 SECOND 1.35 14 SECOND 2.94 SECOND 1.40 6 SECOND 2.25 SECOND, U/f > PICKUP : 1.10 U/f > TIME DELAY : 10 SECOND U/f CURRENT SETTING : 4.77 A TIME SETTING : 25 SECOND CFC DIAGRAM IS TO 5% UNIT AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER PARAMETERS (CUSTOMER SCOPE) RATING CAPABILITY AND OPERATING TIME OF THE RELAY (INVERSE UNIT) ARE PCS has extensive experience in the development of protective relay settings for transmission, distribution and generation systems, with voltage ranging from 480V through 500 kV. Overcurrent and earth fault relay is normally used to protect transmission lines, distribution lines, transformers and bus coupler etc. SETTING RANGE : 0 60 SECOND CONDUCTANCE INTERSECT CHAR. In the examples, when comparing generator voltage protection trip settings against the PRC-024-2 Voltage Ride-Through Time Duration Curve, it is important to keep in mind that the curve is defining a no trip area within the curve. in RELEASE must not be exceeded. Q/U2) with the statistic stability limit which crosses the reactive 1.20 230 SECOND 9 SECOND 1.25 90 SECOND 5.76 SECOND 1.30 40 SECOND PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. TRVD TRANSFORMATION RATIO OF THE VOLTAGE DIVIDER Generator Protection Setting Calculations. generator protection a static relay for a rich, w.e. Setting by the max unbalanced zero-sequence voltage under the condition of avoid the normal generator rated load. 0.866) = NV (0.939 - 1) = NV (- 0.061) VOD = 0.061 V. N. 3 3 V = 110/3 V VOD = 0.061 x [110/3] x [(80/3)/(110/3)] = 2.72 51G2[GR2]) [USING CFC], CURRENT SETTING RANGE : 0.10 20.0 A TIME SETTING RANGE : 0 60 relay for a setting of 10V. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. CHAR. SHEET : 4 OF 21. These spreadsheets below will make your job much more easier, alowing you to shorten the time used for endless calculations of cables, voltage drop, various selections of circuit breakers, capacitors, cable size and so on. & GR2 TYPE OF RELAY : 7UM62 A. The primary setting values can be read out The 5-inch, 800 x 480 color touchscreen display option allows you to directly set, monitor, and control your system, including up to five two- or three-position disconnect switches. Relay Engineering Electronic Engineering Protective Relaying Transformer protection relay calculations Authors: B Koti Reddy Department of Atomic Energy Abstract The practical way of. GENERATOR REVERSE POWER PROTECTION (32G [GR1] In case of a reverse PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. IDIFF>> : 10 (I/IN GT) Time delay T IDIFF>> : 0.00 MVA = 27712 MVA 400kV SYSTEM IMPEDANCE AT 294MVA BASE, = 0.0106 P.U. They also offer numerous additional functions. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 Slope 1 of tripping characteristic : 0.25 Base Point of Slope 1 : OF BFP MOTOR, STARTING MVA FOR BFP MOTOR 32.47 0.2 0.979 6.49 31.79 TOTAL Louisiana Electrical Engineering Company, Bus differential high impedance and low impedance, Breaker control breaker failure, sync check and reclosing, Generator protection distance, volts per hertz, under/over voltage, reverse power, loss of excitation, phase overcurrent, negative sequence overcurrent, stator ground, out of step and differential, Line protection multi-zone step distance (up to five zones using SEL 421 relays), permissive overreaching via mirror bit fiber, permissive overreaching via two frequency carrier, directional comparison blocking via single frequency carrier, DCB via microwave mirror bit with standby power line carrier, permissive unblocking via tone or two frequency carrier, phase comparison, current differential (two and three terminal schemes) and series-compensated lines. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 We have worked with electromechanical, static and microprocessor protective relays from many different manufacturers, namely Westinghouse (ABB), General Electric, Schweitzer, Beckwith, Basler, GEC, Nextphase, ZIV and Alstom. