Nazism, the German variant of twentieth-century fascism, classified inhabitants of the country into three main hierarchical categories, each of which would have different rights in relation to the state: citizens, subjects, and aliens. Using the racial descriptors Black and White as nouns is usually considered offensive. In Athens, citizens were both rulers and ruled, important political and judicial offices were rotated and all citizens had the right to speak and vote in the political assembly. [24] The 1973 NHS Reorganisation Act is an example of such policies, within this act family planning advice and supplies were first issued to the public. The Sino-British Joint Declaration is a treaty between the governments of the United Kingdom and China signed in 1984 setting the conditions in which Hong Kong was transferred to Chinese control and for the governance of the territory after 1 July 1997.. Hong Kong had been a colony of the British Empire since 1842 after the First Opium War and its territory was expanded on two For example, Southall Black Sisters was established in 1979 "to meet the needs of black (Asian and Afro-Caribbean) women". Wong, Yiu-chung. Historian Geoffrey Hosking in his 2005 Modern Scholar lecture course suggested that citizenship in ancient Greece arose from an appreciation for the importance of freedom. [2] Such determinations are part of nationality law. Alternate plans that involved offering China a substantial loan and settling land disputes on the Burmese border were suggested, but these ideas similarly did not progress past discussion. [20] Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKCs) previously had the unrestricted right to enter and live in the UK until 1962,[21] although non-white immigration was systemically discouraged. [90] Colonial-era street names and postbox royal cyphers are not actively removed by the government and remain unchanged. [38] Abortion, while illegal during the 19th century, was also used by women, however to what extent at the time is unknown. [116][117], 1984 British-Chinese treaty regarding the transfer of Hong Kong, Zhnghu Rnmn Gnghgu zhngf h D Blidin j Bi i'rln Linh Wnggu zhngf guny Xinggng Wnt de Linh Shngmng, Jngwah Jhnmhn Guhngwhgwok jing f wh daaih bk liht dn kahp bk oi yh lahn lyhn hahp whng gwok jing f gwan y heng gng mahn tah dk lyhn hahp sng mhng, Annex I: Chinese basic policies for Hong Kong, Annex II: Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, Dispute over treaty's continued binding status, Premier of the State Council of People's Republic of China, national security legislation on Hong Kong, Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory, Unofficial Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, National People's Congress Standing Committee, disqualification of opposition Legislative Council candidates, principal officials of the Hong Kong government, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Joint Declaration on the Question of Macau, Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, "The Joint Declaration and Its Implementation", The Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order 1986, "British National (Overseas) and British Dependent Territories Citizens", "Hong Kong smugglers rely on UK passports", "A Battle Royal Rocks Imperial Yacht Club", "Colonial street names and royal cyphers on postboxes will not be removed, says Hong Kong gov't", "Hong Kong 19972007: a personal perspective", "World Briefing. [4] By the end of the Second World War, this transition had been completed and the society had a low but fluctuating birth rate, a low death rate and a slowed growth rate of the population. National identity is person's subjective sense of belonging to one state or to one nation. [26], Formal negotiations began in September 1982 with the arrival of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Hong Kong Governor Edward Youde in Beijing to meet with Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang and paramount leader Deng Xiaoping. In regards to St. Helena, Lord Beaumont of Whitley in the House of Lords debate on the British Overseas Territories Bill on 10 July 2001,[15] stated: Citizenship was granted irrevocably by Charles I. [21] And being a citizen often meant being subject to the city's law in addition to having power in some instances to help choose officials. William Whitelaw, the Home Secretary under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, was the chief author. [24] Citizenship became an idealized, almost abstract, concept,[10] and did not signify a submissive relation with a lord or count, but rather indicated the bond between a person and the state in the rather abstract sense of having rights and duties. The Judiciary consists of a series of courts, of which the court of final adjudication is the Court of Final Appeal. [38] Technological developments within the society also began to have an effect; contraceptive use become somewhat usable on a mass scale in the latter half of the 19th century due to technological developments in the production of rubber. Similarly, you can have rising life expectancy despite high levels of inequality this was the case in Britain from 1900-1950. [41] It is currently only possible to transfer British subject status by descent if an individual born to a British subject parent would otherwise be stateless. [19] Roman citizenship was more impersonal, universal, multiform, having different degrees and applications.