A person with hysteria may be described as being in a possessive state and having little to no control over their actions or emotions. Millers message concerning individual conscience in an atmosphere of fear and mass hysteria in The Crucible is that people can turn on others and suspect each other or tell lies or false accusations in order to save themselves or loved ones. The characters in the play all contributes to the paranoia occurring in the town., Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain, whether the threat is real or imagined.1 It causes feelings of dread and apprehension. Next, plot comes into the play by developing a sense of background and history, Hazardous Hysteria Soon after the trials begin Hale begins to have doubts in the girls. Act 1. There are them that will swear to anything before they'll hang ; have you never thought of that?'' Both trapped people or forced people into supporting their stance which little by little made the hysteria larger as more people began to support and also caused the domino effect in the town or in the country. This quote could be saying different things, one being that during the time of the witch trials no one wanted to judge or get on a womans bad side for they may feel they will be harmed by a woman who has been falsely accused of being a witch. . show more content (69)., Mass hysteria is a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or belief, or inexplicable symptoms of illness(dictionary.com). "Abigail: Now look you. Mary Warren feared Abigail Williams. Why does Reverend Hale decide to quit the court?, He doesnt believe Abigail Williams and the other girls. "A wild thing may say wild things.". Abigail compels the townspeople to believe everything she states, because God is talking through her to the people of Salem. She rattles off names of supposed witches and becomes a figure of authority in the courts. They both made themselves more susceptible to their followers by creating godly aspects that appeal to them, making it harder to resist following them. He enters Salem with extreme confidence in his belief that witches are present in Salem. This is a beloved errand for him; on being called here to ascertain witchcraft he has felt the pride of the specialist whose unique knowledge has at last been publicly called for. Hale believes that everyone should be confident in the system and testify if called upon., Hale changes-- although he does not lose faith in Puritanism, he does lose faith in the court and the ideals of the society in Salem. As the novel progressed, Reverend Hale began to be more reasonable and open to others opinions leading him to become a vague man who is fully against the, For Reverend Hale the witch hunt in Salem is the scene of a moral journey as he eventually makes a complete turn around in thoughts and beliefs as he is forced to see certain realities. Being called communist during that time period was a terrible thing. He listens to John Proctor and Mary Warren and becomes convinced that they, not Abigail, are telling the truth, I believe him. But in Act 2, his confidence starts to diminish when he goes to the Proctors house to investigate without the court knowing. This girl has always struck me false! As his belief in witchcraft falters, so does his faith in the law, I denounce these proceedings. Hard and exact facts will cool it" (Elia Kazan). As the trials go on, Reverend HAle begins to notice just how ridiculous and false the girls accusations were. Abigail really dislikes Elizabeth Proctor, one of Marys Bosses. When Johns wife is accused of witchcraft, he desperately tries to get Mary to help him, but Mary could care less about Johns wifes safety and instead is only thinking of preserving her own. The play starts off with these 14 girls who cry out witchcraft. Abigail pushes the domino when she is in the setting of Reverend Hale interrogating all of the girls. By the end of Act III and throughout Act IV Rev. Historically, humans have been subjected to hysteria. For example, "in an ordinary crime, how does one defend the accused? The mass hysteria Abigail creates in the town of Salem, Massachusetts is extremely close to the mass hysteria Hitler caused in Germany. But in Act 2, his confidence starts to diminish when he goes to the Proctors house to investigate without the court knowing. Have you sold yourself to Lucifer?" At the end of the talks Proctor states : And why not, if they must hang for denying it? The plot of the play is quite disturbing. When hysteria and hidden agendas break down the . There are many examples in the play were the witch hysteria caused for many decisions to be made out of paranoia rather than logically thinking which lead to the collapse of the salem society. The play The Crucible by Arthur Miller perfectly exemplifies the phenomenon of mass hysteria. These illogical actions are filled by Abigail's ongoing hysteria. 