Analysis of the 2020-2024 NAP is forthcoming. Nigeria has had a relatively long experience in development planning beginning with the Colonial Development Plan (1958-68). It is based on the program of the renaissance Act 2, on the basis of which the President of the Republic was elected for a second term. A. Niger: Introduction. Countries: Niger | The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission was established in 2005 as an independent regulator to drive the power sector reform. Draft decision* The Board approves the Niger country strategic plan (2020-2024) (WFP/EB.2/2019/7-A/6) at a total cost This country strategic plan focuses on supporting government emergency response while implementing integrated resilience activities to protect livelihoods and foster long-term recovery. The two broad objectives of Vision 20:2020 are to: The critical policy priorities identified by the Vision are: A key strategy in the implementation of Vision 20:2020 will be the empowerment of local government. Countercyclical fiscal policy to mitigate health and security shocks has led to an increase in public spending and a fiscal deficit above the WAEMU norm of 3% of GDP. National Development Plan 2021-2030. Human Health and Social Work Activities. Growing domestic insecurity and regional political instability have a direct or indirect impact on overall economic performance, public finances, access to markets and basic services, as well as with respect to missed educational opportunities and growing social tensions. For each defined strategic orientation, one or several programmes, Following completion of its initial 2012-2015 Social and Economic Development This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Plan, the Government developed a new 2017-2021 PDES against a backdrop of major concerns, Since then, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom have joined the Alliance. Through respect for humanitarian principles and community engagement, WFP will increase its access to hard-to-reach locations. Among these countries include Nigeria and South Africa (being the 2nd generation review), Niger and Namibia. Abstract. Its purpose is to guide the government and law-makers in developing, coordinating, and implementing the various policies, plans, strategies . The groundwork for supporting the NAP is considered, covering the policy, planning and bugetary framework, priority adaptation sectors in NDC, climate assessments, the implementation of adaptation actions and plans thus far. The 2016-2018 NAP was developed by the Ministry of Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, through a participatory approach that included consultations with civil society organisations, NGOs, and technical and financial partners. for change, around the core component of cultural renaissance. With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. Covid-19 and security spending has reduced fiscal space and increased debt vulnerability. The Social and Economic Development Plan is the first five-year plan for the operationalisation of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy (SDDCI, in French) Niger 2035 adopted by the Government on May 9, 2017. The eleventh National Development Plan (NDP 11) is the first medium term plan towards the implementation of the country's second vision - Vision 2036. 1. What can Nigeriens expect from this new strategy document? This development objective was defined on the basis of the Government's vision to reduce the country's poverty threshold from 50% in 2012 to 40% by 2025. The Federal Executive Council(FEC) has approved the National Development Plan (NDP) for 2021 to 2025 to succeed the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan(ERGP) which expired in December 2020. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Uganda. IOM Vision. 2021 target values. NESAP has also brought new dynamism to the solar equipment market, with the availability of a line of credit and technical assistance for private businesses. Demography 2. The Master Plan is designed to offer stakeholders at all levels (individual, group and community) the opportunity to participate fully in the planning and decision making process. Niger Country Strategic Plan (2020 - 2024) Countries: Niger | Operations ID: NE02 | Operations type: Country Strategic Plan (CSP) CSP approved at the EB November 2019 session. However, children in Niger are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including in hereditary slavery and mining, each sometimes as a result of human trafficking. Taking into account the development challenges facing the country, and the need to align the focus of the Plan with global . Owing to the Nigerian civil war which began during this time, this plan was further implemented from 1969 . Under the leadership of the Government, this approach aims to contribute to operationalizing the humanitariandevelopmentpeace nexus. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. Extracts from the Keynote Address by President Hage Geingob on the occasion of the launching of Namibia's Fifth National Development Plan, 31 May 2017. Reinforced partnerships with the Government, United Nations agencies, financial institutions, regional, sub-regional and non-governmental organizations, academia and local communities will be the foundation of WFPs interventions in the Niger. The overall 2021 Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) score for the regions 39 IDA-eligible countries remains unchanged at 3.1. Operations ID: NE02 | The World Bank has been providing support to the government for almost 10 years for the development of an effective social protection system. 