At age 5 he was bullied by his classmates and took shelter with a female cousin in the girls' play shed, where no boy would be caught dead. History: P.A. 14-289b. Each operator of a motor vehicle who makes a turn signal by means of signal lamps or mechanical signal device shall turn in the direction indicated and return such signal to the nonoperating position immediately after completing the movement for which a signal has been given. As a minor of 16 may be held accountable under statute for operating a motor vehicle while he is intoxicated, he will be held accountable for deciding to consume liquor also. Penalty. 12-19, S. 1; P.A. History: P.A. John recalls that Dr. Money also showed them pictures of adults engaged in sexual intercourse: "He'd say to us, 'I want to show you pictures of things that moms and dads do.' (d) Testing and analysis of blood, breath and urine. Sec. No exception to signal requirement exists merely because there is no risk of collision in making turn. reported a loss of orgasm after clitoridectomy.". 75-577, S. 81, 126.). 83-577 amended Subsec. 85-206 amended Subsec. On a tour of the small house, Money complimented Linda's ink drawings, which decorated the walls, and looked at a wooden wall cabinet that Frank had made. 149 C. 385. 110, S. 2; 1972, P.A. 11-255 effective July 1, 2011; P.A. His later decision to narrow his studies to the psychology of sex had a similarly personal basis. Penalty. 127 C. 533. Any renewal of such placards shall require the issuance of a new placard in accordance with the provisions of this section. Defenses. [41][42] After Beijing repudiated Simla, the British and Tibetan delegates attached a note denying China any privileges under the agreement and signed it as a bilateral accord. History: P.A. (b) and (d), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 05-220 amended Subsec. Since then, this part of eastern Germany has been referred to as Saxony (German: Sachsen), a source of some misunderstanding about the original homeland of the Saxons, with a central part in the present-day German state of Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen). 139 C. 719; 149 C. 385. (b) The following provisions of the general statutes shall not apply to operators of maintenance vehicles or equipment of any governmental agency or agent thereof or to vehicles or equipment of any governmental agency or agent thereof, so far as such exemption is necessary, while such operators and equipment are engaged in or are preparing to engage in or are departing from highway maintenance operations on any highway, road or street, provided the Department of Transportation shall not by reason of such exemption suffer any loss of revenue granted from any agency or department of the federal government for the federal Interstate Highway System or any other highway system: Sections 14-216, 14-230 to 14-233, inclusive, 14-235 to 14-242, inclusive, 14-244 to 14-247, inclusive, 14-250a to 14-252, inclusive, 14-261, 14-262, 14-264 to 14-271, inclusive, 14-299, 14-301 to 14-308, inclusive. Money then described how one of his students followed Joan to help her recover her composure. (a)(1) by adding Subpara. (5) The commissioner may issue permits for divisible loads in the aggregate not exceeding fifty-three feet in length. State is not limited to proving a vehicle is a registered school bus by a certified copy of registration prepared by commissioner; it could prove this element by such other evidence as it sees fit. No escort motor vehicle shall be required to follow such vehicle or load on such highways. (a) to provide for a fee of $2 for the original issuance and renewal of special parking identification cards, a period of validity of two, rather than five, years for such cards and different colors for renewal cards, specific information in the physician's certification of impairment of ability to walk, authorization for commissioner to require additional certification, submission of notarized statement or personal appearance by applicant to request identification and issuance of temporary special parking identification cards, amended Subsec. (2)(C)(ii) to reduce suspension period from 1 year to 45 days, add condition for license restoration that such person install ignition interlock device on each motor vehicle owned or operated by such person, increase from 2 years to 3 years the period such person is prohibited from operating a motor vehicle unless it is equipped with such a device and provide that such period runs from such restoration rather than completion of such period of suspension, and amended Subsec. 85-387, S. 2; P.A. ", But while Money's conclusions about the best approach to sexual matters merely raised eyebrows in the mid-1970's, they provoked outrage at the dawn of the more conservative 1980's. (1949 Rev., S. 2416; P.A. (b) to replace reference to public passenger transportation permit with reference to license endorsement, effective July 1, 1994; P.A. She began an investigation into her medical history but was thwarted by her doctors, who refused to reveal her past. (d) by removing requirement that commissioner issue an additional placard to an applicant who has no special license plates and made a technical change in Subsec. 96-180, S. 42, 166; P.A. Leaving motor vehicle without setting brake. 153, S. 1; 1969, P.A. (a) by adding passenger re motor vehicle; June Sp. But finally, Frank and Linda realized that they alone had to decide. 