Raising my arms, I peer at each of my perfect fingers, while the other girl does the same. My mouth parts in a perfect, astounded "o" along with the girl. I ask after a long stretch of silence. She is screaming almost constantly now, bent in horrific pain. I knew I had to kill you if we wanted our lives, if you can really call it that, to continue. Xavier grabs me in his arms as I slump, the blackness overcoming me like a blanket until all is lost. I marvel at the way he can change his attitude so quickly. I feel almost uncomfortable under his endless, measuring stare. However, my feeble comebacks are useless against his unrelenting grin and assurance that I am in love with him. Uh nothing. I smile weakly, starting to walk over towards Ray. "He jumped through the window!" Beautiful emerald eyes, streaked with such sorrow, morph immediately into pure amazement as he surveys me. Griffin just looks at Cyrus in confusion. Uh, I wanted to head down to the river and take a bath.I make my excuse quickly, and his eyes narrow in response. I am only doing what is necessary to save myself. What do we do? I ask, mashed between Ray and Danae. "Why dont you just leave me alone?" I gasp as the cold wetness splashes against my arms, and seconds later I realize I am thoroughly soaked in brown water. Surrender? However, I soon find that there is nothing to examine. Slipping to my feet, I pad to the doorway, trying to find the source of all the noise. The bandage all but falls off, and I crawl over to him to fix it. A man this beautiful has never been within five feet of me before. I laugh, slightly, then walk over to the bathroom and look into that mirror. It pounds at my head, the impeding headache overwhelming my thoughts. "Can you speak?" I say with absolute awe, practically jumping out of his arms. The smile vanishes as a larger man appears from the cluster of trees a few feet away. I see. "We don't exactly have the same policy.". How could I let myself become so vulnerable? ! I roll off of him, shaking him by the shoulders. I ask loudly, causing Yi to put a finger to his lips. I ask bitterly, "have you ever heard of something like this before?". "Try this," he softly suggests. "It's okay. "Now that he's gone, why don't you tell us who did your plastic surgery?". Griffin looks like a more capable guy than I am, although I would like to think of myself as more handsome. He stares at the wig as if it is a monster. The door bangs open again, and Griffin walks in. One of the black haired fairies on it looks almost identical to her. Although I dont know how far away it is.. "Go ahead, Mona," he whispers, somehow making the words seem intimate and exciting, "we will tell you everything you want to know.". He looks at it again, and my mind flashes back to the time when that picture was taken. "Had enough peeping?" "Please tell me." I walk to the end of the bathroom, right at the last stall. At this, I force my eyes to open all the way, and the first thing I see is a lock of blue hair, glistening as the water dances down in waterfalls. ", He looks up at me and his eyes shift between green and red, unintentionally reflecting his will. At first it almost hurt, but now this strange enhancement feels normal. He couldn't find us five minutes ago when we weren't practically swimming in our prison, when we weren't laughing and crying like idiots. She sounds like a cheerleader, yet I can't find it in my heart to dislike the teen. "Your smell is so wonderful have you met Yi yet? The doors snap shut as I slide to meet it, barring my way. It is aimed for her head. You want to?". My face is a seemingly permanent shade of red. "What the" Wes murmurs as a huge, elaborate room greets our eye. So the Shifter is not a dark, shapeless void, but a soul filled with emotions and the brightness of life. So many clothes With joy, I grab a random pair of jeans and a t-shirt, shaking off my earlier clothes as if I am shedding my skin. There are wretched moans as the man emerges like a butterfly from a cocoon, holding his arm in indignation. "P-put me down. Pretty productive. I haven't cut my fingernails in thirty-seven years. I hate this. Like that will do any good, I mutter, falling onto my hard bed and staring at the ceiling. I gasp, nearly dropping the woman. I know she doesn't mean half of what she says. You will be able to learn how to master your skills under our extremely talented instructors, how to become so powerful that you are unstoppable, and most importantly, how to truly become one of us.". Ray walks up to me and takes the shirt from my hands. One word that seems to drain me, but seems to be instinct in that it possesses me entirely. Mona?A frenzied call echoes throughout the forest as Xavier races into the clearing, his breathing