The Revolutions of 1848, known in some countries as the Spring of Nations, Peoples Spring, Springtime of the Peoples, or the Year of Revolution, were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe in 1848. Castlereagh, a conservative like Metternich, had a vision of long-term peace in Europe that united efforts of the great powers. Denmark Count Niels Rosenkrantz, foreign minister. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 The Great Powers, the main participants of the Congress, also formed the Holy Alliance and the Quadruple Alliance, treaties to further the conservative vision of the Congress. The Congress of Vienna took place between delegates and representatives of European states. The main goals of the Congress of Vienna were to establish the terms of long-lasting peace between European powers after the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars and to finalize European boundaries in order to create a balance between each of the major countries of Europe. Ans. It didn't take long for conflicts to break out among the major players. Outline the borders that changed in Europe after the Congress of Vienna. It was a scene I shall never forget.. Much debate has occurred among historians as to which treaty was more influential in the development of international relations in Europe in the two decades following the end of the Napoleonic Wars. We are here to provide you with latest tips and tricks always. Key Players of Congress of Vienna The "Host" Prince Klemens von Metternich (Aus.) London, shocked to discover that France was secretly negotiating with Russia to form a postwar alliance to dominate Europe, dropped its plans to attack St. Petersburg and instead signed a one-sided armistice with Russia that achieved almost none of its war aims. This principle aims to balance the European great powers away. What was the Goals of the Congress of Vienna? View the full answer. The resolution bore the same name as that guiding principlesince it was largely based on it and contained concrete measures for the implementation of the principle. It is in the records that Napoleon aimed to conquer Europe. The objective of the Congress of Vienna was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. France also had to recover all the art that was broken during the war from Europe. Under the principle of solidarity should all European princes assure mutual supportit should reconnect revolutionary riots come in a country. Provided by: Wikipedia. It also returned France's borders to those effective on January 1, 1792. Representatives at the Congress agreed to numerous other territorial changes. In the last weeks it was headed by the Earl of Clancarty after Wellington left to face Napoleon during the Hundred Days. The principle of compensation saw the compensation of the princes before, who had suffered under Napoleon and his conquests for example all those who territorial expropriated became. In 1814, following his first defeat, Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba. Austria, represented by Prince Klemens von Metternich, desired order in Europe but also desired to be in charge of the confederations of German and Italian states. However, since the delegates were more concerned about only borders and the control of certain territories, the topic of balance of powers and international relations was ignored. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. What were the main goals of the Congress of Vienna? Provided by: Wikipedia. Robert Stewart, Lord Castlereagh (Britain). Before the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, there was a balance in force among the European giants. This was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna. It grew out of Congress of Vienna. Napoleon gave up his throne once again, and this time ended up on the island of St. Helena, far away from France. To establish long-lasting peace and stability in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon. The Congress of Vienna was created in 1814 as an attempt to resolve the problem of the Hungarian revolution. Describe the diplomatic consequences of the Congress of Vienna. Austria gained Lombardy-Venetia in Northern Italy, while much of the rest of North-Central Italy went to Habsburg dynasties (the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Duchy of Modena, and the Duchy of Parma). Appeared at the Peace Congress Representatives from around 200 European countriesto discuss and negotiate the fortunes of Europe. However, because of the way the borders were drawn and which country obtained which land, wars did break out. The signers of the treaty further agreed to meet at the Congress of Vienna in September of 1814. France, Austria, Prussia, Britain, and Russia, who were in charge of ultimate authority and power, we are burdened with the responsibility. Provided by: Wikipedia. Russia gained much of Poland, while Prussia added smaller German states in the west, Swedish Pomerania, and 40% of the Kingdom of Saxony. With the Concert of Europe, the territorial boundaries laid down at the Congress of Vienna were maintained, and even more importantly there was an acceptance of the theme of balance with no major aggression. Although it did not fit comfortably within the complex, sophisticated, and cynical web of power politics that epitomized diplomacy of the post Napoleonic era, its influence was more lasting than contemporary critics expected and was revived in the 