Canasai Kruengkrai, Junichi Yamagishi and Xin Wang, RealTranS: End-to-End Simultaneous Speech Translation with Convolutional Weighted-Shrinking Transformer Labeled faces in the wild: A database forstudying face recognition in unconstrained environments[C]//Workshop on faces in'Real-Life'Images: detection, alignment, and recognition. Wei Zhu, Probing Toxic Content in Large Pre-Trained Language Models Unadversarial Examples: Designing Objects for Robust Vision, Deep Jump Learning for Off-Policy Evaluation in Continuous Treatment Settings, Attention Approximates Sparse Distributed Memory, Augmented Shortcuts for Vision Transformers, Finding Regions of Heterogeneity in Decision-Making via Expected Conditional Covariance, Identifying and Benchmarking Natural Out-of-Context Prediction Problems, Label Disentanglement in Partition-based Extreme Multilabel Classification, Leveraging SE(3) Equivariance for Self-supervised Category-Level Object Pose Estimation from Point Clouds, A Theoretical Analysis of Fine-tuning with Linear Teachers, Overinterpretation reveals image classification model pathologies, Neural Circuit Synthesis from Specification Patterns, Directional Message Passing on Molecular Graphs via Synthetic Coordinates, Federated Multi-Task Learning under a Mixture of Distributions, Learning Generative Vision Transformer with Energy-Based Latent Space for Saliency Prediction, Regularization in ResNet with Stochastic Depth, ResT: An Efficient Transformer for Visual Recognition, Adversarial Examples for k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Based on Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams, Adversarially Robust 3D Point Cloud Recognition Using Self-Supervisions, Tuning Mixed Input Hyperparameters on the Fly for Efficient Population Based AutoRL, Neural Algorithmic Reasoners are Implicit Planners, Self-Supervised Learning with Kernel Dependence Maximization, CROCS: Clustering and Retrieval of Cardiac Signals Based on Patient Disease Class, Sex, and Age, Representing Hyperbolic Space Accurately using Multi-Component Floats, Dimensionality Reduction for Wasserstein Barycenter, Neural Population Geometry Reveals the Role of Stochasticity in Robust Perception, Unsupervised Learning of Compositional Energy Concepts, Nearly Horizon-Free Offline Reinforcement Learning, Combinatorial Optimization for Panoptic Segmentation: A Fully Differentiable Approach, Reinforcement Learning with State Observation Costs in Action-Contingent Noiselessly Observable Markov Decision Processes, Revisiting the Calibration of Modern Neural Networks, The decomposition of the higher-order homology embedding constructed from the $k$-Laplacian, Breaking the Moments Condition Barrier: No-Regret Algorithm for Bandits with Super Heavy-Tailed Payoffs, A nonparametric method for gradual change problems with statistical guarantees, Multimodal and Multilingual Embeddings for Large-Scale Speech Mining, Necessary and sufficient graphical conditions for optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models with hidden variables, On Blame Attribution for Accountable Multi-Agent Sequential Decision Making, FLEX: Unifying Evaluation for Few-Shot NLP, A flow-based latent state generative model of neural population responses to natural images, Learnable Fourier Features for Multi-dimensional Spatial Positional Encoding, Doubly Robust Thompson Sampling with Linear Payoffs, A Computationally Efficient Method for Learning Exponential Family Distributions, Rethinking Neural Operations for Diverse Tasks, Motif-based Graph Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular Property Prediction, On Inductive Biases for Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation, DP-SSL: Towards Robust Semi-supervised Learning with A Few Labeled Samples, Adversarial Graph Augmentation to Improve Graph Contrastive Learning, Online Control of Unknown Time-Varying Dynamical Systems, Contrastive Reinforcement Learning of Symbolic Reasoning Domains, Spatial Ensemble: a Novel Model Smoothing Mechanism for Student-Teacher Framework, Probabilistic Tensor Decomposition of Neural Population Spiking Activity, Recurrent Bayesian Classifier Chains for Exact Multi-Label Classification, Wasserstein Flow Meets Replicator Dynamics: A Mean-Field Analysis of Representation Learning in Actor-Critic, Assessing Fairness in the Presence of Missing Data, Adversarial Attack Generation Empowered by Min-Max Optimization, Safe Pontryagin Differentiable Programming, Class-Disentanglement and Applications in Adversarial Detection and Defense, Active 3D Shape Reconstruction from Vision and Touch, CAPE: Encoding Relative Positions with Continuous Augmented Positional Embeddings, Multi-armed Bandit Requiring Monotone Arm Sequences, Gradient Driven Rewards to Guarantee Fairness in Collaborative