4, 31 July 2006 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2, 19 September 2012 | Soft Computing, Vol. 3, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 1, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. , the constraints are expressed by m condition equations.[2]. Statist., 22 (1973), 275286 49:1691 ISIGoogle Scholar, [11] S. D. Hodgesand, P. G. Moore, Data uncertainties and least squares regression, J. Roy. }}. 87, No. An application to approximation problems, A Knowledge Based Fault Diagnosis System for the Supervision of Periodically and Intermittent Working Machine Tools, PIECE-WISE MULTILINEAR PREDICTION FROM FCV DISJOINT PRINCIPAL COMPONENT MODELS, A unifying theorem for linear and total linear least squares, The estimation of geometry and motion of a surface from image sequences by means of linearization of a parametric model, Quantitative analysis of NMR spectra by linear prediction and total least squares, Analysis and Properties of the Generalized Total Least Squares Problem $AX \approx B$ When Some or All Columns in A are Subject to Error, Algebraic connections between the least squares and total least squares problems, Sensor array signal processing via a procrustes rotations based eigenanalysis of the ESPRIT data pencil, Tomographic imaging in hydrocarbon reservoirs, Alternative Error Measures for Non-Diffraction and Diffraction Tomography, A Deterministic Approach to Approximate Modelling, Matrix analysis of metamorphic mineral assemblages and reactions, The extended classical total least squares algorithm, Chapter I A view of unconstrained optimization, The constrained total least squares technique and its application to array processing, On analyzing the performance of least squares methods in motion estimation, Iterative speed improvement for solving slowly varying total least squares problems, Analysis and Solution of the Nongeneric Total Least Squares Problem, On the performance analysis of the MVDR beamformer in the presence of correlated interference, The partial total least squares algorithm, Interval Least Squares a Diagnostic Tool, Total least squares approach for frequency estimation using linear prediction, Algebraic relationships between classical regression and total least-squares estimation, A generalization of the Eckart-Young-Mirsky matrix approximation theorem, Subset selection using the total least squares approach in collinearity problems with errors in the variables, Reliable and efficient deconvolution technique based on total linear least squares for calculating the renal retention function, Data Structures for Adaptive Grid Generation, Orthogonal least squares fitting with linear manifolds, An Infinite Dimensional Variational Problem Arising in Estimation Theory, On a class of algorithms for total approximation, Estimation, principal components and hamiltonian systems, Fault Detection in a Tubular Heat Exchanger based on Modelling and Parameter Estimation, The Use of Total Linear Least Squares Techniques for Identification and Parameter Estimation, The singular value decomposition in multivariate statistics, An Analysis of the Total Approximation Problem in Separable Norms, and an Algorithm for the Total $l_1 $ Problem, A completely integrable Hamiltonian system associated with line fitting in complex vector spaces, The Collinearity Problem in Linear Regression. V Part II: Comparison with the Regularized ExpectationMaximization Algorithm, A Cost-Effective Atomic Force Microscope for Undergraduate Control Laboratories, Structured Least Squares Problems and Robust Estimators, Total Least-Squares regularization of Tykhonov type and an ancient racetrack in Corinth, Compressive sampling and adaptive multipath estimation, Hyper Chaotic Logistic Phase Coded Signal and Its Sidelobe Suppression, Tikhonov solutions of approximately given systems of linear algebraic equations under finite perturbations of their matrices, On extremum properties of orthogonal quotients matrices, Structured Total Maximum Likelihood: An Alternative to Structured Total Least Squares, A Nonlinear PDE-Based Method for Sparse Deconvolution, Online three-dimensional SLAM by registration of large planar surface segments and closed-form pose-graph relaxation, Discussion on: Identification of ARX and ARARX Models in the Presence of Input and Output Noises, On nonlinear weighted errors-in-variables parameter estimation problem in the three-parameter Weibull model, Primal-Dual Estimation of a Linear Expenditure Demand System, Identification of Free Flying Systems Using Unactuated Base-Link Dynamics-Identification of Flying Humanoids and Humans Without Force Measurement-, A Self-Stabilizing Neural Algorithm for Total Least Squares Filtering, Inverse problems in queueing theory and Internet probing, Improved parameter estimates for non-linear dynamical models using a bootstrap method, An improved algorithm of grey model-GM(1,1) based on total least squares and its application in deformation forecast, A unified linear Model Output Statistics scheme for both deterministic and ensemble forecasts, Truncated Total Least Squares Regularization Method for Ocean Acoustic Tomography Inverse Problem, Fast 3D mapping by matching planes extracted from range sensor point-clouds, Identification of Neurofuzzy Models Using GTLS Parameter Estimation. 3, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 57, No. 646, No. 24, No. Deming, Statistical Adjustment of Data, Wiley, 1943, {{#invoke:citation/CS1|citation 3, 5 October 2018 | Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol. 89, No. 11, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 8, 13 June 2013 | Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. Here, cells A15, B15, and C15 contain the means for the Color, Quality, and Price sample data. 125, No. 53, No. The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides worksheet functions SVD_U, SVD_D, and SVD_V that can be used to calculate U, D, and V in Excel. 36, No. 2, 17 February 2012 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 6, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 1, 19 June 2018 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 70, No. 2, 25 November 2015 | Geosphere, Vol. f = X i 1 1 + X i 2 2 + {\displaystyle f=X_ {i1}\beta _ {1}+X_ {i2}\beta _ {2}+\cdots } The model may represent a straight line, a parabola or any other linear combination of functions. is the Frobenius norm, the square root of the sum of the squares of all entries in a matrix and so equivalently the square root of the sum of squares of the lengths of the rows or columns of the matrix. 67, No. 125, No. 21, No. 49, No. 9, 25 April 2017 | Bioinformatics, Vol. Section 2.2 presents the solution of the total least squares problem and the resulting basic computational algorithm. 34, No. Anal., 17, 1980, pp. 147, No. 104, No. 544, 6 February 2018 | Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 19, 9 September 2011 | Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 2, 8 July 2022 | Solar Physics, Vol. 4, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 42, No. 3, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 23, No. 30, No. 1, 4 August 2012 | European Radiology, Vol. 1, 6 November 2014 | Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 296, No. 63, No. 27, No. It minimizes the sum of the residuals of points from the plotted curve. y 30, No. SIMAX vol. 2, 27 February 2020 | Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. Share. {\displaystyle \beta } 25, No. 5, 19 December 2013 | Survey Review, Vol. Workshop, Heidelberg, 1979), Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. When the data errors are uncorrelated, all matrices M and W are diagonal. to bring the bottom block of the right matrix to the negative identity, giving[6]. Click hereto download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage. 51, No. 3, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. {\displaystyle \mathbf {M} _{y}} 10, 24 November 2016 | Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Vol. Application to In Vivo Real-Time Myocardium Tissue Impedance Characterization During the Cardiac Cycle, Joint photometric and geometric image registration in the total least square sense, An Improved Weighted Total Least Squares Method with Applications in Linear Fitting and Coordinate Transformation, Application of L1-norm regularization to epicardial potential reconstruction based on gradient projection, Viscoelastic properties of soft gels: comparison of magnetic resonance elastography and dynamic shear testing in the shear wave regime, Empirical distribution function under heteroscedasticity, Control Engineering Approaches to Reverse Engineering Biomolecular Networks, Extrinsic calibration of a single line scanning lidar and a camera, Some results on condition numbers of the scaled total least squares problem, A Contribution to the Conditioning of the Total Least-Squares Problem, The Total Least Squares Problem in AXB: A New Classification with the Relationship to the Classical Works, Total least-squares adjustment of condition equations, Positional accuracy improvement: a comparative study in Shanghai, China, Total least squares with application in geospatial data processing, Estimation of real-valued sinusoidal signal frequencies based on ESPRIT and propagator methods, Total least squares fitting Bass diffusion model, An approximate inference with Gaussian process to latent functions from uncertain data, Frequency response based identification of fractional order dynamical systems, Fractional order control model of steel casting process, Recovery of sparse perturbations in Least Squares problems, An iterative solution of weighted total least-squares adjustment, Robustness and correction of linear models, Calibration for single-carrier preFDE transceivers based on property mapping principles, On the Numerical Analysis of Oblique Projectors, Modifications of the Least Squares Parameter Estimation, Algorithms and Literate Programs for Weighted Low-Rank Approximation with Missing Data, Characterization of Laser Scanners and Algorithms for Detecting Flatness Defects on Concrete Surfaces, Reverse Engineering Partially-Known Interaction Networks from Noisy Data, Generalization of total least-squares on example of unweighted and weighted 2D similarity transformation, Noise analysis and suppression method in attitude determination using the global positioning system (GPS), BEM-Based Estimation for Time-Varying Channels and Training Design in Two-Way Relay Networks, Toward a solution of allocation in life cycle inventories: the use of least-squares techniques, Automatic reconstruction of as-built building information models from laser-scanned