2 commits. I think this particular algorithm has a lot of potential for practical use, especially in procedural worlds where we dont just want to reuse prefabricated buildings and structures. The northern tile as we have seen has constants to the north and south. Add files via upload. The algorithm maintains, for each pixel of the output image, a probability Most Popular Programming Languages In 2022, MY JOURNEY AS A DEVELOPER Wave Function Collapse is a procedural content generation algorithm that uses an extension of constraint solving. Demo Unity project (2019.2ish) 13 MB. Each edge is expressed as two values which can either be water or grass. So lets run through my actual implementation. Wave Collapse Function algorithm in Processing, The issue with asymmetric tiles and an easy solution #16, Oskar Stalberg - Wave Function Collapse in Bad North. If its possibility space is reduced to a size of 1 it can be trivially solved, since there is only one possible solution. To propagate a single set of adjacency constraints in a cube of radius 2 tiles, 5*5*5-1 = 124 tiles are addressed. This time the problem was: How can I place tiles in a scene that automatically align with their neighbours? The main idea behind the Wave Function collapse algorithm start from a grid. First, it is important to know that the original Wave Function Collapse Algorithm uses sample bitmaps inputs to generate many different images that look like the samples, giving a great amount of variety from a small input set. Once you have defined your tiles and rule set, you can gather all potential tiles for any given location in a sort of superposition. Perhaps we could require that all closed structures have a door, or that any one point in our matrix needs to be reachable from any other point. Initially developed for generating images from a small input, its principle can be applied to a lot of use cases, like town planning, wedding seating plan and even poetry. Why? Wave Function Collapse is a neat little algorithm for generating images locally similar to the input. In our limited use case there is only one possible match for each, which is the edge tile. Wave Function Collapse (WFC) by @exutumno is a new algorithm that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image. b933218 26 minutes ago. Essentials. For tertiary tiles this means the two ancillary tiles that border them. We do this for all the secondary and tertiary tiles to build up our first pass of possibilities. Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcRSafycjWFeKAS40OdIvhL7j-vsgE3egWave function collapse is an algorithm that can proceduralny generate a muc. Straight out of quantum mechanics, Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm for procedural generation of images. Now that Ive mapped out a few possible tiles though, I can see that multiple tile types can also fit that northern edge. I think this is a really fun, robust little algorithm that adds a neat level of polish to my game. I initially expected trees to be trivial because leaves track manhattan distance to the nearest log and and this would be considered a separate tile type by the constraint system, but currently leaves only generate in positions where a cube of radius 1 contains a log, and corner leaves generate inconsistently. It turns out this is really simple to fix, we just need to apply what is known as a boundary condition. What that means is that we need to make an additional tile in our tileset that is empty and only connects to exterior faces. Furthermore, its pretty obvious from the demo buildings that there are some kinks to work out, notably about buildings being traversable and accessible. We then literally take all the spaces in our matrix on the boundary (the outside) and collapse them with the empty tile, making our possibility space a lot smaller and making it so that we dont have interior tiles on the exterior of our buildings. Im curious to see if I can make any optimisations to it going forward. The wave function collapse algorithm is a recursive algorithm that picks a random tile for a slot on the output image and removes impossible neighbors until only a single possibility remains. We assume that the secondary tiles will change, but we can assume that each secondary tile has two neighbours that will remain constant. // these represent the cells that might have their possibility space limited. In this post, I'll try to walk you thru the algorithm, and explain how I've approached this problem. Processing Forum post by solub with guide to Wave Function Collapse in Python. What makes this algorithm different from most procedural generation algorithms I've read about is that it is extremely simple. Since this is using a very small tile set we already know what our secondary tiles should be so we can go ahead and grab those edge rules as well. In the scope of this thesis, a solution for procedurally generating buildings with the algorithms Wave Function Collapse and Marching Cubes is developed. Join the Coding Train Discord to chat with the community and get help with your code from the Station Managers. Comparatively, the 2D examples I saw most often used 50*50 spaces, so their time complexity would be 50*50*(5*5-1)*{2-5} = 120 to 300 thousand sets. Wave function collapse also relies on a state for unsolved tiles, which Minecrafts builtin world grid does not support, so I had to write a custom RegionSnapshot data structure. Coding Train video with explanation of tracking 2D grid in 1D array (for pixels). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This isnt a deal breaker but I feel like us programmers are always chasing some way to get good results without having to be particularly gifted in the art department (I know I was when I started investigating this.) This leads to some tiles being evaluated before they should have been, and this causes misses in other areas with constraint solving. // Tile = 3D model that can be fit into a Cell, // The Cell indices that need to be evaluated, // Cell indices that have been considered when propagating the wave, // if all cells have undefined or 0 entropy, wave function has collapsed, // we add a little noise to the entropy calculation to introduce variation when we have multiple cells with the same entropy values. However, I think this is a problem with the analyzer, since by default distance=2 leaves cannot be generated without leaves on both sides of its distance=1 parent. E.g. There are surely components in Pufferfish or other plugin for that. Lets get down to the nitty gritty. Currently, there is no gameplay, you can only walk around and look at the scenery. Time to start out with good intentions but get bogged down in an interesting coding challenge that has little effect on the game itself! The Wavefunction Collapse Algorithm teaches your computer how to riff. The analysis of the input set is pretty much done per pixel or per patch of pixels, effectively generating a set of rules about color adjacency and local patterns. ( Source) It is most commonly used to create images, but is also capable of building towns, skateparks, and terrible poetry. . Following up several recent posts about WFC I want to share some of my expericence with Procedural Environment Generator UE4 plugin. I suspect its current limits come from the way the solver iterates over each unsolved index, and the isolated nature of the constraints. The biggest challenge for me was in figuring out how to determine which tiles can fit next to other tiles. Mozilla developer reference page for higher order array function: filter(). Wave Function Collapse is a procedural generation algorithm which produces images by arranging a collection of tiles according to rules about which tiles may be adjacent to each other tile, and relatively how frequently each tile should appear. Maxim Gumin first implemented WFC using C# to incorporate a texture synthesis constraint solving PCG algorithm. The algorithm has attracted the. Googling around yielded some useful results but nothing directly applicable for me. In a nutshell, you have a cube of voxels, a graph of nodes, or simply a grid of tiles as well as a list . For instance if a tile has a rule of A on its right edge, any tile with a rule of A on its left edge would be compatible. So how does this help us create nice continuous pond banks? Wave function collapseis a draftprogramming task. This is useful when you want to derive neighboring tile data from a WFC-solved actor to be used for post processing. 3d. A cell with no allowed values can choose a value that violates the least important or least number of constraints. Created by Oskar Stlberg, 3D WFC system that creates cute little houses, arches, stairways, bridges and lush backyards. Most of my tips will be relevant regardless of how you choose to use it. It almost felt like there was a small knot of people who had figured out how to use this algorithm and were teasing the rest of us. Unfortunately I havent found a great way to do this so if anyone has an idea about it feel free to reach out to me @UpRoomGames on Twitter. As far as I can tell this isnt really true, but we can achieve this effect by making tiles in our tileset that connect to exactly one (or two) other tiles, so collapsing a cell with one of these will automatically collapse the appropriate number of neighbors, giving the illusion of a tile that spans multiple cells, which is a nice side effect. Unfortunately, this is not a fast algorithm. What is the Wave Collapse Function algorithm ? Wave Function Collapse(WFC) is a constraint solving algorithm named after the quantum physics wave superposition concept. There is a principle in TTRPGs that the player is always right. With my first implementation of the algorithm I ran around my tiles placing water everywhere and suddenly an error flashed up. Tools. It is an algorithm written in 2016 by Maxim Gumin that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image or from a collection of tiles. Get Position to Option Map from Actor. The last point is that this algorithm isnt magic. Reset will reset the grid to unsolved, make sure to reset before solving if you change the grid size. For lack of debug draw calls, I have reused a module I wrote for particle graphics. Coding Train video covering how to use higher order array functions like filter() and map() in JavaScript. I also discovered (the hard way) that this algorithm has high time complexity, especially in 3D. In this example we will place a water tile into a field of grass. Most use cases have 2-5 different tile types, and the average grid size I tested with was 12*12*12. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page. Share your work and have it featured on this site! Well, describing these edge patterns means that each tile type has a limited set of possible tiles that can fit in any given configuration. When searching for solvable tiles, this strategy will always be preferred if it is available. Now we need to work out how the surrounding tiles should look. I think if you could find a way to work the local similarity clause of the original algorithm into the 3d interpretation by providing some sort of 3d training models then we might be in business for real practical use. It comes in two forms - adjacent, and overlapped. An implementation of wave function collapse in java. . Left-Click on a tile to collapse the associated cell. Privacy Policy. We now know 50% of the correct patterns for each secondary tile. VFX. // This is the wave which will propagate the effects of collapsing a cell, // get the coordinates of the cells in our map (matrix) that are next to the given index. The first step in my process then is to actually place a tile. Wave Function Collapse algorithm in Unreal Engine. The rest is actually just as simple. The quantum-inspired algorithm in question is known as the wavefunction collapse function. If we again repeat the process for each tertiary tile we end up with a completed set. Seems pretty straightforward. Love podcasts or audiobooks? Guaranteeing the correct path forsakes any need for directing the player through level design, but at the same time may confuse players, especially if they wish to explore side content. It is an algorithm written in 2016 by Maxim Gumin that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image. Infinite procedurally generated city A game where you walk through an infinite city that is procedurally generated from a set of blocks with the Wave Function Collapse algorithm. How does it work? The tile to the north of the primary tile: Since the primary tile wont change we know that the rules for the southern edge will be [water, water], The tile to the north, whatever it may be (lets say it is all grass for now) will not change either so the northern edge will