94-189, S. 31, 34; P.A. That spring, he managed to track down Dr. M., the psychiatrist who had treated Joan Thiessen almost 21, years earlier. Sec. Liability insurance required for motorcycles or autocycles. 161 C. 204; 191 C. 266; 206 C. 608; 234 C. 660. (b) to substitute public passenger transportation permit for public service operator's license; P.A. 94-189, S. 16; P.A. 19-161, S. Impossible to classify as simply male or female, Chase and her colleagues want to, she says, "end the idea that it's monstrous to be different.". 99-171, S. 4, 5; P.A. There were bars at the three entrances to the town, and a 1514 record exists of four men being employed to keep the bars on market days. Where information charging violation referred to former statute, incorrect reference was an amendable defect and defendant was not misled or prejudiced by the error or placed in double jeopardy by the granting of the amendment. 80-25, S. 1; P.A. 96-167, S. 38; P.A. State-wide policy. "I followed," Money wrote, "and, in bringing the session to a close, put my hand on her shoulder in what most youngsters would accept as a reassurance. 18-164, S. See Sec. 14-284. (b), (c) and (f) to delete reference to manslaughter in the second degree with a motor vehicle or assault in the second degree with a motor vehicle, and amended Subsecs. (4) The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to authorize the continued operation of a motor vehicle equipped with an ignition interlock device by any person whose operator's license or nonresident operating privilege is withdrawn, suspended or revoked for any other reason. Sec. 154 C. 381. (d) Any placard issued pursuant to this section shall be displayed by hanging it from the front windshield rearview mirror of the vehicle when utilizing a parking space reserved for persons who are blind and persons with disabilities. 12-19 amended Subsec. "He wanted to know who I identified with in this movie," she says. (P.A. 26 CS 41. History: P.A. (d) by changing fee from $23 to $30 in Subdiv. (February, 1965, P.A. (b) is irrelevant in such a proceeding. But, according to Frank and Linda, she was wrong. Any such order may be made as a condition of such person's release on bail, as a condition of probation or as a condition of granting such person's application for participation in the pretrial alcohol education program under section 54-56g and may include any other terms and conditions as to duration, use, proof of installation or any other matter that the court determines to be appropriate or necessary. 07-224 amended Subsec. History: 1963 act included fire department vehicles responding to emergency calls; 1969 act increased fine from $50 to $500 maximum and imprisonment from seven days to one year maximum in Subsec. . What is not clear from Money's accounts is whether Linda and Frank, whose educations at the time did not go beyond the sixth grade, understood that such a procedure was, in fact, purely experimental - that while such surgeries had been performed on intersexual children, no such sex changes had ever been attempted on a child born with normal genitals and a normal nervous system. This map lacked any initials or signatures from the Chinese plenipotentiary Ivan Chen. (d), replaced post with cause to be posted, effective July 1, 2012. (c)(1)(A) by adding references to advanced practice registered nurse; P.A. 12-132, S. 17; P.A. (d) and (e), inserting new Subsecs. Sec. 75-577, S. 117, 126; P.A. Ct. 46; Id., 347. 06-130, S. 11; P.A. (a) The operator of any noncommercial motor vehicle, as defined in section 14-1, shall remove any accumulated ice or snow from such motor vehicle, including the hood, trunk and roof of such motor vehicle, so that any ice or snow accumulated on such vehicle does not pose a threat to persons or property while the vehicle is being operated on any street or highway of this state. In 1986, China deployed troops in the valley before an Indian team arrived. 90-263, S. 29, 74; P.A. 05-210 amended Subsec. Subdiv. "He told us not to talk about it," Frank says. Portable truck weight scales. Section 14-268 is repealed. P.A. 10-3, S. 418, S. 1; P.A. Any stop or turn signal required by section 14-242 or 14-243 may be given either by means of the hand and arm or by a signal lamp or lamps or mechanical signal device. 7 CS 165. 115 C. 116. (c) to (h) as Subsecs. There's a different infrastructure that has to get built and put into place. (b) and (d) to add reference to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and American Society for Testing and Materials, and made technical changes. Sec. (1): Defendant did not lack legal capacity to consent to the test merely because he was under a Probate Court conservatorship of his person and estate. But they didn't stick around to raise the children. 77-614 replaced commissioner and department of health with commissioner and department of health services, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. Transport of dogs in pick-up trucks. 84-546 made technical change in Subsec. 