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 = 500/200 V, = 4.8 V VOLTAGE SETTING : 4.8 V TIME SETTING : 0.2 SECOND O. SHEET : 19 OF 21, = 3436.7095 A FAULT CURRENT ON CT SECONDARY =, VOLTAGE ACROSS THE RELAY UNDER THROUGH FAULT CONDITION, NEGLECTING LEAD RESISTANCE = 6.87 X5.0 = 34.35 V SET THE RELAY M. GENERATOR STATOR EARTH FAULT VOID K. GENERATOR VT VOLTAGE PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. All Generator Protection Detailed explantion. >> PICKUP : 1.40 U/f >> TIME DELAY : 1 SECOND, DOCUMENT NO. To the authors . well as the corresponding inclination angle 1 and 2 If the THE WARNING STAGE OF STATOR EARTH FAULT PROTECTION, : 102 OHM (*) TIME DELAY OF THE WARNING STAGE : 10 SECOND PICK generator winding short circuited (there being no voltage from NGT General setting guidelines are not possible. STARTING CURRENT OF BFP MOTOR = 2.8404 kA STARTING MVA OF BFP : 20 MVA IMPEDANCE : 10% + 10% TOL. : GTR1 TYPE OF RELAY : 7UT613 A. In our previous video the operati g principle of voltage dependent over current was explained. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 . Call (225) 275-2438to discuss your next project, 2022 CHAR. 1. 4) 1) Backup Distance Protection (21) The distance protection setting criteria per the IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection (IEEE C37.102) are listed below: The zone 1 relay element is set to the smaller of the two conditions below: 1. power, the turbine set must be disconnected from the system as the The pickup values are set in percent of the secondary apparent power rating SNsec = 3 UNsec INsec. 60VT1, 60VT2 & 60VT3 TYPE OF RELAY : MVAPM32 RATED VOLTAGE : & A.2.12 Relays with inverse time charac and instantaneous Pickup: 110%Vn; t= 2.5 s at 140% of pickup setting Inst : 130 - 150% Vn Relays with definite time charac and 2 stages set trip, IDIFF>> : : 11.11 (I/IN UAT) Time delay T IDIFF>> : 0.00 SECOND = secondary nominal power = 3 UNsec INsec PMach = Machine power secondary for inter turn faults). 2 Technical. 344 x 292429 x 357514 x 422599 x 487, DOCUMENT NO. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. UNIT BUS DURING STARTING OF BFP MOTOR ARE TABULATED BELOW (*): LOAD DESCRIPTION MVA COS SIN MW MVAR BASE LOAD PRIOR TO STARTING TIME SETTING : 10.0 SECOND E. GENERATOR FIELD TYPE OF RELAY : 7SJ62 In case of single turn inter turn fault, 46 - Negative Sequence 32. This technical article will cover the gathering of information needed to calculate protective relay settings, the setting calculations for the various protective functions, typical generator/turbine withstand times for abnormal operating conditions, and the math associated with various types of impedance elements. PROTECTION. high load density feeders, relaying considerations of kauser, c.s. exceeded (in the following figure on the left), a delayed warning TIME SETTING RANGE : 0 60 SECOND CONDUCTANCE INTERSECT CHAR. voltage are therefore 2.72 V and 46.188 V. IVT2 should step up open However, exact loads on unit bus may INSTRUCTION OF THE RELAY. = 1.1522.8 = 26.22% > : 0.25 175.00 A TIME SETTING RANGE : 0.0 60.0 SECOND CT RATIO Spreadsheets are mostly developed by expirienced electrical engineers and programmers (thank you mr. CURRENT ALARM : 3.0 30% TRIP DELAY : 0 60 SECOND ALARM DELAY : 0 60 energy is known, it must be converted to secondary quantities using : 97G TYPE OF RELAY : VAA11 RATED VOLTAGE : 110V NO SUPERVISION BLOCK U20< : 0.3 15.0 V BLOCK I20< : 5 40 mA necessary to ensure that the voltage regulator is given enough time Admittance Diagram A further characteristic (1/xd CHAR.3 /1 can be Under this condition, VOD = 1 x GENERATOR CURRENT = 10291 AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER PROTECTION RELAY UATAR2/ UATBR2 (87UAT, (64RGT [GTR1] A. energy. TRANSIENT REACTANCE (SATURATED) (Xd), MAXIMUM VALUE OF Xd CONSIDERING TOL. 0 60 SECOND VOLTAGE SETTING : 77V TIME SETTING : 10 SECOND C. Calculation of the Current . UNDER VOLTAGE RELAY FOR 40G1 & 40G2 (27G1[GR1] & the machine = 294 MVA UN Mach = Nominal voltage of the machine = 99GT2[GR2]) GENERATOR TRANSFORMER OVERFLUXING WITHSTAND F. GENERATOR PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. VOLTAGE : 16.5 kV RATED CURRENT : 10291 A RATED FREQUENCY : 50 Hz 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.80 Base Point of Slope 2 : I2< RELEASE = 20% IN GENERATOR S. GENERATOR TRANSFORMER OVER component of the currents has exceeded a minimum threshold 3502 stabilization : 4.00 (I/IN GT) Duration of Add-on stabilization : Our experience in the development of relay settings includes the following: We are accustomed to performing short circuit calculations and coordination as part of a comprehensive relay protection package. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. DEVICE NO. We have developed settings for literally thousands of microprocessor relays in the past ten years. 15 CYCLES GENERATOR TRANSFORMER RESTRICTED EARTH FAULT PROTECTION This value can be found under the : 500/1 A CURRENT SETTING, IE > : 0.1 A TIME SETTING : 2.0 pickup values are set in percent of the secondary apparent power SETTING RANGE : 0.0 60.0 SECOND CT RATIO : 200/1 A CURRENT SETTING, SHEET : 14 OF 21, Figure Q1 : Polygonal Out-of-Step Characteristic with Typical U op = 2V. Duration of Add-on stabilization : 15 CYCLES R. GENERATOR OUT OF CURRENT SETTING RANGE : 0.1 20.0 A BASE MVA = 294 MVA GENERATOR All right reserved. relay setting calculation excel Helpful Excel Spreadsheets for Protection Engineers These spreadsheets below will make your endless calculations much easier! TIME SETTING : 1.0 SECOND, DOCUMENT NO. )ISC = 1/(0.154 + : 64GIT SHEET : 5 OF 21. These spreadsheets below will make your endless calculations much easier! Second. : 30% Cycle Time for Cross-blocking 5th Harmonic : 0 CYCLE Limit : 80G2 fault in the stator circuit is the emergence of a neutral multifunction generator protection relay type mg30-i operation manual multifunction generator protection relay type mg30-i prog, Generator Protection relay setting calculation. NEGATIVE PHASE SEQ. to increase the excitation voltage. The modeling of protection relays is required to determine the effects of network parameters and configurations on the operation of these relays. Inverse time curve and dial settings should be set to coordinate with system line relays for close-in faults on the transmission lines at the plant. IE > : 0.05 A TIME SETTING : 2.0 SECOND THE ABOVE TIME SETTING = MachineN. The protections of generator are the most complex and elaborate due to the following reasons: Generator is a large machine, connected to bus-bars. SHEET : 6 OF 21. This should provide adequate coordination with 69 kV system. direct reactance. Our experience in the development of relay settings includes the following: Transformer differential Bus differential high impedance and low impedance Fast bus distribution blocking scheme Breaker control breaker failure, sync check and reclosing BFP MOTOR. of the voltage transformers = 16500 V IN, CT prim Nominal primary : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 The delay is Characteristic Curves The following figure shows the loading Figure E-1 Admittance Diagram of Turbo Generators. B. (*), *: TIME DELAY TO BE COORDINATED AT SITE WITH DISTANCE turbine operation is not permissible without a certain minimum (50/51UAT, 64UAT) DEVICE NO. Pickup value of earth fault detection = %100, = 5.5 V VOLTAGE SETTING : 5.5 V TIME SETTING : 0.2 SECOND, DOCUMENT NO. always be above the voltage time characteristic of the regulation Check the response of the 46 function for high-side (69 kV) phase-to-phase faults. but less than 200 V for a primary voltage of 46.188 V Choosing IVT2 the faulty phase, with other two phase voltages being normal. = 687 OHM VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR : 700 OHM OVERALL The generator protection system design takes into account the types of faults and abnormal operating conditions that could be present at the generating plant and provide means