Nicoya Peninsula, Spanish Pennsula de Nicoya, peninsula in western Costa Rica that is bounded on the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, on the northeast by the Cordillera de Guanacaste, and on the southeast by the Gulf of Nicoya. While not noted in the book regarding Okinawa tradition, I actually read on line that this is also used in Okinawa to prepare wheat for making into noodles. Drink plenty of mineral water or water which has been filtered and alkalized with a home water purification system; make sure to get ample calcium from green vegetables, nuts, and beans and pulses these also contain magnesium (unlike dairy products). Eat 1-3 pieces of fresh fruit daily, preferably fresh, ripe, and organic. . The town of Nosara is just inland from the beach. Make our own Nicoya-stylenixtamalized corn dough for tortillas at home using corn and lime water. But according to the book, they consume 11% by weight of added sugar. Men over the age of 60 are seven times more likely to reach the 100-year mark than the global average. Costa Rica's largest peninsula has one of the largest populations of centenarians on the planet with more residents who are over 80 than anywhere else earth.. Costa Rica Experts 2022. Related: A Costa Rica Blue Zone Retreat Travelogue. Cooked maize has been found to lower cholesterol, and cooked corn and maize has a good antioxidant value. So, whats a meat and cheese lover to do? Dan Buettner and his team did a wonderful job of capturing the beyond food side of living well to 100 and beyond! Nicoya Peninsula Adventure 7 SJO More than $2000 p.p. Five miles north of Montezuma, its roughly a 2-hour hike on the beach to reach the waterfall. US Toll Free: 877-309-9238 Costa Rica Direct: +506-2787-0223 Only four lots available: Area 5.346 m or 57.543 sq ft, price $ 185.000. The same thing every day for every meal. The Nicoya Peninsula is a gulf in Guanacaste Costa Rica and its biological diversity, location, and . They eat about 4 ounces of local fruit, including papaya, lime, orange and banana. Discover, Learn and support , Cafe de Guanacaste, the beautiful coffee community of small farmers called Hojancha, part of the uniques Blue Zone areas of the World, according to the National Geographic, located in the isolated Nicoya Peninsula. The Parroquia San Blas was founded in 1644 and houses today a small museum with ancient religious artifacts. 4.7/5 Exceptional! Soak their corn in water with ash and lime before turning it into a dough called nixtamale. In other words, people in these zones to live longer than any other areas . Nuts and seeds are a large part of the diet in Loma Linda, California . By Diane Haworth & Michael Varbaek, Longevity Researchers. Contact us for more information. It is located at 10N 85.4166667W. These habits are characteristics of all five Blue Zones. This translates to fewer hip fractures that could otherwise be devastating for an elderly population. You'll find many people eating fruits like bananas, mangoes, and pineapple. They do not eat much meat, dairy, sugary foods or drinks, and processed food. There is a part of me that does not want to shine a light on this part of their diet. They add wood ashes when they soak the corn. Join 10k+ in receiving Expert travel advice, news & promotions! They also eat rich, colorful fruits - in Nicoya, they eat maraon, the red-orange cashew tree fruit that has more vitamin C than oranges, and noni, a pear-like fruit rich in antioxidants. Obviously, whats different about it from many other food regimens is its inclusion of animal products. A Moderate Protein Diet: Once again, this diet is moderate in protein, not low protein. It features a spacious 600 sq beachfront pool, sundeck, and a furnished covered pool lounge area. Second on the list is Nicoya peninsula in Costa Rica, where this 101-year-old woman hails from QTRAVEL (CNN) Going on vacation could help you uncover the secret to a long and healthy life if . Getting Oriented. Why does it work? Nicoya, Costa Rica is one of those unique locations where lifestyle, diet, and low stress have dramatically bettered the lives of Ticos and expats alike. What sets the Nicoya diet apart from other popular longevity diets is that while it includes many fruits, veggies, and whole grains, it doesnt eschew meat entirely or request that its only eaten in extreme moderation. Where the world's healthiest people Live. Its also common in the region for many generations to live