87-525 divided the section into Subsecs., inserting as Subsec. Is constitutional and does not violate defendant's right to have a jury decide questions of fact as the question of whether New York's and Connecticut's drunk driving statutes are substantially similar is a question of law properly left to the court. (P.A. 09-186 deleted provisions limiting towing or hauling without regard to length, authorized wrecker with annual permit to tow or haul motor vehicle or combination of vehicles in excess of weight limits of Sec. 1 lord's plough teams. (b) to allow the department of health services to certify individuals other than health services department personnel to check test devices for accuracy; P.A. Sec. 11-51, S. 134; 11-256, S. 18; P.A. Sec. (a) No person shall move a vehicle which is stopped, standing or parked unless such movement can be made with reasonable safety and without interfering with other traffic, nor without signalling as provided by section 14-244. Appeal. Sec. Establishment of speed limits. 14-293b. 07-232 added Subdiv. The Division of State Police within the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, the Police Officer Standards and Training Council established under section 7-294b and each municipal police department shall be encouraged to provide in each basic or review police training program conducted or administered by said division or council or by such department, training on highway work zone safety that includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) Enforcement of statutory provisions concerning endangerment of a highway worker, as defined in section 14-212d; (2) techniques for handling incidents of unsafe driving in a highway work zone; (3) risks associated with unsafe driving in a highway work zone; (4) safe traffic control practices set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways published by the Federal Highway Administration under 23 CFR 655, Subpart F, as amended, such as the wearing of high-visibility safety apparel and the proper locating and positioning of law enforcement officers working in a highway work zone; and (5) general guidelines, standards and applications set forth in said manual, including, but not limited to, training on the proper use of traffic control devices and signs, and annual refresher training on such guidelines, standards and applications. (3) The court shall note on the record any conviction for an overweight violation in excess of fifteen per cent of the gross weight limits in subsection (b) of this section with respect to any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of eighteen thousand pounds or more and shall cause such information to be transmitted to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. History: P.A. (j) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (b) to (i), inclusive, of this section, any police officer who obtains the results of a chemical analysis of a blood sample taken from or a urine sample provided by an operator of a motor vehicle who was involved in an accident and suffered or allegedly suffered physical injury in such accident, or who was otherwise deemed by a police officer to require treatment or observation at a hospital, shall notify the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and submit to the commissioner a written report if such results indicate that such person had an elevated blood alcohol content, and if such person was arrested for violation of section 14-227a or 14-227m or subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of section 14-227n. (d) No motor vehicle having (1) on and after July 1, 1992, a wheel base of less than one hundred and one inches, or (2) on and after July 1, 1991, a convertible top or an open body may be used by a carrier for the transportation of students under the age of twenty-one years to and from school. (e) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (b) or (d) of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsection (f) of section 14-267a. Vehicles prohibited on sidewalks. (g) On or before January 1, 2007, the Department of Motor Vehicles shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, that set forth the warning information required in this section and manner of display of such warning information, establish reasonable transportation and storage fees and otherwise implement the provisions of this section. 77-375, S. 1; P.A. Cited. (f) Violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction. Sec. (a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle upon any public highway of the state, or road of any specially chartered municipal association or any district organized under the provisions of chapter 105, a purpose of which is the construction and maintenance of roads and sidewalks, or on any parking area as defined in section 14-212, or upon a private road on which a speed limit has been established in accordance with this subsection, or upon any school property, at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable, having regard to the width, traffic and use of highway, road or parking area, the intersection of streets and weather conditions. Its first bishop, Mellitus, was expelled by Saeberht's heirs. Pages 54-97. Exceptions. 13-271, S. 34; P.A. 08-101 replaced provision authorizing licensed repair tow trucks to tow disabled trucks and trailers from highways to nearest garage where disabled vehicle can be repaired with provision authorizing wrecker to tow or haul a motor vehicle, if vehicle was involved in accident or became disabled and remains within limits of highway or is being towed or hauled by order of traffic or law enforcement authority, from highway to nearest licensed repair facility or motor carrier terminal where vehicle can be repaired; P.A.
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