1820s as a tool of repression when the terms of the Quintuple Alliance were not seen to fit the purposes of some of the Great Powers of Europe. Provided by: Wikipedia. Amid these individual suggestions, congress took place to establish three specific goals. Located at: The revolutions were most important in France, the Netherlands, the states that would make up the German Empire in the late 19th and early 20th century, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. Provided by: Wikimedia Commons. He sought a negotiated secure peace so as to perpetuate the gains of the French revolution. He conquered many European countries and territories during his reign, making France in control of much power. The others were meaningless as each nation realized the Congresses were not to their advantage, as disputes were resolved with a diminishing degree of effectiveness. The goal of the Congress of Vienna was not simply to restore old boundaries but to resize the main powers so they could balance each other and remain at peace. Austria wanted to annex Hungary while Hungary wanted Austria to annex Hungary. License:Public Domain: No Known Copyright, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Historical Maps, Prints, Photographs and Books,,,,,,,,,,,_Viscount_Castlereagh,,,,, The Holy Alliance was the brainchild of Tsar Alexander I. Napoleon Bonaparte had escaped from Elba and returned to France, and he was raising an army to restore France to glory. The participants tried to get back to the old conditions, but there was no complete regression to the time before 1789. The leaders were conservatives with little use for republicanism or revolution, both of which threatened to upset the status quo in Europe. The procedure of the Congress of Vienna was done by negotiations and trades. After his defeat, leaders and diplomats from all over Europe had to decide what their next moves would be. It had achieved its goals and established a balance of power that would maintain European peace for almost a century. Napoleon raised an army to counter the offense of the Congress' army. Russia was able to obtain Poland. A congress held between delegates from different countries will include selfish ideas mostly beneficial to a particular country. Of course, no one asked Poland or the other annexed territories what they thought about the matter. Even though representatives from around 200 countries traveled to the Congress of Vienna, only they least from that real influence on the future of Europe. The Congress of Vienna failed because Austria and Hungary desired different outcomes. Significant lasting reforms included the abolition of serfdom in Austria and Hungary, the end of absolute monarchy in Denmark, and the introduction of parliamentary democracy in the Netherlands. The Congress of Vienna was convened in 1814 to discuss the future of Europe after Napoleon. Great Powers She has taught college English and religious education classes and currently works as a freelance writer. The Congress of Vienna was an international conference convened in 1815 in Vienna, Austria, to settle the claims of the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary over the Holy Roman Empire. The borders and the peace lasted on and off for forty years, but in the end the results from the Congress of Vienna failed. However, other countries were quick to react and overruled Prussias suggestion because it might cause more separation than unity. Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo ended the Napoleonic Wars for good. King Frederick VI was also present in Vienna. Portugal is historically Britains oldest ally and with British support succeeded in having the reincorporation of Olivena decreed in Article 105 of the Final Act, which stated that the Congress understood the occupation of Olivena to be illegal and recognized Portugals rights. Portugal ratified the Final Act in 1815 but Spain would not sign, and this became the most important hold-out against the Congress of Vienna. Although, each delegate wanted either the same or different piece of land or territory, every single delegate could agree that the absolute main goal of the Congress of Vienna was to coexist in peace. Russia and Prussia created an alliance in which the Prussians agreed to give up Poland if Russia would support Prussia's demand for Saxony. The 3 main goals of the Congress of Vienna were to balance the powers of Europe to coexist peacefully, enclose France's borders, and restore conservative order. Located at: With the decision-making power back in their hands, they wanted that absolutismthe supremacy of the nobility and the privileges of the nobility strengthen and also for secure the future. Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves Plenipotentiaries: Pedro de Sousa Holstein, Count of Palmela; Antnio de Saldanha da Gama, Count of Porto Santo; Joaquim Lobo da Silveira. The leader of the Congress of Vienna was Count Franz Ferdinand of Hungary. The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term . In answering the question, what was the goal of the congress of Vienna, we need to understand that the primary goal of holding the congress of Vienna was to sponsor unity and balance in power among European countries. The Congress of Vienna was a meeting of the signatories of the Treaty of Trianon, which ended the First World War. All five major players and several other smaller countries signed the Final Act on June 9, 1815. The Papal States were restored to the Pope. France, the fifth power, was represented by its foreign minister, Talleyrand, as well as the Minister Plenipotentiary the Duke of Dalberg. 