[19]. Socialism as practised in mainland China would not be extended to Hong Kong and the territory's capitalist economy and the civil liberties of its residents (such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion) would be protected and remain unchanged for 50 years. [24], Due to migration beginning in the late 90s and especially during the 2000s lead to the overall total fertility rate of the country to rise by 0.1 in the period of 2004 to 2011. [115] Such few minorities formed in total numbers over a long period of time and the largest numerical minority which resembled over one million were Irish people. Further details may exist on the. Since then, the rate has not risen to an above replacement level fertility rate; this has resulted in a population which is currently ageing:[4] in 2007, for the first time in the country's history, there were more people over the age of 60 then there were under the age of 16. [62], In 2004, 58% of births were conceived within a married couple, 35% by non-married couples registered by both parents and 7% by non-married mothers who registered the birth alone. Abortion in the United Kingdom (however not Northern Ireland) was officially legalised in 1967 under the Abortion Act of that year, allowing women for the first time to get an abortion under numerous medical grounds outlined within the act. However, it is believed that these will prove manageable; and also, to a degree, that society will adapt.[24], In 2003, Right to Request was setup which allowed the parents of small children to request flexible working times which included shorter working hours for parents to care for their children. The Act made a variety of other changes to the law: In some cases, transitional arrangements were made that preserved certain aspects of the old legislation. (1992). The Immigration Department said it would not reimburse levies, which are prepaid half-yearly or yearly in advance. To allow them to retain the status of British national while preventing a possible flood of immigrants from Hong Kong, the United Kingdom created a new nationality status, British National (Overseas) that Hong Kong British Dependent Territories citizens could apply for. [10] According to sociologist Arthur Stinchcombe, citizenship is based on the extent that a person can control one's own destiny within the group in the sense of being able to influence the government of the group. This fertility rate within the United Kingdom has been falling since 1870, when the country began into transition into the 3rd stage of the demographic transition. Article 17 (1) of the Treaty on European Union[46] stated that: Citizenship of the Union is hereby established. [21] The Secretary for the Civil Service, Denise Yue Chung-yee, signed off on the approval for him to take up the job after his request passed through the vetting committee.[22]. [43][44], Legal identification establishing the person as a subject of a sovereign state, This article is about legal identification with a particular country. Catherine is a phlebotomist. [20] New World argued that they hired Leung in good faith after government clearance. To make it involuntary or automatic would have been contrary to the assurances given to the Chinese government which led to the words "eligible to" being used in paragraph (a) of the United Kingdom Memorandum to the Sino-British Joint Declaration. [51][52][53] Potential factors behind this may be austerity measures imposed in the beginning of the 2010s,[53][54] which coincidentally since then mortality rates have slowed down in decline[55] or older people dying off at faster rates then expected. Ethnic background / nationality' White British. For example, a South African citizen in 1967 would have been considered a British subject in Canada, but not the United Kingdom or South Africa. [149] The census also recorded 176,632 people stating their religion as Jedi Knight and 6,242 people as Heavy Metal[150] after a campaign by Metal Hammer. By 1914, the birthrate sat at around 2.88 children per woman, however by 1918 had collapsed proportionally by almost 50%[42] due to World War One and sank to 2.03 children. [37][38], Nationality law defines citizenship and statelessness. The concept of citizenship is criticized by open borders advocates, who argue that it functions as a caste, feudal, or apartheid system in which people are assigned dramatically different opportunities based on the accident of birth. The British negotiator considered the 99-year lease term to be sufficiently suggestive that the ceded area would be a permanent cession,[4] which was granted rent-free. If there is no emigration of citizens and no immigration to the, A fifth estimate, made by the Philip Rees and the, Population groupings over time with projections up to 2051 by David Coleman (2010). This form of citizenship was based on the obligations of citizens towards the community, rather than rights given to the citizens of the community. "[40] Citizenship is seen by most scholars as culture-specific, in the sense that the meaning of the term varies considerably from culture to culture, and over time. From 1997 onwards, ethnic diversity has increased rapidly since the country experienced net-positive migration in 1992[4] and then in 1997 with the expansion and lifting