have a rule of [grass, grass]. Quick overview of the technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20KHNA9jTsE, GDC: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1026263/Math-for-Game-Developers-Tile, Original inventor: https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse/, Infinite city that uses modules and sockets instead of tiles and adjacencies, allowing for better performance with smaller search radius: https://marian42.itch.io/wfc, Interactive demos: https://oskarstalberg.com/game/wave/wave.html and https://bolddunkley.itch.io/wave-function-collapse, Copyright 2022 Robert Christensen / rmMinusR, Robert Christensen's Game Programming Portfolio, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20KHNA9jTsE, https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1026263/Math-for-Game-Developers-Tile, https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse/, https://oskarstalberg.com/game/wave/wave.html, https://bolddunkley.itch.io/wave-function-collapse. The quality of the generated structures is still hugely dependent on the skill of the artist making the tileset. Coding Train video covering how to use translate(), rotate(), push() and pop(). It is consistently able to replicate checkerboards, axial and diagonal strips of varying sizes, and to some extent trees. It can be run in 2d or 3d, even on hexagonal or irregular grids. One solution is to quad remesh the brep in Rhino WIP, then use quad mesh box morph. Controls: WASD for walking, Shift to run, Ctrl to jetpack. I mentioned earlier that I eventually found out I was missing a tile type. The basic idea behind Wave Function Collapse (or WFC as I will refer to it going forwards) is, as best as I understand it, as follows: Each tile type has a set of rules that describe each edge. At this point if any superpositions still contain more than one possibility, you can just arbitrarily select any options from within it and it should fit. This gives us 9 active tiles (one primary and 8 surrounding neighbours) from which we can make a few assumptions and derive our constants: E.g. In this video (recorded over 3 live st Read more. The entire matrix starts with every cell empty but with the possibility of having any tile in our tileset occupy it. Compared to the earlier texture synthesis algorithms, WFC guarantees that the output contains only those NxN patterns that are present in the input. 3D. The Wave Function Collapse algorithm developed by Max Gumin is populating the pattern from a small sample. A fork of Wave Function Collapse with tools for the Unity Game engine by @ExUtumno. // Cell = position in the 3D matrix that represents our map. In the mean time, consider checking out our upcoming game: A Token War, launching this Spring! This is not to be confused with dynamically adding adjacencies after initial layout generation. Yes, that is what it means. the northern edge of the fourth tile would be expressed as [grass, water] and would match up to a southern edge that corresponded to [grass, water]. I then created rotated versions of every tile (in code, not by modelling) and created the same vertex matches for the rotated versions. Furthermore, the Wave Function Collapse Algorithm operates on a matrix of cells, which translates really well to image processing but not so well to freeform 3d structures. src/me/Josh123likeme/ WaveFunctionCollapse. Define coefficients. Get PositionToOptionsMap from a given actor that has ISM components. But it is doable in Grasshopper Like for the vase it could be better to put a different mesh on the edges. If I can work my way around each edge of a tile I can build up a map of each potential compatible tile. Because the algorithm is always searching for tiles that match a given pattern, it will naturally flag up any possibilities that are unaccounted for. Wave Function Collapse is a procedural content generation algorithm that uses an extension of constraint solving. Applications. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This big wad of numbers isnt easy to work with which makes finding local similarity almost meaningless since it has so many different meanings. Currently there is a bug where tiles that require a certain tile to be next to them will have their neighbors change after they are set in place causing them to not meet the requirements. With our secondary tiles resolved we can now move onto the tertiary tiles. By recording a stack of undo snapshots and backtracking when the second strategy would later require the third strategy, the algorithm will always solve perfectly without violating any constraints, if such a thing is possible. Wave Function Collapse Demonstration Created by Oskar Stlberg in unity, an interactive demonstration of the WFC algorithm. If they accidentally kill an innocent NPC, fabricate a couple skeletons in the closet. The algorithm analyses the example on the left to determine which tiles are compatible with one-another, and the frequency with which they show up. You can support the Coding Train by becoming a YouTube Member, Twitch Subscriber, or GitHub sponsor! Example of auto-generation levels and their decoration. The final bit of somewhat confusing information I came across was being able to make tiles that span multiple cells and that this is somehow integral to getting the algorithm to function properly. render Once thats done, all the cells in our matrix that touch the one we just collapsed need to have their possible tiles reduced to match those which can connect to the collapsed one. I also had to find an unusual workaround to show possibilities for each unsolved tile: writing the cell directly would only show one possibility, so I chose Armor Stands since they could also display probability in their nameplates as well as rendering items smaller than one world grid cell. Theoretically we could apply some constraints to our building generation that are somewhat outside the scope of the initial algorithm. At which point the wave function is collapsed and you have your tiles. Telemako's GitHub issue describing a solution for assymmetric tiles. This approach does however accommodate more complex tile sets with multiple matches per pattern. Then, using this wave function collapse algorithm you expand it into an infinity where the possibilities are endless within the constraints of those generator rules.
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