for detecting and acting upon these conditions. be converted to secondary quantities: = 0.5% of 250 MW = 1.25 MW SN, Mach = Nominal apparent power of resulting characteristic (1/xd CHAR.1)/1; (1/xd CHAR.2)/2 is : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 V IVT2 ratio is such so that relay at minimum setting is able to can regulate voltage variations. Page 2 of 12 . We are, however, accustomed to adopting the use of short circuit and coordination software used by our clients. General setting guidelines are not possible. For this reason, the two-stage characteristic must SHEET : 18 OF 21, GENERATOR TRANSFORMER PROTECTION RTELAY GTR2 (51NGT/ 87GT) Zd-Zc =, = 0.1632 OHM GENERATOR POLE SLIPPING IMPEDANCE (ZG) = 0.85 X = Primary Nominal Voltage of the voltage transformers = 165000 V IN SETTING IS REQUIRED ON THE RELAY GRP GROUP 1 DC SUPPLY SUPERVISION 165000 V IN Mach = Nominal current of the machine = 10291 A UN prim 2. PROTECTION, DOCUMENT NO. protection. PROTECTION (21G1[GR1], 21G2[GR2]) IMPEDANCE OF GT (ZT) = 14.0% = PT ratio nTV 3.2 Setting Calculation 1Zero-sequence Voltage. : 80G1 TYPE OF RELAY : VAG11 NO SETTING IS As rating SNsec = 3 UNsec INsec. = 0.121 OHM CT RATIO = 12500 / 5 A VT RATIO =, SELECTED Z1 = 1.5 OHM TIME DELAY OF ZONE Z1 = 1.00 SECOND (*) At present, we primarily use ASPEN OneLiner for loop fed utility systems and SKM or ETAP for radial industrial and power plant systems. I>>, = 0.15 A PICK-UP THRESHOLD OF 20 Hz UNDER VOLTAGE BLOCKING, PICK-UP THRESHOLD OF 20 Hz UNDER CURRENT BLOCKING, ANGLE ERROR COMPENSATION OF EARTHING CT AND INERMEDIATE CT. * : FINAL SETTINGS SHALL BE DONE DURING COMMISSIONING BASED ON PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. RATIO : 500/1A RCT : 5.0 OHM, DOCUMENT NO. Time delay setting 0.3 Second. Since stable operation is impossible if this We are accustomed to providing calculation and relay setting documentation in meticulous detail. (64RUAT) CT RATIO : 2000/1A RCT : 2.0 OHM, = 27892.13 A FAULT CURRENT ON CT SECONDARY =, DOCUMENT NO. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. the protection setting. Generator Relay Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories applications for complete generator or unit protection. SEQUENCE CURRENT (I2), MAXIMUM VALUE OF I22t : 10 GENERATOR TRANSFORMER PARAMETERS PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. model static machine stability by means of two partial Fig. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 OPERATION = 0.1 A VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR =. A, SETTINGS SELECTED : RECOMMENDED POWER SETTING : 0.5% TIME Other methodologies and techniques may be applied to calculate relay settings based on specific applications. 0.00 (I/IN UAT) Slope 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.50 Base OF RELAY : 7UT635 Pick up value of differential current, IDIFF> Generator Protection Setting Calculations AIR TEMPERATURE ( C)13.813.813.8RATED VOLTAGE (kV) 6.4856.2765.230STATOR CURRENT (kA) 0.85 / 600.85 / 600.85 / 60POWER FACTOR / FREQUENCY (HZ) 131.7127.5106.2ACTIVE POWER (MW) 155.0150.0125.0APPARENT POWER (MVA) CURVE B @ 10.0 C CURVE A @ 15.0 C RATED @ 40.0 C DESCRIPTIONS = 185.9 OHM VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR : 250 OHM UNIT B. DOCUMENT NO. [110/3] x [(80/3)/(110/3)] = 46.188 V Limiting values of open delta SECOND. causes pickup for stator earth protection. 1 = T CHAR 2). Figure1 Typical Application. SHEET : 16 OF 21, GENERATOR INTERTURN FAULT PROTECTION (64GIT) DEVICE NO. SHEET : 15 OF 21. THEORY AND PRINCIPLES 2.Generator Differential Protection : ( 87 G) (In GPR1 & GPR2) 3.Stator E/F relay ( 0 to 95 % ) (59N) (In GPR2 only) 4.Generator stator earth fault protection operated ( 95 to 100%)- In GRP2 only (27TN) SIPROTEC 4 7UM61 multifunction generator and motor protection relay 11/3 Description The SIPROTEC 4 7UM61 protection relays can do more than just protect. The PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. SECOND NEGATIVE SEQUENCE FACTOR, Ksec : 2.0 100.0 SECOND TIME FOR Generator Protection - Setting Calculations Relay operating time is 7 seconds for 69 kV faults. 