under the same roof, which means familial ties are robust. Costa Rican cuisine is delicious, filling and nourishing and their dishes can make a welcome addition to any longevity diet. Many will offer vegan and vegetarian meals and some will even go as far as offering a specific type of vegan diet, such as raw food meals and juice fasts. The parts of the world where people can live happy for longer amounts of time are called Blue Zones, and there are very few of them: the Greek island Icaria and Japan's Okinawa, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica and the Seventh-day Adventist community in Loma Linda, California. family are close and make everybody, including the oldest old, feel needed and loved. Plenty of diet plans can help you live longer, but many of them have one thing in common: They require you to avoid meat and dairy in most situations or even tell you to cut them out altogether. Drink hard water. Her passions include spending time at the lake, cooking, traveling, reading, brunching, and thrifting. In both populations, the highest frequencies of consumption were recorded for plant-derived foods (cereals 60-80% daily, legumes 80% daily in Nicoya, 60% 2-5 servings/week in Ogliastra), followed by those of animal origin (dairy products, meat) 60% and 80% daily, in Nicoya and Ogliastra, respectively. Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone diet. Like Malpais, Nosara refers to a string of beaches along the secluded Pacific Coast of the Nicoya Peninsula: Guiones Beach, Pelada Beach, Garza Beach, and Ostional Beach. It's 100% natural, gluten-free, and GMO-free. If you plan to travel to the area, consider flying into the Liberia International Airport. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They feel needed and want to contribute to a greater good. In fact, the nutritionist believed this to be the most important food contribution to Nicoyan longevity. The abundance of nutrient-rich fruits is a staple of the Nicoya blue zone diet and may explain why the region's cancer rate is the lowest in the country. Travelers appreciate the abundant wildlife that comes to shore and that which swims shallow and deep nearby. Santa Teresa. They feel needed and enjoy a sense of purpose. Cabo Blanco has especially beautiful white-sand beaches, nesting grounds for native bird species, and abundant wildlife. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It is thought that the high fruit content of the Nicoyan diet is likely to be the reason behind the low stomach cancer rates. Given where Costa Rica is located, much the diet is centered on foods found in tropical regions of the world. For 11 months out of the year, the temperature ranges from a high of mid-80s to a low of mid-70s, with one month, January, being significantly cooler. The remote village of Montezuma has gorgeous rainforest, waterfalls, and surrounding beaches. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Adding This to Your Pre-Breakfast Routine Increases Fat-Burning All Day Long, How CBD Aids to Promote Your Digestive Health, 25 Best Meal Delivery Services for Weight Loss in 2022. Some of the regions beaches have been discovered by surfers who are opening up heretofore hidden sections of gorgeous shoreline. Hello! From large development parcels, to hotels, and beach properties, the Nicoya Peninsula is the up-and-coming spot for Costa Rica real estate! Again, surrounded by ocean. The Chorotegan maize diet (originally derived from the Maya) is thought to promote longevity, and if you make it to 60 years old here, then you are more . We want to inspire you to explore new destinations, discover new experiences and savor the journey. Copyright 2012 Diane Haworth & Michael Varbaek - All Rights Reserved | P.O. Nicoyans have excellent bone health as a result. Peninsula de Nicoya, Pacific coast of Costa Rica The Nicoya Peninsula is separated from the mainland of Costa Rica by the Gulf of Nicoya and the Tempisque estuary. To thoroughly understand amounts and proportions of food in terms that we normally think about, I carefully entered all the foods in the weight percent amounts described in the books pie chart and the food descriptions provided into my nutrient analysis software. In front of the church is the lovely and well tended central park of Nicoya. The Nicoya Peninsula's water is the hardest in all of Costa Rica; that simply means it has the highest concentration of calcium. Black beans are high in antioxidants. She wore a bright colored dress and beads to do her daily chores and greeted strangers with a big smile and reminder that. Ostional Beach within Ostional National Wildlife Refuge is where the remarkablearribadaor mass sea turtle nesting of olive ridley sea turtles takes place. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menu items. They eat about 2 ounces a day of fried or boiled plantain, sweet potato or a local variety of winter squash, both rich in beta carotene. Without acknowledging it as healthy or morally correct, Nicoyans simply end up eating locally. On Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula, a roughly 80-mile-long finger of land south of the Nicaraguan border on the Pacific Coast, researchers identified a group of villages with a . United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research, Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System. Here is what I found: I dont have a bias toward or against any macronutrient. Ive seen in other blogs the comment that in the Nicoya Peninsula: Compared to other blue zones, their diet includes the most meat (mainly chicken and pork), eggs (mostly fried) and corn (mainly tortillas). Yet the longevity still remains. They also use wild ginger, which has anti-inflammatory properties. . Extended Costa Rica Highlights 20 According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin D is necessary for building and maintaining healthy bones. In Italy there is Sardinia. Some serene spa and yoga properties have sprung up due to the focus on wellness in the famous blue zone. Plus, because its rules arent as strict around protein, carbs, and fat as the keto diet, it could be an easier diet plan for people to follow who like the idea of keto but cant necessarily commit to it for one reason or another. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all varying amounts of pretty much the same things with some variations on sides. Grow their own vegetables in the garden. Huh! This is part of the pura vida, or low-stress, laid-back lifestyle that the Latin American country is known for. There are important lessons hidden in surprises. The long beach disperses some of the crowds that gather on the weekends for a relatively calm and laid-back beach experience. It's a question that inhabitants of Guanacaste are happy to be asking themselves, since it's a true pride for the province's population to be home to one of the five such zones that exist worldwide. Cost of living in the Nicoya Peninsula Living in paradise does come with a cost. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Blue zones are areas where people regularly live to be 100 years old; National Geographic calls them hot spots of longevity where the worlds healthiest people are clustered. Much of the food is . Some of the most well-known beaches include Samara, Montezuma, Malpais, Carmen, Hermosa, and Santa Teresa. Negotiating the dirt roads can be tricky, but thats part of the fun and provides harmless yet compelling stories for those back home. Nicoya Peninsula Vacation Packages In Perfect Harmony 7 LIR $1000-$1500 p.p. I have been exploring the data reported by National Geographic and Dan Buettner in the Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the Worlds Healthiest People1. The Nicoya Peninsula is the largest of two peninsulas on Costa Rica's Pacific side. Buettner's studies on the Nicoya Peninsula revealed eight key factors that affect people's life expectancy. It includes the five cantons of the Nicoya Peninsula: Hojancha, Nandayure, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya. Family Focus. Could Adding Viscous Fiber To Your Diet Speed Up Weight Loss? This is especially true near the town of Paquera, where we took our tour. Beyond diet, other habits explain why this Costa Rican Pacific Coast peninsula is so far ahead in the longevity game. It varies from 19 to 37 miles (60 km) wide and is approximately 75 miles (121 km) long, forming the largest peninsula in the country. Guiones Beach has one of the most dependable surf breaks and is also popular for bodyboarding.Again, the vibe here is laid-back and yoga and surfing are the sports of choice. 