"artifact_id": "docker-image" }', 'https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/security/system_admins', "https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/security/system_admins", '{ "resource":"env_A*" The config repo API allows admin users to define and manage config repos using which pipelines defined in external repositories can be included in GoCD, thereby allowing users to have their Pipeline as code. ] ", 'https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/packages/package-id/usages', "http://test.host/go/api/admin/packages/package-id/usages", "http://test.host/go/api/admin/packages/:package_id/usages", 'https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/repositories', "https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/repositories", "https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/repositories/dd8926c0-3b4a-4c9e-8012-957b179cec5b", "https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/packages/6bba891e-2675-49af-b16d-200bd6c6801e", 'https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/repositories/dd8926c0-3b4a-4c9e-8012-957b179cec5b', "https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/repositories/", '{ "type": "gocd", }', 'If-Match: "cbc5f2d5b9c13a2cc1b1efb3d8a6155d"', '{ For information about the permissions required to use the multipart upload API, see Multipart Upload and Permissions. Serverless application platform for apps and back ends. "email": "jdoe@example.com", These messages are also visible in on the errors and warnings modal box on all pages of the GoCD server. The time period(in minute) after which the job will be terminated by GoCD if it has not generated any output. "type":"environment", "auto_update": false, { The intensity of the message. Chrome OS, Chrome Browser, and Chrome devices built for business. Traffic control pane and management for open service mesh. "id": "deb", users must authenticate by signing in to a Google account through Update global scm configuration for specified scm name. "auto_update": true, *Region* .amazonaws.com.When using this action with an access point through the Amazon Web Services SDKs, you provide the access point "xyz" How Google is helping healthcare meet extraordinary challenges. Assess, plan, implement, and measure software practices and capabilities to modernize and simplify your organizations business application portfolios. Partner with our experts on cloud projects. "name": "defaultJob", }', "https://ci.example.com/go/api/admin/pipelines/new_pipeline", "Pipeline 'my_pipeline' was deleted successfully. GET /go/api/feed/pipelines/:pipeline_name/stages.xml, GET /go/api/pipelines/:pipeline_name/:pipeline_counter.xml, GET /go/api/feed/pipelines/:pipeline_name/:pipeline_counter/:stage_name/:stage_counter.xml, GET /go/api/feed/pipelines/:pipeline_name/:pipeline_counter/:stage_name/:stage_counter/:job_name.xml, GET /go/api/feed/materials/:pipeline_name/:pipeline_counter/:pipeline_unique_fingerprint.xml. Discovery and analysis tools for moving to the cloud. "key": "Url", List of roles that should be granted the specified permission. The Config Repo API version 1 has been deprecated in GoCD release v19.6.0. Speed up the pace of innovation without coding, using APIs, apps, and automation. Tools for moving your existing containers into Google's managed container services. Since only users with appropriate ACL or IAM permissions can view it, it "name": "foo", Unified platform for IT admins to manage user devices and apps. An acknowledgement that the file was created. Create the repository configuration in cruise-config.xml. DELETE /go/api/admin/templates/:template_name. This Response header denotes the GoCD Version when the API will be removed. GET /go/api/jobs/:pipeline_name/:stage_name/:job_name/history. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. Beginning with GoCD version 19.8, it is possible to omit the version number by specifying Accept: application/vnd.go.cd+json. { "operations": { "approval": { Accelerate development of AI for medical imaging by making imaging data accessible, interoperable, and useful. GET /go/api/admin/config/server/artifact_config, PUT /go/api/admin/config/server/artifact_config. See https://github.com/gocd/gocd/pull/2875-->, , "https://ci.example.com/go/files/mypipeline/4683/defaultStage/1/defaultJob", "pipelines/mypipeline/4683/defaultStage/1/defaultJob",