87-16 containing the National Charter. Increasing insecurity and the spill over of conflicts induced by non-state groups from neighbouring countries compound these challenges, resulting in forced population displacements. The agenda for development planning was set in 2003 by a Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. With IDAs help, hundreds of millions of people have escaped povertythrough the creation of jobs, access to clean water, schools, roads, nutrition, electricity, and more. A state of emergency was declared in the Diffa, Tahoua, and Tillaberi regions. English. The reforms being implemented have placed the country in a good position to exploit solar energy and attract private investment. The report on the general and In light of their findings, eight key challenges were identified. The country strategic plan will be gender-equitable and will incorporate gender-transformative approaches to achieving zero hunger, including through the economic and social empowerment of women. The SPHCB has developed key strategic documents including strategic health development plan, ISS checklist, list of ISS team (including State and LGA members) and supervisory schedule. In Niger, IOM seeks to provide lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected populations in the southern regions of Niger, as well as to vulnerable Nigerien migrants within Niger or stranded abroad, as well as to foreign migrants, the majority from Economic Community of West African States - ECOWAS - countries, stranded in Niger (mainly in the Agadez region) who have expressed their willingness to return to their countries of origin. The Social and Economic Development Plan is the first five-year plan for the operationalisation of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy (SDDCI, in French) Niger 2035 adopted by the Government on May 9, 2017. Below is the National Scorecard presenting Niger State score from the assessment. This National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework aims to facilitate the management of Nigeria's medium- and long-term adaptation needs in a coherent and coordinated manner. These projects have already facilitated access to electricity for over 290,000 persons out of a target of almost one million by end-2023. This page of the essay has 6,198 words. These projects support the development of several sectors: In recent years, IFC has focused on identifying ways to support private sector development. The Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Prince Clem Agba disclosed this on Thursday at a world press conference, while speaking on the steps taken so far towards the development of Medium-Term National Development Plans (MTNDPs) 2021 - 2025 & 2026 - 2030 and the Perspective Plan, tagged "Nigeria Agenda 2050". Expected to last for five years, the plan had been costed to have an investment size of N348.7 trillion over the period . Download the full version above. Further, the government developed a National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons and a Plan for Social and Economic Development. to these concerns, five (5) strategic axis reflecting key aspects of sustainable human development The Niger Delta Region has witnessed a number of attempts to influence the pace and nature of development in the area and improve the standard of life for its people. with a GNI per capita of less than US$1025 it is classified by the World Bank as a Low Income Country. Niger Delta Development Commission. In response In Niger, more than 47 percent of children under 5 years of age are chronically undernourished, and the rates of acute malnutrition are well beyond the threshold for public health emergencies. Download. Niger adopted its second National Action Plan (NAP) for the period 2020-2024. National Development Plans provide an entry point for resilient and sustainable socio-economic development while reducing climate and disaster risks to development objectives. It is aligned with the 2017-2021 national economic and social development plan, the 2019-2021 United Nations Development Assistance Framework and the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel. Following completion of its initial 2012-2015 Social and Economic Development Plan, the Government developed a new 2017-2021 PDES against a backdrop of major concerns, particularly persistent security threats, illegal immigration, a decline in commodity prices, climate change, etc. This agreement will enable Niger to procure utility-scale solar power from reputable independent power producers more quickly and affordably. The first National Development Plan (1962 - 1 968): as soon as Nigeria gai ned independence in 1960, the First National Development Plan was immediately lunched. The Nigerien government, the Technical and Financial Partners (TFP), and other stakeholders were briefed on Tuesday, November 01, 2022, on the national priority of the 2022-2026 ESDP and the measures proposed to support the sustainable development of Niger, and the 2023-2027 Cooperation Framework Plan. The 2017-2021 PDES is also based