2.400 - 6.500 m. Beef and pork are part of the diet for people in Costa Rica, and you can also sprinkle in poultry as you see fit. There is a 7-8-month rainy season yielding approximately 60 inches a year. Oct 17 - Oct 18. It can even help prevent some cancers! Barrio La California, Learn More. "Corn is loaded with vitamins and fiber and in Nicoya, they soak the corn to break it down." What that does, he says, is release niacin, also known as vitamin B3, which is housed inside the. From its northern base in the arid Guanacaste lowlands the peninsula extends 140 km to the south where the landscape progressively becomes more moist and hilly. In truth, a plant-based diet might just fade in importance by comparison to these things. $100. All Rights Reserved. 7 Best Things to Do on the Nicoya Peninsula. Thanks. In addition to the generous amounts corn, rice and black beans, modest amounts of fruits, vegetables and meats, Nicoyans consume a rather generous amount of dairy, about of the total weight of their food, a little cheese and about a cup of milk a day. The Nicoya Peninsula's water is the hardest in all of Costa Rica, which means it has the highest concentration of calcium. The fastest way to get to the Nicoya Peninsula from San Jose and Liberia is to hop on a short flight from either airport to Tambor Airport, and these flights operate several times per day and will take just 30 minutes. It contains one of the highest concentrations of cyanidin-3-glucoside compared to other anthocyanin-rich fruits and vegetables. The sea turtles come to shore at night generally around a full moon in the thousands. They eat about 4 ounces of local fruit, including papaya, lime, orange and banana. We have obtained information from Nicoya, Costa Rica on ways to live longer and be happier. Due to the Nicoya Peninsulas location in Central America, the area has an abundance of warm days with tons of sunlight. Costa Rica's largest peninsula, Nicoya measures about 85 miles (140 km) northwest-southeast and 40 to 60 miles (65 to 96 km) southwest-northeast. Although the Nicoya Peninsula too boasts a healthy amount of wildlife, it is more well known for its dramatic . The roads in this area are mostly paved but very curvy, so use . Our Costa Rica real estate advisors are . The Nicoyan diet contained more protein and fat and less carbs than Buettner implies. Maintaining a healthy calcium intake is linked to proper function of nerves, heart, and muscles as well as overall bone health. Water sportsand wellnessdefine much of the character of the area.Separated from the Guanacaste plains in the north by the Gulf of Nicoya, the Nicoya Peninsula is an isolated paradise and water wonderland of eco-epic proportions. The areas beautiful beaches are perfect for relaxing or enjoying water sports. No need to be a pro. Taking the reference of centuries-old food, Blue Zones has developed products based on pujagua corn, maya nut (ojoche), tree spinach (chicasquil), honey, and pickled mixtures based on hot chili. The local folk also have a deep faith in God, sleep eight hours a night and maintain a healthy diet filled with rice, corn, plantain, beans and strange fruits like the vitamin-C-rich orange-like. Dry Season: December-April, Green Season: May-November, 7 Best Things to Do on the Nicoya Peninsula, A Costa Rica Blue Zone Retreat Travelogue, 9 Best Things to Do in Manuel Antonio National Park & Quepos, Top 4 Costa Rica Cloud Forest Destinations. San Jose, Costa Rica 10104. Truly, Nicoya embodies the essence of the Costa Rica mantra "pura vida"- pure life. Another factor contributing to the long lives in Nicoya is a plan de vida. I cannot lie. . The dramatically-sculpted Pacific shoreline is dotted with small bays,inlets, villages, and hidden beaches where nature, the sea, local Ticos, and travelers blend amicably in a lazy, lovely lifestyle. Common veggies include tomatoes, cucumbers, plantain, yucca, squash, bell peppers, onions, and cabbage. The best beaches on the Nicoya Peninsula are lauded for their seclusion and laid-back ambiance. Not everything is positive even in such paradise as Nicoya. Set in northwestern Costa Rica, the scenic Nicoya Peninsula is home to Nosara and Smara, two famed coastal towns known for long stretches of white-sand beaches and turquoise surf. This treatment adds an enormous amount of calcium, breaks down some proteins to more absorbable forms and makes minerals more bioavailable. The Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica is one of the five areas in the world that hold the distinguished classification of a Blue Zone. Curious your thoughts. This bioluminescent kayak tour is located about a half-hour from the small destination of Tambor on the southern Nicoya Peninsula. What other foods do Nicoyan centenarians eat? The "blue zone," lifestyle and diet includes eating lighter meals and nutrient-rich local fruits. Extended Nicoya Peninsula Adventure 8 SJO More than $2000 p.p. Eat a substantial breakfast, a good lunch, and a smaller dinner as this aids sleep and digestion, and helps prevent excess weight gain. With over 35 years of experience, we make the difference between a good trip and a lifetime memory. Half of the peninsula is found in the Guanacaste province, while . Lime treated grains, something Okinawa and Nicoya share! Costa Rica Experts is the leading authority on Costa Rica vacations. 