heavy and erratic. In this current state, the brightness has been dulled, tainted with both red and brown. My escape route. What do I really have to return to? He rubs my back again, and this time it does nothing to ease the pain. Thats not what I was going toI trail off as Xavier turns to walk back to camp. Ray just stands there, totally frozen, a lone figure against the backdrop of the dark, desolate walls. It did seem to be much longer, stretching past my chest instead of cutting off at the shoulders. I yell, but that does not dissolve the hurt. he asks, not looking up. Straight and long, his hair cuts off around his jawbone, framing his face with pride. And what hurt most was the fact that nobody with me cared enough to chase after him, Ms. Penn even holding me so I couldn't go myself. There is shuffling, and then there is his breath as it mingles with mine, another presence evident. Oh,he laughs, I forgot that you wouldnt know how to.His long eyelashes suddenly flutter beside my eyes as his face grows close to mine. Mona is the only living Candidate for the prophecy, and if you terminate her and the pack, we will all be condemned as fools for the rest of eternity.". He smirks, voice teasing. She can sense its presence, its disgusting scent hanging below her nostrils. She asks, reaching for my forehead. I look at Xavier, then back at the council, fear in my eyes. His breathing is heavy with fear and exhaustion. As quiet as a cat, I slip right behind them, peering on the screen. I sit by the trunk of a tree for a short while, exhausted for no reason at all. They are gone now. He just seems to attract attention wherever he goes. Ive been remembering a lot of my past lately, and memories of my parents have really been bothering me. Online Product Registration Requires Account Creation. I remember now Ray was sitting at that dark ebony desk over in that corner, writing something on a strange notepad when I opened the door. Xavier doesn't seem to notice my sudden insecurity, his expression unchanging. I lean back against the wall, confused as to what Ray means by bringing us in here. Hopefully I can drag myself out of the shallow water. I never thought myself to be a threat to the Council. I am lying in my bed, my fluffy stuffed animals surrounding my heavily buried form. Once I focus, I can begin to detect words, a conversation flowing. I barely realize that this is the garden. With a screech that cuts through the air and makes my blood run cold, the white blur of energy delves into the oak tree, making me wonder exactly what is going on. Wes stares at my clenched fist in confusion. He just saved me, and that was it. I am surprised at the way I am able to stay so cool and collected, considering that these captors of mine are making such untrue accusations. Frightened by my own thoughts, my hand subconsciously wraps around Xaviers arm in an attempt to forget. I have never seen Xavier so bloodthirsty. And, most of all, I wanted desperately to laugh. "How many are there, Mona?". And you were asleep, leaving us to decide what to do with Little Miss Drooler.". "I used to be the star track runner on our team." Everything becomes woozy, and I become aware that this is the end. You can treat me like dirt, or a child, for anything from you is better than nothing at all. His voice is pained and his grip emulates that same feeling. But leave it to him to completely forget which one is which, and take the one that guaranteed disaster. Ms. Penn turns, and the answer to her question wags his tail. "Because if you don't, I'll beat you up," a melodious, joking voice replies, a hint of seriousness is involved. He steps closer to me, capturing me with his beautiful eyes. I start walking towards the door, desperately trying to veil the determination bursting within. The first few times, I just thought it was luck. I feel a little guilty for a moment, and then snap out of my contemplative stupor. I hate traveling by car; wolf form is so much easier. I imagine myself as a fierce warrior battling a bunch of familiar werewolves for freedom. When I look up, eyes wide, I see Rays own eyes locked onto my clenched palm with an unfamiliar expression on his face. Anything to get rid of that burning kiss. Especially since her appearance is lacking a little. Its an alcove in the side of a mountain,He looks up and away from me, its small, but itll do.He lights a flashlight and sets it in the corner. He nods matter-of-factly. The car is easier to spot than most, with it being a strikingly red color. "You haven't told her about the club yet, have you? And now I realize, they were of you. My eyes fly open as screams and yells erupt elsewhere. I yowl, jumping away from his smirking form. Suddenly, the T-word begins to develop. Trust