Distribution of Studies Requirements and Timetable, A.M.A. This includes office hours, time spent in the class you are teaching, preparation and grading time. D. dissertation early enough for them to read it and prepare their letters. The student will be able to postpone completion of course assignments, examinations, academic milestones and other academic requirements for the six week Accommodation Period. M.Privacy Act Funds for Graduate Student Research and Travel: Funds are available within the department to support graduate student travel on research and professional projects. The Chair or DGS should try to mediate any problems and to help the student continue to progress towards the degree. Evaluations of papers will be limited to a master's pass-fail. Exploration and Discovery; Multimedia, Communication & Creative Arts . This second offering will be set by the faculty member who taught the seminar in the fall; or by a suitable replacement designated by the Director of Graduate Studies or the Chair of Department. Notify the Administrative Assistant in writing of your office hours no later than the end of the first full week of classes. Committee members who are not in residence will be supplied with materials from the candidate and are expected to make a written report to the Director concerning the candidate's progress. The goal of the language requirement is to foster scholarship and teaching in a second language. In courses that use teaching assistants or teaching fellows, faculty evaluations are conducted by the faculty instructor. What must be clear is that in conception and execution the essay is the work of the individual student. These requests are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Each member of the Committee may vote to: 1) accept the dissertation and recommend the candidate for the degree; 2) accept the dissertation conditional upon minor changes, to be supervised by the Dissertation Director; 3) require major changes and a resubmission and re- evaluation of the dissertation; or 4) reject the dissertation without right of resubmission. You must have a complete draft of dissertation and your adviser must have given his or her approval to the Director of Career Outcomes. Doctoral students, however, will not be permitted an extension of the 7-year limit on the Ph.D. comprehensives. This seminar replaces the previously required departmental teaching practicum (HPS 2497) and FACDEV 2200 components of the HPS graduate program. 11. In recent years, a single share has been worth roughly $90. The Fall (September-December) and Spring (January-April) terms are when most courses are given. 9. Annual Meeting of Dissertation Committee a. HPS students who are enrolled in the CPAS Program will concentrate on the scientific and philosophical texts of Classical Greece and Rome. Students are still encouraged to continue taking seminars. Failure to comply with this rule can result in not being reappointed the following term, or in some cases, dismissal. With advance planning, TA, TF, GSA and GSR assignments can be adapted for modifications of schedule that new student parents need during a Parental Accommodation Period. II.EResearch Papers Requirement. The reportshould proposea timeline for the PROMPT completion and defense of their prospectus, preferably withing the coming fall or spring term, whichever is sooner. In the semesters following successfully passing the Comprehensive Requirement, students may register for up to 6 credits of Prospectus Research (HPS 2999). Those writing letters of recommendation must be given a draft version of the complete Ph. Prospectus: After the Dissertation Committee has been approved by the Chair, the student should prepare a written description of the dissertation project. 4. If you have full responsibility for a course, you must use the first meeting to cover preliminary matters discussed above and to present your first lecture. HPS 2000 replaces FACDEV 2200 required by the Graduate School. If any funds are undistributed by May 1, they will be redistributed against unreimbursed claims in the proportion indicated above in 1. Students may not sit a prospectus exam until requirementsIII.A-Eare satisfied. D.Promotion from TA to TF Students must include a word count on the front page of their research papers. These papers are to be a test of a student's own abilities and are to be regarded as examinations. No HPS courses at the 1000-level can count. 4. HPS 2102, the core seminar in history of science, is a graduate introduction to topics in History of Science. Final Oral Examination: The candidate is required to pass an oral examination in defense of the dissertation. Only courses taught in HPS may be used to satisfy this requirement. A major in HPS is great for students who wish to combine coursework in the sciences with work in more humanistically inclined disciplines. F.Courses in Other Departments Proficiency is to be demonstrated according toIII.D. Skills should include close reading, clear and accurate explication of arguments, and construction of sound philosophical arguments and counterarguments. Science History Institute, 2-yr Postdoc. People Graduate Students. Explore the website to learn more about all that is available to you. 1. HPS 3000 is reserved for students who have been admitted to candidacy. Formally, however, students are required to complete all requirements for the Ph.D. within a period of 10 years from the student's initial registration for graduate study or eight years if the student has received credit for a master's degree appropriate to the field of study. However, the Accommodation Period does not extend the University's academic Statute of Limitations. There are many student groups where you can further explore your academic passion or cultural interests. During this period of accommodation, the student will continue to be enrolled as a full-time student. Part (b) may be satisfied by a grade of B or better in a course approved by the DGS in consultation with the students faculty advisor. First and second-year students registered in the core seminars must take the examinations for those courses. The evaluations of the readers will then be presented to the faculty for a final decision. Graduate courses are numbered 2000 and above. If you need further guidance you should consult with the Director of Graduate Studies. The competitive fellowships allow graduate students in the health science. The Dean will notify the student in writing of the approval of admission to candidacy and of the composition of the Dissertation Committee. The University of Pittsburgh's current tuition and mandatory fee rates are effective for Academic Year 2021-2022, beginning Fall Term 2021. The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) is the student government organization that represents the interests of all graduate and professional students at the University of Pittsburgh. Each HPS course should be a valuable experience for every student enrolled in it. (Language acquisition courses cannot count toward the degree.) Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Graduate Student Assistants, or Graduate Student Researchers. 4. degree. This Fall, the Greek seminar meets on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm in . The student may not divide the time period of parental accommodation for use past this time limit. Nine hours from Area 3 (Philosophy of Science). Research Papers: Each student must submit, for evaluation by the faculty, a research paper in history of science that considers an historical topic using historical techniques, and a research paper in philosophy of science that considers a philosophical topic using philosophical techniques. Students who complete the Ph.D. program satisfactorily can expect strong support and aid from the Department in their efforts to find a suitable first position. Prospectus Research At least two weeks before the Final Oral Examination, the Dissertation Director must provide the Dean of Graduate Studies with a typewritten notice, listing the title of the dissertation, and the time and place of the Final Oral Examination, for announcement within the University. The examination will be conducted by the Dissertation Committee. Faculty are encouraged to remain flexible in their expectations of students who become new parents, so that students can meet the demands of graduate study at the same time that they face new demands in their parental roles. HPS graduate students are also eligible to apply to the Salmon Fund for research support. 7. Teaching assistantships and fellowships, A. https://www.as.pitt.edu/faculty/policies-and-procedures/academic-integri philosophy, exclusive of philosophy of science and logic. Only one leave of absence can be obtained by a student during her or his graduate career. 3. This course is reserved only for those students who have been admitted to candidacy, have 72 credits, and have met all departmental requirements for the Ph.D. except the dissertation. Students who performed poorly as TAs should not expect renewal. Students must obtain a doctoral pass on both papers in order to continue in the doctoral program. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, students must pass the prospectus exam no later than the Spring of their third year in order to remain eligible for financial aid. The Department strongly discourages incomplete grades in seminars. The grading of the examinations is to be carried out by a committee consisting of the faculty member in charge of the seminar and at least one other faculty member. After the end of the Parental Accommodation Period, students are expected to return to graduate study and resume progress toward completing their degrees. Important remarks about grading papers and exams. The HPS graduate degree program is built on a series of seminars (approximately 4-6 are offered each term). From high-quality health insurance for students holding academic appointments to GPSG-coordinated student representation on University-wide committees, Pitt students can utilize a variety of campus and school resources. Graduate Student Researcher. The logic requirement, which must be completed before the prospectus examination, can be satisfied by obtaining 'B' or better in Philosophy 1500, Philosophy 2500 or by examination. 24), and this fluid carries along all of the celestial bodies (planets, suns, comets, etc.). You (or your adviser) contact your letter writers, ask them to send the Director of Career Outcomes their letter by September 15 (September 1st for 2 or 3 letter writers if you are applying to fellowships in September). University rules forbid the posting of grades in public venues. Handbook, March 2003 3. b. Graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh continued their annual tradition of serving as catalysts for change through the 2022 Super Analytics Challenge, hosted by the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business. You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the University's policy on combating sexual harassment and for behaving in accordance with this policy. They will organize a mock job interview and rehearsal job talk as appropriate. a. Rationality, constructivism, and dinosaurs, A philosophical analysis of the role of selection experiments in evolutionary biology, A Comparison between Lorentz's Aether Theory and Special Relativity in the Light of the Experiments of Trouton and Noble, Albebraic Reasoning and Representation in Seventeenth Century Mathemacis: Fermat and the Treatise on Quadrature C. 1657, Rotman Institute of Philosohy at Western University, 2-yr Postdoc, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Lecturer), Leeds University postdoc; University of Nebraska at Omaha (tt) from Fall 2021, Ohio University (Research Assistant, American Electric Power Project), University of Leeds (Research Fellow in Climate Information for Adaptation), Washington University in St. Louis (Post Doctoral Research Fellow), University of California, Irvine (tt) deferred; 1yr U. Calgary postdoc, University of Bristol (Postdoctoral Fellowship), University of Southern California (Provost's Postdoctoral Scholar), Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (Distinguished Fellow), Drake University (Adjunct Professor Part-time), USC, Provost's Postdoctoral Scholarship in the Humanities, Winchester Thurston School (science teacher), University of Pittsburgh (research associate professor), University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Informatics(research associate professor); Software Engineering