point clouds: A review of related techniques, Context-aware end-to-end QoS qualitative diagnosis and quantitative guarantee based on Bayesian network, A model function method in regularized total least squares, Study of acoustic source localization algorithm for planar arrays, Support vector machine classification with noisy data: a second order cone programming approach, A coastal acoustic tomography inverse method based on Chebyshev polynomials and its application in Zhoushan field experiment, Linear mapping function to the influence of non-invasive ICP assessment, Consistent joint photometric and geometric image registration, Low-complexity calibration of mutually coupled non-reciprocal multi-antenna OFDM transceivers, A Subgradient Solution to Structured Robust Least Squares Problems, A Geometrical Approach to Indefinite Least Squares Problems, On nonlinear weighted total least squares parameter estimation problem for the three-parameter Weibull density, Fast Registration Based on Noisy Planes With Unknown Correspondences for 3-D Mapping, SOLVING REGULARIZED TOTAL LEAST SQUARES PROBLEMS BASED ON EIGENPROBLEMS, A Bayesian Algorithm for Reconstructing Climate Anomalies in Space and Time. 46, No. Sum of squares (SS) is a statistical tool that is used to identify the dispersion of data as well as how well the data can fit the model in regression analysis. Develop analytical superpowers by learning how to use programming and data analytics tools such as VBA, Python, Tableau, Power BI, Power Query, and more. Classic problem of solving a set of linear equations of the form Ax=b is discussed here. 8, 8 July 2010 | The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol. 50, No. 4, 31 January 2018 | Journal of Geodesy, Vol. and 54, No. 17, No. Y Many thanks. 8, No. The method of least squares is a statistical method for determining the best fit line for given data in the form of an equation such as \ (y = mx + b.\) The regression line is the curve of the equation. 56, No. 39, No. [7], The standard implementation of classical TLS algorithm is available through Netlib, see also. 63, No. Tofallis (2002)[17] has extended this approach to deal with multiple variables. 24, No. 112, No. ] This image is only for illustrative purposes. 37, No. 313, 23 April 2009 | Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, Vol. 16, 5 November 2011 | Journal of Geodesy, Vol. The results showed that PEU and national culture had a substantial and advantageous impact . 1, 7 March 2009 | Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Vol. {{#invoke:Citation/CS1|citation 4, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 3, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. The total cost at an activity level of 6,000 bottles: = $85,240. 1, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Vol. 4, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Vol. 1, 8 June 2018 | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. An expression of this type is used in fitting pH titration data where a small error on x translates to a large error on y when the slope is large. 8, 8 December 2012 | Earth Science Informatics, Vol. There is no solution to this, but maybe we can find some x-star, where if I multiply A times x-star, this is clearly going to be in my column space and I want to get this vector . showing how the variance at the ith point is determined by the variances of both independent and dependent variables and by the model being used to fit the data. However there are various ways of doing this, and these lead to fitted models which are not equivalent to each other. Writing the model function as 3, 5 June 2007 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. Learn to turn a best-fit problem into a least-squares problem. 12, No. 25, No. 3, 19 November 2013 | Computational Economics, Vol. 7, 11 October 2018 | Survey Review, Vol. 3, 14 April 2016 | Survey Review, Vol. It can be determined using the following formula: Where: y i - the value in a sample; - the mean value of a sample; 2. 1, 6 April 2016 | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Vol. Least Squares Method: The least squares method is a form of mathematical regression analysis that finds the line of best fit for a dataset, providing a visual demonstration of the relationship . 73, No. 11-12, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 8, 25 June 2012 | Criminology, Vol. [13] This line has been rediscovered in different disciplines and is variously known as standardised major axis (Ricker 1975, Warton et al., 2006),[14][15] the reduced major axis, the geometric mean functional relationship (Draper and Smith, 1998),[16] least products regression, diagonal regression, line of organic correlation, and the least areas line. To keep learning and advancing your career, the following CFI resources will be helpful: Get Certified for Business Intelligence (BIDA). 3, 6 February 2021 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 62, No. [ Classic problem of solving a set of linear equations of the form Ax=b is discussed here. 4, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 7, No. The intercept regression coefficient is then given by. 4, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 50, No. 39, No. 5, 14 April 2010 | Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 1-4, 14 September 2009 | International Journal of Control, Vol. A total of 390 valid questionnaires were collected. 