of restrictions on immigration with the New Labour government. The traditional religion in the United Kingdom is Christianity. Crisis and Transformation in China's Hong Kong. [4] While this was overturned with the English Civil War in 17th century, it allowed the population to grow at a faster pace, causing the population of England to reach a pre-collapse total of 5.74million by 1750. Applicants who successfully register in this way become British citizens by descent and cannot pass citizenship to their children born outside of the UK. Each state determines the conditions under which it will recognize persons as its citizens, and the conditions under which that status will be withdrawn. By the beginning of the 21st century, the population of the United Kingdom rested at a total of 59,113,000 people. [62], The first annex of the treaty elaborates on the Chinese government's basic policies for Hong Kong. The first and foremost difference between nationality and citizenship are discussed in the article. [44], British subjects automatically lose the status if they acquire any other nationality, including other British nationality classes, unless they possess the status through a connection with Ireland. The population of the United Kingdom was estimated at over 67.0million in 2020. 1. Some intergovernmental organizations have extended the concept and terminology associated with citizenship to the international level,[45] where it is applied to the totality of the citizens of their constituent countries combined. [citation needed] It should also be noted that the wording of the Basic Law on the term of the Chief Executive is substantially different from the articles in the PRC constitution concerning the length of term of the president, premier, etc. Ethnic background/nationality: White British. Regulations apply to the entire island of Ireland, including the Republic of Ireland itself and Northern Ireland, a constituent part of the United However, British citizenship is not the only type of British nationality. [4] In Scotland, population growth was not to the same extent as it was in England, which resulted in being significantly lower in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, which is often ascribed to similar factors halting it such as a high mortality rate, especially for infants, and later marriage and childbearing patterns. In section 1 of the principal Act (application of Part I), in subsection (2)(b) after the words "citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies" there shall be inserted the words "and fulfils the condition specified in subsection (2A) of this section", and after subsection (2) there shall be inserted the following subsection:-, The stripping of birth rights from Bermudians by the British Government in 1968 and 1971, and the change of their citizenship in 1983, actually violated the rights granted them by Royal Charters at the founding of the colony. [23] Donald Tsang asked the SCS[clarification needed] to reassess the approval, and submit a report to him. [34], Since 1838, it has been compulsory to register a birth or death in the United Kingdom. The Indus region, which covers most of present day Pakistan, was the site of several By the time children reach secondary education there is an emphasis on such unconventional subjects to be included in an academic curriculum. [50] At the insistence of Governor Youde and Executive Council members, the group was limited in its scope to be strictly advisory. Its to mark a white person who is indigenously British. The relation of citizenship has never been fixed or static, but constantly changes within each society. Chief Secretary Rafael Hui openly criticised pro-democracy Martin Lee and Bishop Zen for blocking the proposed changes. As average population is an estimate of the population in the middle of the year and not end of the year. About us About us We are national charity helping thousands of people every day through our housing, justice and education services. [151], Pew Research Center has found that by 2050 on all scenario's, the Islamic population of the United Kingdom will rise, depending on the scenario the percentage of the population which will be Islamic will either be 9.7% in a zero migration scenario, 16.7% in a medium migration scenario or 17.2% in a high migration scenario. 1321. [25], The next day, Donald Tsang confirmed that Denise Yue would not have to resign. An agricultural crisis in 1315 to 1322 and the Black Death in 1348 to 1350 collapsed the population by over a third of its pre-existing number, and the growth rate. Since then, many accords recognizing and regulating dual nationality have been formed.[34]. For example, one British journal published in 2004 estimated that approximately 5% of the British population is gay. [19], Just before the start of formal negotiations with China over Hong Kong, Parliament enacted a major reform of British nationality law the British Nationality Act 1981. The current largest metropolitan areas are listen below: Rapid urbanisation began with the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the mid to late 18th century, shifting jobs and more importantly people away from rural Britain's dominance at the time which was primarily agricultural, to manufacturing jobs within urban areas which started to spring up.
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