InstituteCERT Division, Carnegie Mellon University (security analysis researcher), University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (tt), Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles (Bioethics Director), Western Michigan University (visiting assistant professor), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Assistant Research Fellow), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Research Fellow); London School of Economics (Research Fellow), Unviersity of Bonn and University of Cambridge (post-doc), East Tennessee State University (visiting assistant professor), University of Southern Florida (instructor, permanent position), University of Southern California (post-doc), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (tt), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (t), University of British Columbia (post-doc), University of Alberta (tt), deferred for U. of Alberta post-doc, California State University, Northridge (tt), California State University, Northridge (t), Institute d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris, France (post-doc), University of Alabama at Birmingham (Philosophy, Economics, tt), Washington University in St Louis (post-doc), Max Planck Institute for History of Science (post-doc), Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Designated Federal Official, US Food and Drug Administration, Distinguished Career Teaching Professsor, CMU (fp). 2. Student's progress will be evaluated each April. Handbook, April 2005 A chart of normal progress to the degreeand table of course types are providedas a convenient summary of the program, but only the handbook text should be considered authoritative. N.Problem Resolution The HPS 2502/2503 combination is a two-term history of science sequence. They are to be taken in fall terms of the first two years in whichever order they are offered. 110 Music Building 4337 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260. The University of Pittsburgh is among the nation's most distinguished comprehensive universities, . Timing of Some Requirements for the Doctoral Program. a. D.Course Load Upon successful completion of distribution requirements, the logic requirement, language requirement, comprehensives, and upon approval of a suitable thesis topic and successful prospectus defense, they will begin work on their doctoral dissertation. Sexual harassment in its multi-varied forms is not acceptable. HPS 2103, the core seminar in integrated history and philosophy of science, is a graduate introduction to important topics, methods, and skills in integrated HPS scholarship. The Department of Communication is one of the premier centers for study of communication in the world. Later requests will not be entertained, since it is intended that the papers result from a program of work extending well beyond the few months prior to the submission date. J. Statute of Limitations: The Department expects that the Ph.D. After the end of the Parental Accommodation Period, students are expected to return to graduate study and resume progress toward completing their degrees. A student on an approved leave of absence must apply for readmission, but readmission is automatic and the fee will be waived. 2. You must submit a complete draft of your dossier (except for cover letters) to the Director of Career Outcomesfor review. Evaluations of papers will be limited to doctoral pass-fail, or master's only pass-fail with the option reserved by the faculty to request resubmission of a revised or new paper by a nominated date. HPS typically offers no graduate courses in the summer. Special Notice to International Students: Students who are attending the University of Pittsburgh with a F-1 student visa or J-1 Exchange Visitor visa are strongly encouraged to consult in advance with the Office of International Studies about their plans during the period of Parental Accommodation. Directed Study A Critical Investigation of the New Science of Consciousness, A Causal Interpretation of Selection Theory, Practices, Perception, and Normative States, The Unity and Structure of Knowledge: Subalternation, Demonstration, and the Geometrical Manner in Scholastic-Aristotelianism and Descartes, Equilibrium and Explanation in 18th Century Mechanics, Reliability and Validity of Experiment in the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Causation in the Nature-Nurture Debate: The Case of Genotype-Environment Interaction, A Theory of Conceptual Advance: Explaining Conceptual Change in Evolutionary, Molecular, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. The student will be given a passage of approximately 500-600 words from a suitable foreign text in history and philosophy of science. All these materials are to be enclosed in an envelope along with an itemized list of the receipts and their amounts. Handbook, December 2010 Additional readers will then be selected if it is felt that further evaluation is needed. 1. At this meeting, the student defends the prospectus to the Committee. G.Teaching Requirement University of Pittsburgh. A faculty advisor for each paper must be listed on the front page of the paper. The Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences also supports travel by graduate students to conferences at which they will present papers, but asks that graduate students not approach DSAS until departmental funds are exhausted. Incoming students register at the beginning of their first term. Students are also responsible for complying with all requirements set forth in the University of Pittsburgh's The Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Graduate Programs Bulletin. When possible, examiners will be rotated. Part-time instructional funds may be available for students and graduates beyond the sixth year. 10. MFA Students. Students whose first language is not English may petition the department to satisfy this requirement upon successful completion of their first-year program of graduate seminars in the department. b. Students who have completed or who are nearing completion of the program can expect Departmental assistance in their efforts to obtain jobs, provided that a first draft of the entire dissertation has been approved. 