on the orientations of the "Renaissance Program Act-2", articulated around eight priorities, namely (i) promoting cultural renaissance, (ii) continuing the consolidation of democratic institutions, (iii) ensure the security of people and property, (iv) guarantee access to water for all, (v) food and nutritional security through I3N, (vi) developing communication and energy infrastructures, (vii) developing the social sectors : education and health, (viii) promote youth employment. Interventions to build resilience and adaptive capacity of the agriculture sector to climate change in Niger i Government of Niger United Nations Development Programme PROJECT DOCUMENT UNDAF Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): Vulnerable communities enhance their food security, contribute to sustainable management of natural resources and ameliorate The Vision will be pursued through a series of three/fouryear plans which will further articulate strategies, policies, projects and programmes. Find out what the Bank Group's branches are doing in Niger. National Development Plan or "NDP" means the National Development Plan 2030; Sample 1 . At the same time, the World Banks commitment to help Niger accelerate the demographic transition, improve health and nutrition, and empower women and girls is on track. National Development Plan of Nigeria. Third National Development Plan (NDP III) 2020/21 - 2024/25. The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) undertook four full reviews in 2021. Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply. National Adaptation Plan process in focus: Lessons from Niger. National Development Plan of Cameroon. The Bank also supported the adoption of regulatory provisions that have helped make Nigers electricity sector one of the best economic performers in the subregion. Executive. GLOBAL HEALTH. Other major strategic initiatives - such as the Structural Adjustment Programme; the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy; the Strategy for Attaining the Millennium Development Goals; and the 7-Point . 3.1The First National Development Plan (1962-1968) The plan had a proposed capital expenditure of 676.800 million or N2, 132 million (Obiekeze and Obi, 2004) Fifty percent of the expenditure which was however to emanate National planning involves the process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the national goals. The following are examples of progress made possible by World Bank financing: The World Bank is contributing to Nigers COVID-19 vaccination efforts by providing technical and financial support in the following areas: In parallel, the Bank is continuing its efforts to maintain access to quality and affordable basic services despite the emergency response to COVID-19, focusing in particular on maternal and child health services in order to help build the countrys resilience and support the economic recovery. The Plan is based on the vision of the aforementioned strategy, through which Niger affirms its firm commitment to transformation at all levels and, above all, its desire to eradicate poverty and inequality. The country strategic plan has six strategic outcomes, which will contribute to WFP strategic results 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8: Strategic outcome 1: Crisis-affected people including refugees, internally displaced persons, members of host communities and returnees in targeted areas are able to meet their basic food and nutrition needs during and in the aftermath of a crisis. The World Banks strategy in Niger is based on three pillars: The goal is to accelerate economic and social development in Niger by tackling the obstacles that impede growth and poverty reduction efforts. Namibia's Vision 2030 is a long term perspective plan outlining the course . Other strategic initiatives which will be pursued include: Nigerias development programmes through the provision of demographic data and the co-ordination of population intervention activities. More than 10 million persons (41.8% of the population) were living in extreme poverty in 2021. Malaria accounts for 50 percent of deaths among children under 5. The Niger is a food-deficit, land-locked least developed country ranked last in the 2018 Human Development Index. By providing technical assistance and budgetary support to the government of Niger, the World Bank has also contributed to the adoption of the National Strategy for Access to Electricity (SNAE), which aims to raise the rate of access to electricity to 80% by 2035. Niger is facing a security crisis in the areas bordering Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Mali, where armed groups carry out repeated attacks against the security forces and civilians. Mohamed Bazoum, the candidate of the party in power, was elected president in elections held in December 2020 and February 2021, marking the first democratic transfer of power in the countrys history. Operations type: Country Strategic Plan (CSP). This program also helps households improve resilience and cope with unexpected shocks, such as those associated with climate change. The State has put in place a package of incentives to attract genuine investors. Agriculture and aquaculture (with focus on economic activities) 4. Nearly six million women of reproductive age and children under five use a range of basic reproductive health and nutrition services, 4.2 million children are vaccinated, nearly 1.6 million births are attended by skilled personnel, and 94% of facilities report their monthly results on time. The project will support climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts . USAID's goal for maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning (FP) is to increase people's access and use of quality care and services. Cash transfers in response to the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19: 400,000 urban and rural households (approximately 2,800,000 persons) each received a one-time transfer of CFAF 45,000, with a total value of $36 million. Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, Copyright - 2022. It sets government's the short-term development vision, and notably seeks to improve the management of environmental issues, and increase resilience. climate change, etc. An investment of nearly N350tn (about $850bn) over five years will raise Nigeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to about 1.3 trillion United States dollarstriple our current GDP of about 440 billion dollarsduring the same period. National Planning Authority . The countrys economy is vulnerable to climate change and its population, more than 70% of whom work in subsistence agriculture, is affected by volatile weather conditions. March 29, 2018. Project General Description. The Plan is based on the vision of the aforementioned strategy, through which Niger affirms its firm commitment to transformation at all levels and, above all, its desire to eradicate poverty and inequality. Establishing appropriate mechanisms to allow for civic engagement and citizen participation, especially the effective participation of women, in public policy development and implementation, to ensure that, apart from periodically electing their representatives, the people are continually involved in decisions and activities affecting them, either directly as individuals or through civil society organisations, such as community based organisations and special interest groups. Inflationary pressures persisted in 2021 with rising food prices, especially of cereals, the result of the decline in local production and in yields due to rainfall deficits of more than 78% and to the insecure environment and the suspension of cereal exports by neighboring countries. Although the boundaries of the property are clearly defined and controlled . NDDC Mission for the Niger Delta. specifically, the coordinating consultants require the ideas and opinions of stakeholders as basis for defining focus . Ground Floor, New Wing Government Buildings Suva, Republic of Fiji +679 3301 806 ; Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm; Submit Feedback The country strategic plan is informed by the 2018 National Zero Hunger Strategic Review and lessons learned from past WFP operations. In the medium term, inflation is expected to fall back below the 3% target as food and energy prices normalize. By land area, Niger is the largest country in West Africa and the 22nd in the world but 80% of the country lies within the Sahara Desert, Niger remains one of the world's least developed countries. The Federal Executive Council (FEC) has approved the National Development Plan (NDP) for 2021 to 2025 to succeed the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) which expired in December 2020 . These are: community boards of 1954, the farm settlement scheme of 1959, The First National Development Plan Period (1962-68); The Second National Development Plan Period(1974-1980); The Third National Development Plan Period (1975-80); The Fourth National Development Plan Period (1980-85); and the Post Fourth Plan Period (1985 to 1990), the agricultural development project, operation feed the nation, national directorate for employment, green revolution, mass mobilization for self-reliance . Can the Financial Trust Company be trusted..? Niger has thus taken an important step towards the goal of better health for all. 2017 Niger renaissance. National Development Plans. This new plan also goes well beyond the so . Manufacturing. Passed in 2022. Part of Campaigns. as a whole were defined: social development and demographic transition; The interconnections between the five orientations are driven by a dynamic Restoring the dignity of man through the enthronement of rule of law, Committed to educate, inform, motivate and inspire society, Providing legal services of the highest quality, Architecture, engineering infrastructure designs and construction, real estate and property development, project management, urban and rural development, National Population Commission of Nigeria, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, Society for Development and Community Empowerment. All rights reserved, Niger - National Development Plan 2017-2021, (FR) National Socio-Economic Development Plan 2017-2021, 1.1 Demonstrating the impact of effectiveness, 2.2 Effective Triangular Development Co-operation, 2.3 Country-led development effectiveness of SSC, 2.6 Development effectiveness at subnational level, 2022 Effective Development Co-operation Summit. Fig2: National Scorecard 3 Assessment of PHCUOR in Niger state 1 . We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. This is a prototype - your feedback will help us to improve it.
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