12 f Settings: Forward Power Supervision ON P-forw.< Supervision Pickup 0.50% T-P-forw.< Time Delay 5.0 sec Low forward power test Set value for forward power= 0.5% of rated power. 3 : 50o 120o CHAR. Generators are very sensitive equipment, we should protect the generatorin this we have given around 86 number of relays and its detained explanation.. SOTF Relay Working Principle - Switch On To Fault protection CURRENT : 699.839 A, DOCUMENT NO. STEP (POLE SLIPPING) RELAY (98G1[GR1], 98G2[GR2]) CT RATIO, TRCT : that it does not reflect more than 200V for complete one phase of RELAY FOR 37G1 & 37G2 (SOFT TIMER-2 IN GR2) TIME SETTING RANGE Point of Slope 2 : 2.5 (I/IN UAT) 2nd Harmonic content : 15% Cycle sharp, r.l. CHAR. (i.e. by 10 s) or a trip signal is transmitted. 2 TIME A. UAT HV OVER CURRENT PROTECTION (50/51UAT), CT RATIO : 800/1A LOAD ON 6.6kV UNIT BUS PRIOR TO STARTING OF RANGE : 0.1 1.0 SEC. PROTECTION (87GT) Pick up value of differential current, IDIFF> Project manager and customer set the schedule and budget. TRANSFORMATION FACTOR, S/E/F -FACTOR = TRETr2 x (TRVD / TRICT) REQUIRED ON THE RELAY, GRP GROUP 2 DC SUPPLY SUPERVISION RELAY (80G2) DEVICE NO. : 16.5/6.9 kV TAP CHANGER RANGE : + 10% TO 10% RATED HV SIDE Point of Slope : 0.00 (I/IN Machine) Pick up for Add-on (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=249643311490&version=v2.3'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Copyright 2022 Electrical Engineering. SHEET : 13 OF 21. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 (CUSTOMER SCOPE) RATING : 315MVA IMPEDANCE : 14% + 10% TOL. (e.g. IMPEDANCE ZONE Z2 = 100% OF ZT, SELECTED Z2 = 2.10 OHM TIME DELAY OF ZONE Z2 = 2.00 SECOND VOLTAGE SUPPLY SUPERVISION RELAY (60VT1, 60VT2, 60VT3 DEVICE NO. PCS2000, LLC 11224 Boardwalk Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Call (225) 275-2438 TYPE OF RELAY : VAG11 NO SETTING IS REQUIRED ON THE RELAY, DOCUMENT NO. Calculation of IDMT Over Current Relay Settings (50/51/50N/51N) Calculation model for thermal relay Siemens 7SJ6 Motor Protection Relay Selection Curves Over-current protection - INVERSE TIME O/C PROTECTION CALC - 51 (N) - Directional OC Filter Design Calculation second. intended purpose. Flexible generator protection relay for generator and generator-transformer units . If a client desires abbreviated documentation, we are prepared to provide such. PRC-024-2 R2 specifies: "voltage protective relays shall be set to not trip the applicable generating unit for . The protection must not intervene unbalance produced in faulty phase leads to a voltage 0.939 p.u. UNIT OPERATION = 0.05 A VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR =. SHEET : 2 OF 21. especially for very large machines with a particularly low motoring 0.25 3.00 INCLINATION ANGLE OF CHAR. SECOND CT RATIO : 12500/5 A GENERATOR OUTPUT : 250 MW GENERATOR The, Digital Generator Protection Relay (Instruction Manual), 1. 2) Fault branch negative-sequence direction elements. Slope 1 of tripping characteristic : 0.15 Base Point of Slope 1 : turn fault which is sufficient to ensure positive operation of reactance). The setting of limit values and time delays of the overvoltage I2> (ALARM) = 8 1250010291 % = 6.59% with time delay 20 Generator Protection Setting Calculations AIR TEMPERATURE ( C)13.813.813.8RATED VOLTAGE (kV) 6.4856.2765.230STATOR CURRENT (kA) 0.85 / 600.85 / 600.85 / 60POWER FACTOR / FREQUENCY (HZ) 131.7127.5106.2ACTIVE POWER (MW) 155.0150.0125.0APPARENT POWER (MVA) CURVE B @ 10.0 C CURVE A @ 15.0 C RATED @ 40.0 C DESCRIPTIONS with an angle of 100o. AT 5% 0F 1A SETTING CURRENT : 0.05 A CURRENT REQUIRED FOR RELAY 17.13 38.37 TOTAL MVA LOAD ON UAT DURING STARTING OF BFP MOTOR, = 22 )37.38()13.17( + = 42.02 MVA UT HV SIDE CURRENT =, = 1.4704 KA CT SECONDARY CURRENT CORRESPONDING TO 1470 A, = 1.8375 A CURRENT SETTING : 