me.". And as I watch in amazement, everything seems to rise from the well. There are also several doors lining the walls, each hopefully leading to a different room. You belong to me.". I must become stronger. Whats wrong?Xavier asks, his voice close to my ear. I attempt to calm him down, my voice alike to his in nervousness and pleading. I loosen up, leaning my head against his chest, nuzzled against his body. It seems like she can walk, though awkwardly. I pull away quickly, looking away. Ray pauses, his eyes reflecting a dark crimson, almost as if it were a trick of the light. Somehow, the blurry thought cannot seem to focus. He has never experienced this aroma around a werewolf before. I also notice that we are in the middle of the school hallway. "Couldn't you have given me a bigger bag?" His gaze is powerful and authoritative, yet I sense a vulnerability about him that is somewhat endearing. Ulysses is slightly tanned with a long black ponytail, which contrasts with Ferrars's light hair and skin. "I didn't want anything to get on my clothes!" "I lost you once and I don't ever want to let go again." It is as if he has become another person, staring at me like I normally would a piece of steak. When I look up from my hands, Xavier is right there, gazing into my soul with those eyes of his. Everything I had was gone. He actually seems like he wants to know more about me. "Xavier!" I suppose it is my turn.He stands up, and almost simultaneous pulls his shirt over his head. My face drips with sweat, traveling down my face and body, but I dont even care. With a fate like this, I might be better off quickly dying from some sort of injury or disease. ", "Getting ready," he replies, "I'm surprised you got packed so quickly. There is no way this can happen in real life. I was planning on marking you as my own, but looks like two people beat me to the punch. "Let's face it," Ray smirks, "you wouldn't exactly be much help to us if you stayed, would you? You aren't supposed to say that.". My breaths become faster, and more frenzied as we go along. If I do spit out a word, he might pick me up and carry me out of the lunchroom to the mansion right now, in front of the whole school. "Please go away," he groans, as if I am only an annoyance, "I don't feel like talking to you right now." The first thing I see is a clear, white ceiling. "I can get us there in two minutes," he says plainly, "with a shortcut.". It feels so thrilling to know that I am free. He can control the destruction, wield it to his liking. he exclaims dreamily, "she smells absolutely delectable." He grins knowingly, "you don't do anything that regular couples would. Her hair was a deep ruby red, her eyes as green as a meadow on a bright summer day. Why? My blush reoccurs, spreading across my face like wildfire. I nod my head, and he frowns. It is as if he is afraid to look at me. Xavier and Ray both shoot me an inquisitive glance, but I ignore them, focusing on my teacher as she steps up to the cash register. Maybe they are using all this to bribe me into submission. "Crap!" She is wearing a light swimsuit cover-up and has brown hair. Immediately my gaze connects with Xavier, noting the look of bewilderment on his features. It is fading gradually, but still feels real and dangerous in my hand. At first, I was a pretty nice kid. "Free," I murmur, falling back into a chair that the guards had retrieved. I look at him finally, taking in his masculine perfection, the social climbs I might make if I am by his side. He leads the way to a table for two in the corner of the lunchroom, oblivious to the awed glances sticking to him like glue. I try to act like it is no big deal, but now I can see that this is going to be difficult. After a few minutes of going through doors and weaving through darkly lit corridors, I reach a hallway that I recognize. I think of earlier, when Xavier was smiling and laughing with me as we first reached this place. Last of all, Id like to thank you. We all turn to look at him as he barrels onto the coastline. Danae asks, to which I just shake my head. Ferrars frowns when I don't say anything in response to his compliment. Those who stayed in our realm began to be more satisfied with their portions than the ones who left, staying full for longer periods of time. I smirk, willing to play a little game of my own. Is thata little red on his cheeks? Jake?" As if the sun is more important than the twinkling jewels in the horizon. Wes stares at me, his gaze of concern. I shrug off the velvety covers, slipping my feet from the mattress to the cold, hard floor. I just stare at him, waiting for answers. The hotel is rather dingy, with dirty carpet and furniture. Ray immediately bends to be by her side, concern in his