247 lessons The situation was a touchy one. So, the major drawback of this kind of negotiation was that major powers ignored what the inhabitants of the lands and countries thought. History has it that the Napoleonic war lasted for up to 23 years and would have continued if Napoleon was not defeated. The Concert system fell apart as the common goals of the Great Powers were replaced by growing political and economic rivalries. It helped Europe and its main countries return to being big powers throughout the globe. The Congress of Vienna was the result of a meeting of the councils of Europe in 1814. Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria renewed their commitment to prevent any restoration of Bonapartist power and agreed to meet regularly in conferences to discuss their common interests. Located at: Those who were victorious in the war agreed to set up a series of discussions in Paris about bringing stability to the nations. , Granulocytes: Importance, Types & Function. The goal was not simply to restore old boundaries but to resize the main powers so they could balance each other and remain at peace. To bring about a balance of power in Europe and prevent further conflict, they developed what became known as the Concert of Europe, beginning with the Congress of Vienna. The very fact that it was held in Vienna was in itself a great success for him. Mecklenburg-Schwerin Leopold von Plessen. All rights reserved. The Concert of Europe was the political framework that grew out of the Quadruple Alliance in November 1815. Virtually every state in Europe had a delegation in Vienna more than 200 states and princely houses were represented at the Congress. The Congress of Vienna was an international conference convened in 1814 in order to resolve the Second Italian War. Congress of Vienna 18141815 Goals of the Congress Peace settlement Legitimacy: restore "legal" governments (hereditary monarchy) Compensation: reward nations that helped to defeat Napoleon The Congress of Vienna taught Europe a quick fix to inner continental fighting, but quick fixes do not last. Finland and Poland were awarded to Russia. Most of the battles took place in the Crimean peninsula, which the Allies finally seized. The territory he fought hardest to gain was Poland. You might wonder why an emergency congress took place in late 1814 in Vienna. The Vienna Settlement refers to a series of agreements made by the European powers at the Congress of Vienna . Otherwise, the Congress system failed by 1823. License:CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeKlemens von Metternich. In time, France was established as a fifth member of the Concert. However, by 1823 the diplomatic system developed by the Congress by which the main powers could propose a conference to solve a crisis had failed. Both Russia and Prussia wanted to annex Poland. Located at: To establish a much-needed balance of power for a secure Europe. The balance of power was one of Prince Klemens von Metternichs main concerns. To prevent this, many states decided to work together to come up with a plan. The Congresss principal results were the enlargements of Russia, which gained most of the Duchy of Warsaw (Poland), and Prussia, which acquired the district of Pozna, Swedish Pomerania, Westphalia, and the northern Rhineland. The failure of newly formed diplomatic alliances to restore old conservatism also led to these wars. The Congress of Vienna and the resulting Concert of Europe, aimed at creating a stable and peaceful Europe after the Napoleonic Wars, succeeded in creating a balance of power and peaceful diplomacy for almost a decade. The congress took place based on three significant goals. What were the conservative goals of the Congress of Vienna and how was the concert of Europe meant to safeguard those objectives? copyright 2003-2022 The major players - Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and France - also had their own agendas. as victorious powers and/or great powers Europe, Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia and France dominated the negotiations and the most important decisions were from them met and or approved. Also with the restoration was the territorial reorganization of Europe decided. Located at: The leaders paid little attention to the people when redrawing Europe. Provided by: Castlereagh dreamed of long term peace and united powers in Europe. License:CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeKarl August von Hardenberg. The Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) ended the occupation of France. The congress is historically the first congress comprising of conflicting bodies that engaged in face to face negotiations. The revolutionary wave began in France in February and immediately spread to most of Europe and parts of Latin America. The Congress of Vienna was a successful attempt by the Austrian Empire to resolve the problem of the Hungarian revolution of 1848. The uprisings were led by shaky ad hoc coalitions of reformers, the middle classes, and workers, which did not hold together for long. The remit of the Congress of Vienna was to establish a stable European order, with France under the Bourbons a part of it, not to diminish France to the profit of other powers (which would have harmed the restored monarchy in France). The Congress of Vienna validated these points as it took place between countries of higher authority and power. The delegates had to give up some territories to gain bigger ones. Britain, Russia, and Prussia, who had control over some of the European powers, were not exempted from the target. It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history. The Congress of Vienna set new borders and decided on methods to keep the peace in Europe after Napoleon Bonaparte's disastrous reign. This conservative agenda has been heavily criticized by many historians who argue that it stood in the way of progress and created the conditions for World War I. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Prigord of France was largely responsible for quickly returning France to its place alongside the other major powers in international diplomacy after their defeat in the Napoleonic Wars. Provided by: Wikipedia. Switzerland Every canton had its own delegation. It served as the foundation that shined a light on the paradigm of proper authority. Create your account. The Final Act, embodying all the separate treaties created at and around the Congress of Vienna, was signed on June 9, 1815, ushering in major territorial changes to Europe to create a balance of power between nations. The other countries feared that Russia's expansion would make it too powerful. The four victorious powers mentioned here were also the great powers, i.e. Following an Ottoman naval disaster in November, Britain and France declared war against Russia. | 22 He wanted to improve the army system, completely reconstruct the education system, and open the civil services to people of all classes. Second Peace of Paris: November 1815: After the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, the allied countries who took part in the Congress of Vienna agreed they needed to set up harsher terms for France because Napoleon had such a following and was able to put together an army for the second time. As you may have noticed, most of the principles in favor of the nobility written (restoration, legitimacy, compensation) and that is not surprising, because all participants of the Congress came from the nobility. France was diminished to its borders of 1789. Britain did however ratify the Quadruple Alliance, signed on the same day as the Second Peace Treaty of Paris (November 20, 1815) by the same three powers that signed the Holy Alliance on September 26, 1815. This period contains the time of the Holy Alliance, a military agreement. To accomplish this, a new balance of power had to be established. It demonstrated how to quickly get the continent out of a terrible conditions under a horrible leader, but it also neglected how to maintain that peace for centuries to come. Here are the results of the Congress of Vienna: However, since the delegates were more concerned about only borders and the control of certain territories, the topic of balance of powers and international relations was ignored. Napoleon went on exile but later resurfaced in 1815 to continue his quest. Basically, the Congress of Vienna had four major goals: In the run-up to the actual negotiations, however, the participants agreed on five guiding principles, on the basis of which they then made all subsequent decisions. With the territorial reorganization one thing should primarily be achieved: that balancing of power relations on the continent since the strength of a state also at the size of its territory measure. There are speculations that the represented countries where members of the old order. The idea for the Congress was born out of the fear that the Ottoman Empire would extend its influence beyond its borders and become a global power. Prussia would get some of Saxony and pieces of Rhineland and Westphalia. Some countries got exactly what they wanted. For the next twenty years, Otto von Bismarck managed to maintain this balance by proposing treaties and creating many complex alliances between the European nations, such as the Triple Alliance. And to contain the Russian empire, Poland was divided up between Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Answer:The objective of the Vienna Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critial issues arising from the French Revolution wars and Napoleonic Wars. He was also wary of Russian dominance. It was one peace congress the European ruler, with whom over the future of Europe after the end of napoleonic supremacy was decided. Provided by: Wikipedia. To contain France within its current borders. I feel like its a lifeline. During the wars, Portugal lost its town of Olivena to Spain and moved to have it restored. Some states with little influence had representatives present to vouch for airing their own opinion. The Treaty of Paris, signed March 30, 1856, ended the war. Prussias hostility for France was apparent that even at the congress held in Vienna, they suggested that France should not be pardoned. License:CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeBalanceOfPower.jpg. Provided by: Wikipedia. The Congress of Vienna received an unpleasant surprise on March 1, 1815. France had to pay a 700 million francs restitution. In the years of 1792 to 1813 conquered France in the Coalition Wars large parts of Europe (including Spain, Italy and the German states) and thus structured the political map of the continent completely over. Their delegates also suggested that France