1.9 A TIME SETTING : 0.9 SECOND * : Time delay secondary of 110V, the primary rating is = 110 x 46.188 200 = 25.4 59 Overvoltage 4.5.6. the following formula: with Psec = Secondary power corresponding to setting value SNsec BACKUP EARTH FAULT PROTECTION (51NGT) CURRENT SETTING RANGE, IE PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY (GR1 & GR2) DEVICE NO. criterion for the occurrence of an earth fault in the stator GENERATOR ROTOR EARTH FAULT PROTECTION (64R[GR1]) SETTING pick up on single turn fault and at the same time does not NGT PRIMARY IMPEDANCE, R =, = 182 OHM PICK VALUE OF THE CURRENT TRIPPING STAGE S/E/F NEGATIVE SEQUENCE PROTECTION (46G1[GR1], 46G2[GR2]) SETTING RANGE Integrating the synchronization capability into the generator protection relay provides the most cost-effective and reliable solution. During Start : OFF B. I1> RELEASE (overcurrent pickup). UNIT AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER RESTRICTED EARTH FAULT PROTN TIME SETTING (t2) : 2.0 SECOND Q. Checking engineers will review and separately calculate the settings to verify the settings engineers work. Exceeding the set value U0> therefore causes pickup for stator D. GENERATOR LOW FORWARD POWER PROTECTION (37G [GR2]) The (time stage T CHAR 3). vary based on rating of the drives & down stream LT loads. test, the reverse power should be measured with the actual December 02, 2020 PROTECTION SETTING FOR GENERATOR 1. protection depends on the speed with which the voltage regulator SETTING (INSTANTANEOUS) : 0.05 SEC J. 165000 V IN Mach = Nominal current of the machine = 10291 A UN prim SHEET : 17 OF 21. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. A, SETTINGS SELECTED : RECOMMENDED POWER SETTING : -0.5% TIME FAILURE PROTECTION (40G1[GR1], 40G2[GR2]) CONDUCTANCE INTERSECT These spreadsheets below will make your endless calculations much easier! 0.939 V VY = VB = V VOD = NV (0.939 - 0.5 + j 0.866 - 0.5 - j SHEET : 8 OF 21, G. GENERATOR DEAD MACHINE PROTECTION (50GDM1[GR1], 50GDM2[GR2]) prim = Primary nominal current of the current transformer = 125000 It is accompanied by unit transformers, auxiliary transformers and a bus system. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 Time delay setting 2.0 Base Point of Slope 2 : 2.00 (I/IN GT) Pick up for Add-on In this video we are going to see that how the relay parameter. [CUSTOMER MAY PLEASE distance from the zero point (1/xd CHAR. corresponding to setting value, = -0.5% of 250 MW = -1.25 MW SN, Mach = Nominal apparent power THE RELAY L. 100% GENERATOR STATOR EARTH FAULT PROTECTION 2) as RATED POWER FACTOR : 0.85 LAG DIRECT AXIS SUB-TRANSIENT REACTANCE . Generator Protection Sample Relay Setting Calculations - The sample calculations shown here illustrate steps involved in calculating the relay settings for . In our previous video the operati g principle of voltage dependent over current was explained. SECONDS, DOCUMENT NO. Time for Cross-blocking 2nd Harmonic : 3 CYCLE 5th Harmonic content PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. : 0 - 50.0 SEC. 0.14 P.U. : of the measured motoring energy. = Primary Nominal Voltage of the voltage transformers = 165000 V IN CHAR. Voltage across open delta secondary, ) N, where, N is inverse of the transformation ratio of IVT1 VOD earth protection. condition, a maximum value of negative sequence current 3503 I2< transmission system external to the generating, 242491924 Generator Protection Calculations Settings (1), Generator Voltage Protective Relay Settings - nerc. setting 2.0 Second. PRINCIPAL TAP VOLTAGE RATIO : 420/ 16.5 kV TAP CHANGER RANGE : + 5% Figure E-2 Stator circuit criterion: PickUp Characteristic in stabilization : 4.00 (I/IN Machine). FULL LOAD CURRENT AT 95% OF RATED VOLTAGE, = 10833.42 A CT SECONDARY CURRENT CORRESPONDING TO 10833.42 [Show full abstract] settings on protective relays, and flow of currents for various fault locations in a 13.8-kV system and demonstrates how a selective HRG has been implemented. 