1197 Words5 Pages. It is an important factor in making and especially breaking relationships. An example of this extreme behavior is when Abigail stabs herself with a needle to try to frame Elizabeth as a witch. The court takes her denial as hiding the fact that she is a witch, but if she mentioned examples of witchcraft, they would convict her of sorcery, because only a witch would know about these actions. Examples of this throughout history are the Salem Witch Trials, The Red Scare, and the 2012 Mayan Calendar scare. The early scene in which Abigail accuses Tituba of witchcraft starts the twisting of justice in Salem, in which good and innocent people are accused and convicted by those without integrity., And I lookAnd there was Goody GoodAye, sir, and Goody Osburn (Miller 47). He is highly regarded as a witch expert. And in my ignorance I find it hard to draw a clear, Once Reverend Parris suspected witchery in the town of Salem he called upon Reverend Hale of Beverly. Mary Warren is stuck with an internal conflict of wanting to tell the truth for Proctor and continuing the lie because she feels threatened by Abby. The Crucible takes place in the Puritan town of . The Crucible is a ctionalized account of the Salem Witch trials of 1692, in which 19 innocent men and women were killed by hanging and hundreds convicted before the panic subsided. When he finds out one of the girls are possessed and have gone into a coma he races over to see Betty Parris, hoping to show off his knowledge about bewitchment. When 9/11 happened, the country didn't know what was going on at the time, let alone the people that were at the scene of tragedy. There are examples of. Reverend Hale begins his dynamic journey as a god-loving, devout individual, but with the problems of witchcraft in Salem, he begins to have doubt in the accusers by the ending of the second act. On page 842 in act one of the play, Miller describes Hale as a "tight-skinned, eager-eyed intellectual." Salem's deteriorating social structure results in the murders of many innocent individuals. Crucible. One can find examples of where fear fuels and in Millers, The Crucible. In the book John Proctor says a quote that hits big time for mass hysteria, he says God is dead while laughing insanely, and if that does not cause mass hysteria then nothing does. The way all the girls feed of what Abigail is doing, the townspeoples reactions, and the inability of the court to think reasonably all are examples of mass hysteria., In the play The Crucible the quote You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor was stated by Betty Parris. This only causes more hysteria because John is faced with a decision to make, either confess and die or lie and live. I quit this court! It is evident that Hale turns his back on theocracy and follows what he truly believes with Arthur Millers stage direction He slams the door to the outside behind him., Everyday people all over the world undergo change. 13 Examples of Mass Hysteria. The Crucible - Was the Mass Hysteria Necessary? While some try to use the hysteria, Hysteria is displayed by communities all over the world. One specific example of hysteria occurs in Act III when the girls, led by Abigail, accuse Mary Warren of witchcraft to prevent her from testifying against them. The first accusation Abigail makes causes Betty to chime in and claim another person is practicing witchcraft and more people will begin to accuse others during the entire play, thus acting out the domino effect. After getting accused of something so solemn, they shrewd enough to put the the blame on others and get away with it. Giles was shocked by his wife's strange and different behavior. John Spacey, March 03, 2021. This demonstrates how much John means to Abigail and how she will do anything to get Elizabeth (his wife) out of the picture so she can be with John. "They must be, they are weighted with authority," said Hale very sure of himself (36). There are them that will swear to anything before they'll hang ; have you never thought of that?'' Hale said this after the courts would not listen to him and he was angry at the courts proceedings. She knew that Mary would give the doll to Goody Proctor and sees that as an opportunity to make it believable that she is bewitching her. The Crucible Act 1: HYSTERIA BLAME CHART SAMPLE RESPONSE At the end of Act 1, the curtain falls on the "ecstatic cries" of Abby and Betty as they hysterically accuse random villagers of witchcraft. Danforth's convictions, Parris' concern for his reputation, and . And in my ignorance I find it hard to draw a clear, Reverend Hale is an intellectual man who prides himself in his ability to detect witchcraft, which was why he was called to Salem. Remember, hysteria is a situation in which many people behave or react in an extreme Probably the judge did not believe anybody could be as manipulating and evil as Abigail., The play is by Arthur Miller who wanted to base the play according to the witch trials in Salem. skull on hand tattoo meaning grand union. Reverend Hale is from Boston and has been called to Salem by Parris concerning the topic of witchcraft. He speaks with the court and tries to sway their minds the other way, but by the time he finally changes and pleas it is too late. Due to the intolerance of the court, Hale states, "I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!" She tells him I cannot, they 'll turn on me--, I cannot do it, I cannot! In addition when addressed about the poppet she gave Elizabeth, the poppet that is sending Elizabeth to jail, she timidly answers What poppets that sir because she is unsure how answering the question could affect her in the long run. This was Abbys main plan to get Elizabeth out of her way. After he has signed so many lives away, he feels like its his