1, 31 July 2006 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 37, No. 34, No. 77, No. 19, No. }} the unknown precisions could be found via analysis of variance. 231, No. 88, No. 3, 8 December 2016 | Cogent Mathematics, Vol. 15, 8 October 2019 | Sensors, Vol. 39, No. {\displaystyle [U][\Sigma ][V]*} 4, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. A Phenomenological Model of Bulk Force in a Li-Ion Battery Pack and Its Application to State of Charge Estimation, Robust Total Least Squares with reweighting iteration for three-dimensional similarity transformation, Iterative algorithm for weighted total least squares adjustment, Refining the 3D Coordinate Transformation Parameters with Helmert Variance Estimation Method, Influence of errors in coordinate transformation due to uncertainties of the design matrix, Estimating frequency of three-phase power systems via widely-linear modeling and total least-squares, Almost perfect tracking through mixed numerical-analytical stable pseudo-inversion of non minimum phase plants, Fast and robust anchor calibration in range-based wireless localization, Application of least squares variance component estimation to errors-in-variables models, QR-TLS ESPRIT for source localization and frequency estimations, Quadtree-based polynomial polygon fitting, Power System State Estimation Using PMUs With Imperfect Synchronization, Total least squares and bootstrapping with applications in calibration, Simultaneous least squares fitter based on the Lagrange multiplier method, Research on automatic reading recognition of index instruments based on computer vision, Narrow-Band Interference Suppression for SAR Based on Independent Component Analysis, On the condition number of the total least squares problem, Pareto optimality solution of the Gauss-Helmert model, Online algorithm based on support vectors for orthogonal regression, Paradox of enrichment: A fractional differential approach with memory, Multi-User Pre-Processing in Multi-Antenna OFDM TDD Systems with Non-Reciprocal Transceivers, Weighted total least squares: necessary and sufficient conditions, fixed and random parameters, Attitude-independent magnetometer calibration for marine magnetic surveys: regularization issue, An Efficient Line-Search Algorithm for Unbiased Recursive Least-Squares Filtering With Noisy Inputs, Distributed Interference Alignment Algorithm for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Networks with Uncoordinated Interference, Automatic creation of semantically rich 3D building models from laser scanner data, Adaptive frequency estimation of three-phase power systems with noisy measurements, Diffusion-based distributed adaptive estimation utilizing gradient-descent total least-squares, Online robust portfolio risk management using total least-squares and parallel splitting algorithms, A total least squares proximal support vector classifier for credit risk evaluation, Biascompensated normalised LMS algorithm with noisy input, Linear unmixing of hyperspectral images for analysis of fluorescently-labeled cellswith imperfect endmember spectra, Subspace-Based Estimators and Application to Partially Known Signal Subspaces, Pareto optimality solution of the multi-objective photogrammetric resection-intersection problem, A consistent method of estimation for the three-parameter Weibull distribution, Lithium ion battery pack power fade fault identification based on Shannon entropy in electric vehicles, A novel monitoring method of wet friction clutches based on the post-lockup torsional vibration signal, A double regularization approach for inverse problems with noisy data and inexact operator, The Core Problem within a Linear Approximation Problem $AX\approx B$ with Multiple Right-Hand Sides, Parameter Identification of Synchronous Machine Based on TLS-ESPRIT, An Efficient Two Dimensional Multiple Real-Valued Sinusoidal Signal Frequency Estimation Algorithm, A solution to EIV model with inequality constraints and its geodetic applications, An approach to response-based reliability analysis of quasi-linear Errors-in-Variables models, Image registration improves human knee cartilage T1 mapping with delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC), Robust estimation of excitation in mechanical systems under model uncertainties, Line parameter estimation using phasor measurements by the total least squares approach, An Improved Moving Least Squares Method for Curve and Surface Fitting, Calibrating Car-Following Model Considering Measurement Errors, Real-Time Ocean Wind Vector Retrieval from Marine Radar Image Sequences Acquired at Grazing Angle, From Eigenvalues to Singular Values: A Review, Atmospheric turbulence profiling using multiple laser star wavefront sensors, Automatic controller tuning via unfalsified control, Multilateration localization in the presence of anchor location uncertainties, Long-Term Clock Synchronization in wireless sensor networks with arbitrary delay distributions, Linearly-Constrained Recursive Total Least-Squares Algorithm, Weighted total least squares RAIM algorithm using carrier phase measurements, Adaptive matching pursuit with constrained total least squares, STLN-based channel estimation using superimposed training and first-order statistics, Robust