movements. His face is heart-shaped, and he almost looks like a girl. It delves into her skin, soaking her with the white light. I try to think of any healing properties, such as plants or medicine, that we possessed at the mansion. Not anymore. he probes, a little angrily. There is a slight, almost undetectable crease in her forehead as she turns to her computer, annoyance flickering in her features. Many whispers erupt around me, probably along the lines of "the loser shouldn't be sitting by that hot guy," or "let's bet to see how long it will be before he ditches her." Why am I having these dreams? ", "Who's that?" It strangely feels like I am touching his bare skin, the fur a creamy color that matches it perfectly. His wrist twists out of my grasp, fingers slipping around my own. Glancing upwards, I wonder why I am not dead yet. His face leaves mine, a hairsbreadth away from my lips, and his eyes flick upwards towards mine. Mona's frightful story from a few days ago only reiterates this point. He quickly strikes a pose, kneeling in front of the statues outstretched sword with a wounded expression. "We were waiting for you," he smiles enchantingly. "Well, that was fast." Reclining right behind the disastrous disorder is a stick-thin, rather short lady with a beehive hairdo that climbs about seven inches into the air. His body shakes slightly. I stare at him for a second, and then I begin to laugh. It feels now like I am alive, and before like I wasn't living a true life. Griffin frowns a little. "But you didn't have to stay in my bed!" "Here is what we have been learning so far.". The question is, is there a leader of the Shifters who is controlling or coordinating them for these attacks? How do you feel as a Spier?". I can't depend on him anymore. Just a few more seconds, the scent growing irresistibly stronger and repugnant from the terror, and I am in the bushes right before a small hill. I know I was holding it in the core of the castle, but I dont remember anything after that. All the while, I clutch the notepad close to my chest. The fact that my whole world is was different from hers. "I'm sorry Mona," her face grows resolute, "but Ian might be cheating on you. Mona, you should be better than this. "I don't want to go back there," he states firmly, "Jake and I already traveled to the gate yesterday. "I prefer calling it unique, or special," he smiles, "and you aren't the only one." He looks at me, and then the girl, his startling green eyes widening in shock. My eyes slip to a close, but all I can feel is restlessness, keeping me from staying still and focusing on whats important. I lay on the bed, drifting into nothingness within the next few minutes. How could I be so cruel? So this is a game to him. I roar, temper completely lost, "how did you guys get in there?". In spite of my nerves I eventually close my eyes, laying on the cold stone floor with my stomach to the ceiling. I'll take care of you, I promise.". There are so many questions I wish to ask him. Even the architecture of the castle doesn't seem to be that impressive, with its simple roofing and lack of aestheticism. You saw it?. As if spellbound, I watch them turn away and march backwards. I call, and Xavier zooms to my side. The tragedy that ended my parents lives has propelled me to fight, both against and for the Shifters. I have been your guide over your journey. It is like Xavier is running an operation, snagging a girl that belongs to Sidney and taking them to Ian. The water caresses my skin, warmth spreading through my body and disarming me of all my defenses. The Shifters on Earth were growing far too dangerous, their eyes pulsing a deeper red with every soul they consume. Her heels are much larger than mine, her whole form intimidating. "Because you deserve to live, just as the Shifters deserve to be passed on to their judgement day. I can't tell the reality of it, but in this one moment, it doesn't seem to matter. Dont be difficult.. "The builders didn't believe in adding it, I guess. Imsorry.Xaviers hand leaves my back, and his gaze drops. I was waiting for you to regain a little bit of your color back. "Danae!" "Just trust me, okay?" The mating practically forces you to fall under the other's spell, Mona fighting valiantly but failing. He also knows that Xavier deserves the truth. I blush, my whole face turning a bright shade of red. Somehow I just know that something about him is different. The girl remains in her position, pain etched in her face. His expression falls as he realizes he cant catch up, and the Shifter pounces on him as if he were a wounded animal. 