should be punished severely for Napoleons actions. Other, less important territorial adjustments included significant gains for the German Kingdoms of Hanover (which gained East Frisia from Prussia and various other territories in Northwest Germany) and Bavaria (which gained the Rhenish Palatinate and territories in Franconia). As with any successful Congress, there was a list of goals they hoped to accomplish in the wake of Napoleon's abdication, or his stepping down from the throne. Battle of Waterloo: June 1815: Napoleon was exiled to Elba, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, following his first defeat. The delegates traded countries as if they were nothing. Metternich had hoped that a system of congresses, at which the great powers would concert their actions, would maintain order and peace in Europe. The Congress of Vienna and the borders decided lasted for about forty years. What were the main goals of the Congress of Vienna? Provided by: Wikipedia. Now his enemies had to figure out what to do with him and how to reestablish a balance of power in Europe that would create stronger security and prevent future wars. Many of the old borderswhich Napoleon tore down restored for example in Portugal, Spain and also mostly in Italy. The war lasted six months, and in the end, Hungary was defeated and its territory was divided between the Central Powers and Hungary. Prussia was represented by Prince Karl August von Hardenberg, the Chancellor, and the diplomat and scholar Wilhelm von Humboldt. The goal of the Congress was to prevent a larger conflict between the two Great Powers. After all, they were seeking a balance of power. It gathered in 1814 following the first defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was the emperor of France. The major powers of Europe set aside some of their differences to depose the horrible leader and his decisions. Located at: Another example was the American Revolution where Great-Britain lost its power. The results of the Congress of Vienna were established new borders and the main five countries were given different territories. Students will state the actions of the Congress of Vienna and the consequences of these actions. Every member of the coalition promptly joined the Alliance, except for the United Kingdom, a constitutional monarchy with a more liberal political philosophy. It is because most of the countries in Europe are colonies of other countries in charge of higher power and authority. Identify the participants in the Congress of Vienna and their representatives. Deciding in the end that it was better to become part of Europe than to stand alone, Spain finally accepted the Treaty on May 7, 1817; however, Olivena and its surroundings were never returned to Portuguese control and this question remains unresolved. It admitted the Ottoman Empire to the Concert of Europe, and the Powers promised to respect its independence and territorial integrity. Text adapted from Boundless World History. It operated in Europe from the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1815) to the early 1820s. Created the Kingdom of the Netherlands Combined 39 German states into the German Confederation (dominated by Austria) Switzerland now independent nation Kingdom of Sardinia (in Italy) adds Genoa Goals & Objectives Students will learn about the Congress of Vienna and how Europe was restructured because of it. Colonization was also not encouraged but was limited instead. Located at: France lost all of its territorial conquests from the Napoleonic Wars. You can find out more about the individual principles in the Legitimacy & Restoration declaration here in the learning set for the Congress of Vienna! He remained wary of Russian dominance. Great Britain was represented first by its Foreign Secretary, Viscount Castlereagh, then by the Duke of Wellington, after Castlereaghs return to England in February 1815. However, he went on exile before the congress took place in its urgency, and there were speculations that he might come back. Chancellor Klemens von Metternich (Austria). Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Located at: The more territory you conquer indeed leads to more power and authority. Peace lasted for a couple decades, but in the end the Congress of Vienna's decisions ended up failing. These diverse revolutionary movements were in opposition to the conservative agenda of the Congress of Vienna and marked a major challenge to its vision for a stable Europe. Hemmed in by his enemies on both sides, he decided to abdicate his throne on April 6, 1814. Under the Concert of Europe, the major European powersBritain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and (after 1818) Francepledged to meet regularly to resolve differences. The basic tenet of the European balance of power is that no single European power should be allowed to achieve hegemony over a substantial part of the continent and that this is best curtailed by having a small number of ever-changing alliances contend for power. It was held from October 1814 to February 1815 in the Palace of Vienna, and was the first international conference since the fall of the Roman Empire. It renewed the use of the Congress System, which advanced European international relations. Before 1850 Britain and France dominated Europe, but by the 1850s they had become deeply concerned by the growing power of Russia and Prussia.
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