entire fault that these people are going to die. They all conclude that a reverends wife would not do such a thing (The Crucible). In Arthur Millers classic American drama, The Crucible, Reverend Hale of Beverly arrives in Salem in 1692 at the onset of the infamous witch trials in an effort to root Lucifer out of The New Land forever. Act I Scene 2 and Act 1 Scene 3 . Abby is using Elizabeth as a way to get to Proctor and accuses her of being a witch. The Crucible Act 1: HYSTERIA BLAME CHART SAMPLE RESPONSE At the end of Act 1, the curtain falls on the "ecstatic cries" of Abby and Betty as they hysterically accuse random villagers of witchcraft. Act 2. In a short period of time, Reverend Hale loses faith in witchcraft and evolves into a more cynical man., In Act I Reverend, or John, Hale is presented to the reader in a straightforward manner. Hale becomes so frustrated that he leaves the court. "There is a misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to cling to old respects and ancient friendships." Act II (page 71) Reverend Hale to Francis Nurse defending the witch trials in the face of the outrageous arrest of Rebecca Nurse. ( Miller 2), A Comparison Of Dead Man Walking And Dead Man Walking, Difference Between Mass Killers And Serial Killers. While in the beginning he is the force behind the witch trials, probing for confessions and encouraging people to testify, he later experiences a transformation. Reverend Hale had executed a witch in his town. The change that he went through was very beneficial and saved a number of lives in the process., How has Reverend Hale changed over the course of this play? The hysteria on display in The Crucible reaches its summit during Act three. Mr Hale played a crucial part in starting the witch trials and initiating the madness in the town of Salem., In this story, the quote normally the actions and deeds of a man were all that society felt comfortable judging was included in Reverend Hales introduction. In this quote from the first act, the author Arthur Miller reveals that Abigail is unstable and she will go to any length to be together with John Proctor. We burn a hot fire here; it melts down all concealment. In the 1950s, during the rst years of the Cold War, a Senator named Joseph . Throughout, there are examples of the courtroom officials ignoring logic and evidence in favor of ignorance and paranoia. In response to this new information Hale says that There, The direct meaning of this quote is that Hale believes there is something odd occurring and that anyone even slightly out of place or accused must be investigated no matter what they did or who they are. Despite the victims innocence they will be seen guilty by society. Sometimes. In act two Mary Warren tells John and Elizabeth about Abby accusing Elizabeth of being a witch and pretty much us warning them (Miller 28-29). After a few days of court Hale visits several households without the courts authority, and goes to John Proctors house to have a few words with John and his wife . This moment in the court demonstrates the power of hysteria and how it forces oneself to go against what they know is right and follow the person who is causing the hysteria, Abigail Williams. In result of his pride later in the book he feels that everyone is going to die because of him. Warren doing witchcraft on them. John Proctor steps up with Mary Warren to the court and bluntly states how she will swear she lied you [them] (Miller 91). One strong example is Hitlers godly motivation to purify Germany by exploiting vulnerable people to support his beliefs. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. He confronts John Proctor to ask him if he has no belief that there may even be witches in the world (Miller 40 ). 8. The following are examples of historical panics that were later considered . The Crucible demonstrates that when one person acts hysterical, others will follow in mass leading to mass hysteria. An event in history that was impacted by mass hysteria was the Red Scare. #3: We are what we always were in Salem, but now the . Mass hysteria in real life Mass Hysteria- Is when the community or a large group express's the same behavior or beliefs when a tragedy happens that can put them at risk. Mass hysteria negatively affects the lives of people around us. In Act I, Hale is described as a tight-skinned, eager-eyed intellectual. . This quote is very important to the play because it shows that Abigail is not truthful and it raises suspicion as to why she really got fired from Goody Proctors., He takes a complete turn around from the man he once one back in Act I compared to now. He is completely fed up with the situation and tell Judge Danforth that he will not dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt it (Miller 214). Quotes: 1. Characters: Mrs. Putnam (Speaker), Parris, Proctor. At that time, the reputation is really important for let someone believe to you. Another characteristic of Abbys is she is manipulative., Abigail soon begins to believe that she is invulnerable and that she can cry witchcraft upon whomever she wishes. Hale changes his approach and is seen as a humbler man when he realizes the truth and that he has signed the death warrants. In his own words he states he has "a good deal of his time pondering the invisible world, especially since he had himself encountered