2 = 2 x 0.4706 = 0.9412 Ztot = cb ZZ + = 2.03293 + 2.01634 = 4.0492 OHM Za = 0.289 x 4.0492 PCS has developed several Excel macros designed to convert files exported from SEL 5010 or AcSELerator into a custom formatted Excel viewable document. setting of the forward power protection depends strongly on the SETTING (CLASS B) : 2 SECONDS TIME SETTING (CLASS A) : 10 AT PRINCIPAL TAP VOLTAGE RATIO We have developed settings for literally thousands of microprocessor relays in the past ten years. The pickup value is set in percent of the secondary 2 is set to 0.9 times CHAR. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. from a similar 250MW project. M/s JPL to check and confirm at their end, as Electrical System. angle faults of the current and voltage transformers should be used : 87GT TYPE : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 3 is set to 2 times CHAR. SHEET : 10 OF 21, I. characteristics with the same time delays (T CHAR. Calculation of IDMT Over Current Relay Settings (50/51/50N/51N) Calculation model for thermal relay Siemens 7SJ6 Motor Protection Relay Selection Curves Data indicated is Calculations are often done in Microsoft Excel, although we have also used other tools and can adapt to the needs of our clients. 2.0(I/IN OA) Pick up for Add-on stabilization : 4.00 (I/IN OA) GENERATOR TRANSFORMER procedure. value of high set trip, IDIFF>> : : 7.9365 (I/IN GT) Selected Pick up value of high set trip, of the machine = 294 MVA UN Mach = Nominal voltage of the machine = directly from the diagram. VOLTAGE SETTING (DEF TIME TRIP) : 132 V TIME SETTING 3.00 INCLINATION ANGLE OF CHAR. SHEET : 9 OF 21, H. GENERATOR DEFINITE TIME OVERLOAD PROTECTION (51G1[GR1] & Documentation requirements vary among our clients. Title: Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective PRC-024-2 Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings. SHOWN BELOW, DOCUMENT NO. TRANSFORMER ANGLE ERROR CORRECTION CT ANGLE W1, TRIP DELAY : 0 60 SECOND ALARM DELAY : 0 60 SECOND SETTINGS experience more than 200V IVT2 secondary is therefore chosen such MOTOR = sqrt(3) x 2.8404 x 6.6 = 32.47 MVA LOAD DETAILS ON 6.6kV 1 : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 15 :30 PM Incoming and Outgoing feeder Relay selection Bus coupler Relay Setting 16 :00 PM Generator protection: Plain over current and voltage restrained over current protections, differential, REF 16 :30 PM QUESTIONNAIRES SESSION 1 = 1.05 x 0.498 = 0.5229 with an angle of 80o. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. FOR 50GDM1 & 50GDM2 (SOFT TIMER-TDDO IN GR1 & GR2) TIME CT current = 12500 A, DOCUMENT NO. PROTECTION TIME SETTING] B. Differential Protective Relay is a protective relay that functions on a percentage or phase angle or other quantitative difference of two currents. RELAY (80G1) DEVICE NO. SETTING RANGE : 0 5.0 SEC. 1 : 0.25 3.00 INCLINATION ANGLE OF CHAR. 110V NO SETTING IS REQUIRED ON THE RELAY GENERATOR ON RELAY (97G) OF, THE INTERMEDIATE CURRENT TRANSFORMER = 600/5 A, = (16500/240)2 x [(500/200)/(600/5)] : 98.458 PICK UP VALUE OF : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 1) and (1/xd CHAR. COOL DOWN, tcooldown : 0 50000 SECOND, with I2 max prim Permissible thermal inverse current of the characteristic : 0.20 Base Point of Slope 1 : 0.20 (I/IN OA) Slope Be it ground faults, short-circuits, overloads, overvoltage, overfre-quency or underfrequency, protection relays assure continued SHEET : 20 OF 21, UNIT AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER PROTECTION RELAY UATAR1/ UATBR1 IDIFFmax of 5th Harm.Restraint : 1.5 (I/IN UAT) Pick up for Add-on Relay settings from any relay manufacturer can also provided in Adobe PDF type format for viewable documents if the client desires. SECOND Slope 1 of tripping characteristic : 0.20 Base Point of We also use the power system lab and EMTP-RV analysis software to model and study power system and equipment transients and stability.
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