Machine Learning, Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity, DualNet: Continual Learning, Fast and Slow, Deformable Butterfly: A Highly Structured and Sparse Linear Transform, Why Do Pretrained Language Models Help in Downstream Tasks? Anonymous, The Danbooru Community, & Gwern Branwen; Danbooru2020: A Large-Scale Crowdsourced and Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset, 2021-01-12. That should give you Danbooru2017 bit-identical to as released on 2018-02-13. Tobias Eder, Viktor Hangya and Alexander Fraser, Learning to Solve NLP Tasks in an Incremental Number of Languages These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A combination of a n = 300k subset of the 512px SFW subset of Danbooru2017 and Nagadomis moeimouto face dataset are available as a Kaggle-hosted dataset: Tagged Anime Illustrations (36GB). FVC: A New Framework towards Deep Video Compression in Feature Space pp. Jiacheng Ye, Tao Gui, Yichao Luo, Yige Xu and Qi Zhang, Dual Slot Selector via Local Reliability Verification for Dialogue State Tracking Disentangling Identifiable Features from Noisy Data with Structured Nonlinear ICA, Conditionally Parameterized, Discretization-Aware Neural Networks for Mesh-Based Modeling of Physical Systems, USCO-Solver: Solving Undetermined Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Adaptive Conformal Inference Under Distribution Shift, Periodic Activation Functions Induce Stationarity, Towards Optimal Strategies for Training Self-Driving Perception Models in Simulation, KS-GNN: Keywords Search over Incomplete Graphs via Graphs Neural Network, Reconstruction for Powerful Graph Representations, Revealing and Protecting Labels in Distributed Training, Solving Graph-based Public Goods Games with Tree Search and Imitation Learning, Stochastic Optimization of Areas Under Precision-Recall Curves with Provable Convergence, Transfer Learning of Graph Neural Networks with Ego-graph Information Maximization, You are caught stealing my winning lottery ticket! Lianbo Ma, Huimin Ren, Zhiwei Lin and Xiliang Zhang, Learning to Bridge Metric Spaces: Few-shot Joint Learning of Intent Detection and Slot Filling Yinpei Dai, Hangyu Li, Yongbin Li, Jian Sun, Fei Huang, Luo Si and Xiaodan Zhu, Continual Learning for Task-oriented Dialogue System with Iterative Network Pruning, Expanding and Masking Image boorus like Danbooru are image hosting websites developed by the anime community for collaborative tagging. Anthony Chen, Pallavi Gudipati, Shayne Longpre, Xiao Ling and Sameer Singh, QASR: QCRI Aljazeera Speech Resource A Large Scale Annotated Arabic Speech Corpus Quan Wang, Haifeng Wang, Yajuan Lyu and Yong Zhu, GLGE: A New General Language Generation Evaluation Benchmark These tags form a folksonomy to describe aspects of images; beyond the expected tags like long_hair or looking_at_the_viewer, there are many strange and unusual tags, including many anime or illustration-specific tags like seiyuu_connection (images where the joke is based on knowing the two characters are voiced in different anime by the same voice actor) or bad_feet (artists frequently accidentally draw two left feet, or just bad_anatomy in general). With the exception of MNIST & Omniglot, almost all commonly-used deep learning-related image datasets are photographic. Tao Qi, Fangzhao Wu, Chuhan Wu and Yongfeng Huang, Ultra-Fine Entity Typing with Weak Supervision from a Masked Language Model Hu Xu, Gargi Ghosh, Po-Yao Huang, Prahal Arora, Masoumeh Aminzadeh, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Florian Metze and Luke Zettlemoyer, Corpus-Level Evaluation for Event QA: The IndiaPoliceEvents Corpus Covering the 2002 Gujarat Violence So the absence of a tag isnt as informative as the presence of a tageyeballing images and some rarer tags, I would guess that tags are present <10% of the time they should be. Similar face datasets: DanbooruAnimeFaces:revamped (DAF:re) (Rios et al 2021): a reprocessed dataset, using n = 460k larger 224px images of 300k characters. Generative vs. Discriminative: Rethinking The Meta-Continual Learning, Model, sample, and epoch-wise descents: exact solution of gradient flow in the random feature model, Rethinking Graph Transformers with Spectral Attention. Rewarding Pre-Trained Models Improves Formality Style Transfer Shizhe Diao, Xinwei Shen, Kashun Shum, Yan Song and Tong Zhang, John praised Mary because he? Zeyu Dai and Ruihong Huang, Representing Syntax and Composition with Geometric Transformations Haoming Jiang, Danqing Zhang, Tianyu Cao, Bing Yin and Tuo Zhao, Competence-based Multimodal Curriculum Learning for Medical Report Generation To reconstruct the metadata, each year is provided as a separate directory in metadata.tar.xz. Maximin Coavoux, Hyperbolic Temporal Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Relational