6 BEST PLACES TO VISIT IN THE NICOYA PENINSULA. Ed #2798 Oficina #8 Spending a week there could do wonders for your mind, body, and soul! Secrets to a Longer Healthy Life from Longevity Hot Spots Around the World! These health benefits are due to purple corn's high content of anthocyanins, the high antioxidant color pigments that give it its dark purple color. Nicoyans eat black beans pretty much every single day and they are often paired with white rice. I mean based on their different % of proteins from animal products and plants ? 1. Maintaining a healthy calcium intake is linked to proper function of nerves, heart, and muscles as well as overall bone health. The park has an extensive network of caves reaching more than 656 feet or 200 meters deep. The beach here is extensive, but is rocky and can be a challenge for swimmers. That is 33 teaspoons or about 2/3 cup every day. Our travel Experts plan private vacation packagesto include accommodations, transportation, and tours to make your vacation hassle-free. Calles 27 & 29, Ave 2, Fun Fact: Nicoya is one of the world's five "Blue Zones," an area where locals live noticeably longer and healthier lives. So if they drink 4 cups of a hot beverage a day, there is almost 3 tablespoons of sugar, and probably some of the milk, in each one. They are made through a unique process that creates a tortilla that controls cholesterol. Have a plan de vida. Private charter flights also have access to Punta Islita domestic airport. Discover Nicoya wildlife. In other words, its a more balanced and intuitive approach to eating animal products. Oceanview Lots for sale in Playa Conchal Gold Coast area of Costa Rica For sale, oceanview lots Playa Conchal in a residential community in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. I just want the truth. The plant-based diet is so prevalent in the wellness and yoga communities that you can easily find vegan retreat centers all over the world. With its multiple nature preserves, quaint beach towns, and stellar surf breaks, its a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. The peninsula is habituallyoverlooked by many travelers, but those willing to stray from the beaten path will be met with stunning natural landscapes and seclusion.The rugged, mountainous landscape and laid-back lifestyle are ideal for any traveler in need of a little rest and relaxation. Berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, contain anthocyanin compounds that act as potent anti-inflammatory agents, which benefit the brain and heart. In fact, again, this population is very small in stature, averaging about 5 tall for women. Why It Might Help You Burn Fat Better Than Keto. Box 2486, Alpine, CA 91903 (619) 743-4263 |, Centenarians Walk Their Way Through A Longer Healthy Life, Okinawan Sweet Potato Boosts Your Anti-Aging Defenses, The Long Lived People Eat Nutrient Dense Foods, Okinawan Secrets to Longevity Include Practicing Yuimaaru, Animals Know How to Live A Longer Healthy Life. Please note that this form cannot be used to reset your Google or Facebook password. (167 reviews) But it is truth and I wish to share the whole truth. The times of the arribada are a bit difficult to predict so there are not regularly scheduled tours, but dont forget to ask your hotel if an arribada is happening if youre staying in the area! A three-bedroom property, 130 square meters, with a five minute walk from Coyote and Caletas beach only costs $205,000. The Nicoya Peninsula is a travel brochure writer's dream. The lifestyle here is simple, and the area is home to some of the most active, well-nourished, hard-working people on earth. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Eat plentiful amounts of black beans and other beans on a daily basis. Nicoyans are often good friends with their neighbors, which contributes to a sense of connectivity and purpose. Later, on December 7 th, 1848 Guanacaste and the Nicoya Peninsula formally became a Costa Rican . The Nicoya Peninsula, home to the Liberia International airport and where people live measurably longer lives, often exceeding 100 years. Heralded for its magnificent beaches and long dry season with beaming sunshine, the Nicoya Peninsula is 80 miles long averaging about 31 miles wide. Varieties include onions, garlic, green vegetables, bell peppers, yams, plantains, cabbage and tomatoes. Your Horoscope: Whats in Store for You November 7, November 13, 2022? Destinations Youll find many people eating fruits like bananas, mangoes, and pineapple. Poaching and boiling eggs preserves the nutrients better than frying them. Here are the "Power Nine": regular low-intensity physical activity hari hachi bu (eat until only 80% fullfrom Okinawa) eat more plants and less meat than typical Western cultures judicious alcohol, favoring dark red wine have a clear purpose for being alive (a reason to get up in the morning, that makes a difference) keep stress under control Families and communities, like those in the Nicoya Peninsula, typically eat home cooked and farm fresh meals three times a day. The Nicoya Peninsulas water is the hardest in all of Costa Rica; that simply means it has the highest concentration of calcium. Physical activity, diet, good mineral-rich water, friends, a satisfying job, eating light in the evening, and a "plan de vida" are the other aspects. The Nicoya Peninsula is roughly 37 miles (60 km) wide and 75 miles (121 km) long, located on the Pacific Coast.Divided into the Guanacaste and Puntarenas provinces, it's a popular destination for surfing, jungle treks, and laid-back beach towns. Kayaking, snorkeling, and sport fishing are also popular off Samara Beach due to its calm waters. The indigenous people of the Nicoya Peninsula are the Chorotega, and they have more in common with the Maya of Mexico and Guatemala than they do with the hill tribes of Costa Rica's mainland. 2 km Este de Playa Carrillo, Puerto Carrillo, Guanacaste, 51103. that traditional Costa Rican food from the Nicoya Peninsula is very fatty, consisting of lots of pork lard, "bone soup," lots of organ meats, fresh milk straight from the cow, eggs, chicken skin, salted fish, shellfish and some fresh corn tortillas, undoubtedly cooked in lard that average age of centenarians on the Nicoya Peninsula is 107 years old per night. One of Nicoya's dietary secrets is their nutritious corn tortillas. Nicoyans have lower levels of biomarkers of CV risk; they are also leaner, taller and suffer fewer disabilities. And again in the afternoon, more very sweet coffee or nanju (Hibiscus esculentus seeds). At low tide, travelers can explore and swim in the tide pools. For maximum sunshine and next to no rain, head to the region from December to April. They also benefit from a healthy diet of natural unprocessed foods and . This off-grid hotel is perfect for surfers, yogis, and adventurers! The Costa Rica Blue Zone diet is mainly natural, unprocessed wholesome foods such as squash, rice, beans, and corn. Malpais and Santa Teresa are two little beach towns. It provides all the benefits available from the exotic Cassia grandis honey and also contains aloe vera which helps aid digestion. Because they seem to be eating lots of dairy but not so much beans, nuts/seeds. There are several websites devoted to the subject. The Nicoya Peninsula is considered one of Costa Rica's top destinations due to its diversity of life and stunning beaches. She had a faith practice and was spiritual. The soaking process makes the corn more digestible and the lime infuses it with calcium and liberates amino acid, which greatly raises its nutrient value. The authors of these articles, usually nonresident foreigners, describe the Nicoyans' diet as predominantly plant-based and typically state that beans, corn and exotic fruits are the reason for their longevity. Samara Beach wraps around a long horseshoe bay with calm water perfect for swimming! Maranon is a local red-colored orange with five times more vitamin C than normal oranges, and anonais a type of pearcontaining anti-cancer compounds. What do people eat in the Blue Zones? The traditional diet on the Nicoya Peninsula consists of black beans, bananas, plantains, papaya, squash, pejibaje, yams, and homemade corn tortillas.
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