1. The graduate program in History and Philosophy of Science offers five areas of concentration in which graduate students may choose to specialize. Eligibility The content of the seminars will vary from year to year, but 2502 addresses the history of ancient sciences and 2503 addresses the history of modern science. You should notify them of your office hours during the first week of class. (See Department Administrator for an I.D. Leaves of Absence are of two kinds - Official and Unofficial: 1. (A GPA of B should not, however, be construed as "making good progress."). e. Written evaluation of the papers will be given to the student by the end of the term in which the papers are submitted. history, exclusive of history of science. Statute of Limitations Those students appointed as TAs or TFs should carefully read SectionVIII.Eon the responsibilities of TA/TFs. John D. Norton, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, 412 624 5986, jdnorton@pitt.edu Place 1008C Cathedral of Learning Time: Fridays, 11:00am - 12:00 noon, . They should prepare a written document stating the requirements for which they wish to receive credit and listing the courses they have taken elsewhere satisfying the Departmental distribution requirements. 3. This practice will help develop students who can successfully integrate their academic and personal pursuits. Committee members have two weeks to decide whether the prospectus is ready to be defended. (a) proficiency in basic symbolic logic (at least first order predicate logic), and. Should they fail the examination in HPS 2501 Philosophy of Science, they may retake the examination when the seminar is offered the following year. Once the student is admitted to candidacy, the Dissertation Director becomes the candidate's advisor. Indeed, it is recommended that students consider taking an M.A. CGS courses must meet at all scheduled class times. Failure to complete the requirements will be considered grounds for termination from the program. Dissertation Documents, IV. The purpose of these guidelines is to make it possible for a student to maintain registered full-time student status, along with all the benefits of such status, while facilitating the return to full participation in courses, research and teaching. Awarded competitive dissertation grant to examine voters' perceptions of the fairness of different . 4. October 1 (Required) If the dissertation is accepted, reports on the Final Oral Examination and the approval of the dissertation must be signed by all members of the Dissertation Committee and sent to the Dean of Graduate Studies for approval. Handbook, November 2013 During this period, they will continue to receive their stipend, benefits, and associated tuition support. Additional readers will then be selected if it is felt that further evaluation is needed. You must be able to produce this record at the request of the Department for one year after the end of the term. in another field. The Department of History and Philosophy of Science supports both a graduate and undergraduate program of study of science, its nature and fundamentals, its origins, and its place in modern politics, culture, and society. If a student falls below the requirement, s/he is placed on probation. Dissertation Research A faculty member appointed by the Chair evaluates independently taught classes. Prospectus: After the Dissertation Committee has been approved by the Chair, the student should prepare a written description of the dissertation project. Students in any of the three departments who are interested in the Philosophy and Science of Classical Greece and Rome may enroll in theCPAS Program. The student may not divide the time period of parental accommodation for use past this time limit. f. These papers may form the basis for dissertation proposals, although the papers cannot have the incomplete and programmatic character of a dissertation proposal. HPS students are required to register for HPS 2000 in their second and fourth years, or the years in which they are teaching assistants and independent instructors for the first times. 5. The graduate and professional student health plan provides comprehensive coverage without the need to pay a deductible. Read about ourcommitment to increasing diversity in HPS, 1101 Cathedral of Learning In particular, the decision to fail a paper will be taken only after it has been read by all primary faculty available. Dissertation: The candidate must submit a significant and acceptable dissertation on a topic in history and philosophy of science. The Dissertation Director may, in consultation with the student, require as a condition for continuing to serve as Director of the dissertation that the student give further indication of satisfactory and regular progress towards the completion of the degree. Find contact information for the Graduate Studies team and reach out with any questions. This is due to a significant extent to the HPS Department. FTDA, F. Undergraduate Courses for Graduate CreditG.Teaching RequirementH. Departmental Teaching Practicum Requirement, 1. Students with incompletes on their records at evaluation time are at a severe disadvantage with respect to funding, and sometimes with respect to continuation in the program. Terminal MA degrees may be sought by students in other graduate programs at Pitt who find studies in history and philosophy of science relevant to their career interests. All classes throughout the whole term must meet as scheduled. These courses are divided into four areas: Area 1: Core seminar sequence: a three-term graduate level introduction to history and philosophy of science (HPS 2101, 2102, 2103). The University is committed to taking prompt action to end a hostile environment if one has been created, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of any hostile environment on affected members of the campus community. These lists are open-ended. Dissertation Functional Robustness: A New Account of Multiple Realization and its Epistemic Consequences. The request, with appropriate documentation of the anticipated birth or adoption (a letter from the student's medical provider with an estimate of delivery date or from the adoption agency with an estimate of adoption date), will be submitted to the student's graduate program office for approval.
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