and Time Curvatures 1502-1511. -- Unsupervised, Model-based Dense Face Alignment, Active Visual Information Gathering for Vision-Language Navigation, Unsupervised Shape and Pose Disentanglement for 3D Meshes, CLAWS: Clustering Assisted Weakly Supervised Learning with Normalcy Suppression for Anomalous Event Detection, Inclusive GAN: Improving Data and Minority Coverage in Generative Models, SESAME: Semantic Editing of Scenes by Adding, Manipulating or Erasing Objects, Dive Deeper Into Box for Object Detection, PG-Net: Pixel to Global Matching Network for Visual Tracking. Zhengbao Jiang, Jialong Han, BUNYAMIN SISMAN and Xin Luna Dong, Syntopical Graphs for Computational Argumentation Tasks robustness of image classifiers to different illustration styles (eg. Debjit Paul and Anette Frank, Bridge-Based Active Domain Adaptation for Aspect Term Extraction 3243-3252. Nada Aldarrab and Jonathan May, From Discourse to Narrative: Knowledge Projection for Event Relation Extraction Laura Perez-Mayos, Alba Taboas Garcia, Simon Mille, and Leo Wanner, Are Larger Pretrained Language Models Uniformly Better? A tensor is a multidimensional or N-way array. HashGAN: Deep Learning to Hash with Pair Conditional Wasserstein GAN pp. Xin Chen, Zhen Hai, Deyu Li, Suge Wang and Dian Wang, Encouraging Neural Machine Translation to Satisfy Terminology Constraints On Mitigating Social Biases in Language Modelling and Generation Juyong Kim, Pradeep Ravikumar, Joshua Ainslie and Santiago Ontanon, Bilingual Mutual Information Based Adaptive Training for Neural Machine Translation See the rsync documentation for further details. What Matters for Adversarial Imitation Learning? Yang Wu, Zijie Lin, Yanyan Zhao, Bing Qin and Li-Nan Zhu, What Would a Teacher Do? Qing Lyu, Hongming Zhang, Elior Sulem and Dan Roth, AND does not mean OR: Using Formal Languages to Study Language Models Representations Hang Le, Juan Pino, Changhan Wang, Jiatao Gu, Didier Schwab and Laurent Besacier, Efficient Text-based Reinforcement Learning by Jointly Leveraging State and Commonsense Graph Representations Can contrastive learning avoid shortcut solutions? Shahbaz Syed, Khalid Al Khatib, Milad Alshomary, Henning Wachsmuth and Martin Potthast, Substructure Substitution: Structured Data Augmentation for NLP Chia-Hsuan Lee, Oleksandr Polozov and Matthew Richardson, The statistical advantage of automatic NLG metrics at the system level 3465-3474. Ruocheng Wang, Jiayuan Mao, Samuel Gershman and Jiajun Wu, Entheos: A Multimodal Dataset for Studying Enthusiasm 1287-1296. Danbooru20xx datasets have been extensively used in projects & machine learning research. This problem may be understood as the convex relaxation of a rank minimization problem and arises in many important applications as in the task of recovering a large matrix from a small subset of its entries (the Beyond Value-Function Gaps: Improved Instance-Dependent Regret Bounds for Episodic Reinforcement Learning Christoph Dann, Teodor Vanislavov Marinov, Mehryar Mohri, Julian Zimmert; Learning One Representation to Optimize All Rewards Ahmed Touati, Yann Ollivier; Matrix factorisation and the interpretation of geodesic distance Nick Whiteley, Annie Gray, Vijit Malik, Rishabh Sanjay, Shubham Kumar Nigam, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Shouvik Kumar Guha, Arnab Bhattacharya and Ashutosh Modi, Common Sense Beyond English: Evaluating and Improving Multilingual Language Models for Commonsense Reasoning Chong Li, Cenyuan Zhang, Xiaoqing Zheng and Xuanjing Huang, Targeting the Benchmark: On Methodology in Current Natural Language Processing Research Yannik Keller, Jan Mackensen and Steffen Eger, Event Detection as Graph Parsing @InProceedings{Cai_2021_ICCV, author = {Cai, Guanyu and Zhang, Jun and Jiang, Xinyang and Gong, Yifei and He, Lianghua and Yu, Fufu and Peng, Pai and Guo, Xiaowei and Huang, Feiyue and Sun, Xing}, title = {Ask\&Confirm: Active Detail Enriching for Cross-Modal Retrieval With Partial Query}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference Fubang Zhao, Zhuoren Jiang, Yangyang Kang, Changlong Sun and Xiaozhong Liu, Self-Supervised Document Similarity Ranking via Contextualized Language Models and Hierarchical Inference Gautam Thakur, Janna Caspersen, Drahomira Herrmannova, Bryan Eaton and Jordan Burdette, An Evaluation of Disentangled Representation Learning for Texts Investigating the Negative Impact of Outliers on Active Learning for Visual Question Answering Proposed fix: in Danbooru2019+s 512px SFW subset, the downscaling has switched to adding white backgrounds rather than black backgrounds; while the same issue can still arise in the case of white line-art drawings with transparent backgrounds, these are much rarer.
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