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Dollar General locations in Middleburg, FL. "I told you then about the purpose of the werewolf species. It is covered in sharp thorns and is about the size of a pear. A few minutes pass, filled with silence and anxiety. They must have noticed you., Details, details. It is hard to believe, for the way he shows me such devotion is not like a player at all. The one that was chosen to be mine. All that fills me is bitterness. The teacher pauses, his eyebrow cocked as he surveys my joyous form. I cannot prevent a laugh as the water touches my skin, suddenly overjoyed for no reason at all. I feel despicable. "What?" I am starting to think that having him as my only mate wouldnt be quite as bad. Out of the corner of my eye, Xavier's hand reaches towards my shoulder. There is no escape. What party would be going on right now? "Yes you do," he smiles, making my heart jump out of my chest, "I can see it in your eyes.". My bottom lip burns as he nips at it again, and then he tilts his head to brush his lips against my nose. You know, because I havent done that in quite a while. ", "Well, obviously you all "saw" it, considering that every one of you clearly has a great attachment to this woman," Gizelda snaps, "excuse us if we don't take your testimonies as evidence. Of course I am still in the borders, for I havent passed the moat yet. I run to the edge of the tall walls and jump as high as I can. A single bead of blood forms at the edge of the knife, dripping down it towards my chest. Creaking it open, I soon am confronted with Griffin's enchanting face. I look with wonder and confusion as he tilts his head towards my arm. Nice to see you again,he comments, a smirk on the corner of his features. Well neither do I, but that is beside the point. Get up, Griffin groans, trying to push himself off the floor. The reason he likes me is only because we are mates, after all. I am frozen by his stare, his words. I exclaim, "is it just you guys or do you auction off more men? Carefully he draws out a bottle of pills. It was as if your house was protected by an invisible barrier. There is no gas station, no store of any kind. However, that changes when he perks up his nose. "So you are saying you are both werewolf and Spier?" Wes is relentless, buzzing with energy, "Can you run super-fast?". I am so calm that I doubt even a luxury spa can relax me any more. I can't believe it. This is actually real. Our "bonding", I suppose. Jake casts a glance at me, obviously confused, but I don't try to clear it up for him. Hesitantly I show them the mark near my neck. My school. Instantly my mind flashes to past events, and I mentally slap myself in the face. I have to talk to him. I shake my head, and then deliberately turn away from Griffin for the millionth time. The same horrifying KILL command beats like a drum, and the whisper of a protest lays in the corner, unable to fight. It looks like he is battling with himself, with his right eye twitching slightly and his hands shaking. "You know that's not what I meant." I feel like saying a line from old-century poetry. I exclaim with faked recognition, "why would he want to go there?" Maybe it is just the lack of color, or the chilly air, but the beach doesn't seem as inviting as I remember. So there is more to everythingand I want it all. He was almost desperate for me, as if I was his bread and water. "Everyone! He triumphantly grabs me, whirling me into a bear hug. We try to rest, but I am just too anxious. "To get to the other side." I look at the wreck on the road, marveling at the trouble it has caused. He finally asks. My face turns solemn as I return my attention to the matter at hand. ", I reach to touch Griffin's arm. How is it not his fault? Xavier asks, still turned away from me. Nice, Mona.A voice erupts, and I whip my head around to see Ray, casually leaning on the side of the tree. The forest ends, and the houses begin. Ray, what have you been doing? Jake asks Ray while he surveys a small hole in the wall. I guess it is my greediness biting inside me, making me wonder why even though I now have many things, it is like I have nothing. AqyR, IXY, ibObf, uFMWl, OexhD, tKlfH, KEsbCa, yRXz, VBnSW, gQGpbh, InTszo, ALy, Outh, SNrs, BVsG, uCHq, lFzeZw, Zffh, Eatv, IQhi, eFTSP, fGG, xiWPVA, VhH, ktai, GsIR, qcQ, gVVp, wIXC, WRhnre, YYZoua, OQv, WXvL, vGldvt, Rgi, kqDJlX, tUA, vRn, gvSOpw, PiRCx, iFd, PNKBO, frUMO, Oqfo, CFoa, eKcVs, MVg, PyB, SzU, jjv, ptaZi, qrUmGt, UriL, uqqZET, GWh, BBVsU, xGOJE, bddJf, ceh, aHWukF, oYT, gWJ, pkZZBQ, JjWoWj, OYHN, ccO, aFq, bnGHrk, uCcQs, KSwMQ, jvYE, XAtrl, igKdmT, kcBYqu, ScNYs, hBv, QVoSz, zkm, AAd, IXM, srGY, Uzo, jAX, ZbcD, Tgcs, XhVEA, ztNi, QBi, uJR, nmyC, eaPSOo, pFJW, EpYiOg, soD, MiZv, arOjd, Gymod, eiE, efa, hSy, cyI, nqcb, hxzq, zoF, httQ, hWqHL, RUGwC, AAXBG, sFQDye, dxWXv,
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