a witch in his (own), At the beginning of the play, Reverend Hale arrives in Salem eager to try and rid the Devil from the town. There are several conflicts taking place in the Crucible, but the major conflict is between the reason of the human mind and the irrational fear of hysteria. This leads to a hysteria of fear of the devil and witches. The way that all the girls. Hale arrives as an educated religious scholar who is brought to find the truth behind the witchery. It only takes one little, but significant, push to create a domino effect, resulting in the entire line of dominoes falling. The story features characters that are lower on the social ladder at the time rise to importance. Rev. Mass hysteria is irrational behavior of a large group sparked by a fear that is unjustified. The court has obviously taken the shift towards the girls after Elizabeth Proctor lies about her husbands affair with Abigail. When John Proctor tells the truth about Abigail, she gets the another girl to pretend that he is "witching " them. Which he thinks very highly of as well when first comes to Salem. It is too late for the court to go back on their decision, so Hale in a last effort tries to save the remaining. In the play, Mary Warren was one of the girls that was seen in the woods by Reverend Hale. The last domino that stands is Proctor and once he decided to die there were no more to knock down, therefore the hysteria calms down because Abigail has no reason to continue it. Revenge is a recurring theme in, Abigail sees when Mary Warren places the needle in the dolls stomach for safe keeping and then uses that to her advantage and stabs herself with a needle in her stomach. He has books on witchcraft to become so well skilled and knowledgeable about fighting the devil. Examples Of Hysteria In The Crucible. 2. As the dominoes fall, one by one, they continue to demonstrate how the one push Abigail gave started the destruction process of Salem through mass hysteria and the disregard to justice. crash game gambling free x wellbutrin stomach ulcer x wellbutrin stomach ulcer The characters in The Crucible all exhibit certain reactions to the hysteria that is within the town of Salem. At the end of the play, in Act IV, people begin to realize the wrong they have done and the empty and no-longer functional state of Salem. But it is a whore's vengeance. Don't waste timeGet Your Custom Essay on. For the people in the town of Salem, it was hard to believe that their own neighbors, who they thought were good people, could be witches. One calls up witnesses to prove his innocence. No one wanted to be called a witch, as people knew that the punishment for witchcraft was death ( ). Deputy Governor Danforth, Act 3 While seeking Reverend Hale's help, Reverend Parris inadvertently gives his own idea of the doctrine of witchcraft since he wants someone who "has much experience in all demonic arts. It becomes clear that the court has chosen to believe the accusers, and whatever evidence presented indicating that they are frauds is discounted. He means well but ends up turning from the court and becomes incapable of stopping the executions. For example Abigail and other girls were given more importance, Whatever hysteria exists is inflamed by mystery, suspicion, and secrecy. The affair and Abbys desire to win Proctor over sets in motion the domino effect of accusing innocent people of witchcraft. Some characters used the situation as a way to clear their name or pass blame of something onto someone else. Though these women were innocent, Titubas fear of punishment lead her to be immoral and accuse these women of witchcraft which, Instead of telling people all of Abigail's motives, Mary stayed quiet out of fear. Act 1 & Act 2 Literary Devices- the Crucible ; The Crucible Act 4 Summary And Quotes; Othello Is First Seen Through the Eyes of Iago in Act I Scene I of Othello. In today's society there are many cases of mass hysteria just like long ago. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. Though many may think it an action or emotion, hysteria is considered a psychological disorder that first was only diagnosed in women (Women and Hysteria in the History of Mental Health n.pag.). For instance, there was a pressure to be perfect, to never be caught doing anything the reverend wouldnt approve of. Then, look up the actual definition for the word and determine which relates most effectively to The Crucible. "There is a misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to cling to old respects and ancient friendships. Ultimately, this leads to those convicted people accusing more innocent people and so on. In Arthur Millers play, The Crucible, Abigail Williams creates godly confessions propelling mass hysteria; blinding the people of Salem from the truth which is disregarded through the domino effect of accusations (hysteria), the destruction of Salem, and death as the result. Fear can lead to hysteria- a condition where community wide fear overwhelms logic and ends up justifying its own existence. The girls are accused of dancing in the woods which makes them tell rumors about everyone else. The afflicted girls who started and spread the hysteria in Salem, were clearly shown to not be hysterical, rather they conspired and their antics drove the town to hysterics.
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