Support Vector Regression for Uncertain Input and Output Data, Properties of the total least squares estimation, The Application of Total Least Squares Method in Data Fitting of Speed Radar, Nonlinear GRAPPA: A kernel approach to parallel MRI reconstruction, Noniterative Convex Optimization Methods for Network Component Analysis, Total least squares adjustment in partial errors-in-variables models: algorithm and statistical analysis, Novel 2-D real-valued sinusoidal signal frequencies estimation approach based on modified ESPRIT and propagator method, THE ECOLOGY OF GANG TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES*, Application of Pareto optimality to linear models with errors-in-all-variables, Modeling of the national economies in state-space: A fractional calculus approach, A modified shuttled frog leaping algorithm for solving nodes position in wireless sensor network, An identification method for Errors-in-Variables systems using incomplete data, On weighted total least-squares for geodetic transformations, Data fitting using solutions of differential equations: Fractional-order model versus integer-order model, Linear-regression models and algorithms based on the Total-Least-Squares principle, Piecing together the past: statistical insights into paleoclimatic reconstructions, Multiscale InSAR Time Series (MInTS) analysis of surface deformation, Implementation and Performance of DSP-Oriented Feedforward Power Amplifier Linearizer, Min-Max Moving-Horizon Estimation for Uncertain Discrete-Time Linear Systems, Adaptive Algorithm in the Application of Visual Measurement System, Modifying Cadzow's algorithm to generate the optimal TLS-solution for the structured EIV-Model of a similarity transformation, Weighted total least squares formulated by standard least squares theory, Novel Estimation of the Electrical Bioimpedance Using the Local Polynomial Method. 35, No. 8, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. In this case the objective function can be written as, where 6, No. 5, 18 February 2012 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 9, No. 3, 14 July 2006 | SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, Vol. List of Excel Shortcuts 0, No. 3, Systems & Control Letters, Vol. Proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance prediction using artificial neural network, Compound Admittance Matrix Estimation of Three-Phase Untransposed Power Distribution Grids Using Synchrophasor Measurements, Seven confluence principles: a case study of standardized statistical analysis for 26 methods that assign net atomic charges in molecules, Sterling interpolation method for precision estimation of total least squares, The BAB algorithm for computing the total least trimmed squares estimator, Sparse linear regression from perturbed data, Regression prediction method that is based on the partial errors-in-variables model, Jackknife resampling parameter estimation method for weighted total least squares, Mathematical approach to the validation of form removal surface texture software, Extreme-Learning-Machine-Based Noniterative and Iterative Nonlinearity Mitigation for LED Communication Systems, WTLS iterative algorithm of 3D similarity coordinate transformation based on Gibbs vectors, Estimating the Nonparametric Regression Function by Using Pad Approximation Based on Total Least Squares, Robust least squares for quantized data matrices, Data Snooping for the Equality Constrained Nonlinear GaussHelmert Model Using Sensitivity Analysis, Jackknife Method for Variance Components Estimation of Partial EIV Model, Network flows that solve least squares for linear equations, An advanced multiple outlier detection algorithm for 3D similarity datum transformation, A universally efficient algorithm and precision assessment for seamless 3D similarity transformation, Bayesian system ID: optimal management of parameter, model, and measurement uncertainty, Point-wise weighted solution for the similarity transformation parameters, Weighted Total Least Squares (WTLS) Solutions for Straight Line Fitting to 3D Point Data, Performance Analysis of AOA-Based Localization Using the LS Approach: Explicit Expression of Mean-Squared Error, On the total least median of squares adjustment for the pattern recognition in point clouds, Representation and reconstruction of covariance operators in linear inverse problems, A robust total Kalman filter algorithm with numerical evaluation, Characterization and Hydrological Analysis of the Guarumales Deep-Seated Landslide in the Tropical Ecuadorian Andes, An Improved Recursive Total Least Squares Estimation of Capacity for Electric Vehicle Lithium-Iron Phosphate Batteries, A modified iterative algorithm for the weighted total least squares, Deep Learning for Handling Kernel/model Uncertainty in Image Deconvolution, Total Least-Squares Collocation: An Optimal Estimation Technique for the EIV-Model with Prior Information, A note on the matrix-scaled total least squares problems with multiple solutions, Robust principal component analysis for modal decomposition of corrupt fluid flows, An iterative total least squaresbased estimation method for structural damage identification of 3D frame structures, Defect inspection of coated automobile roofs using a single camera, General Total Least Squares Theory for Geodetic Coordinate Transformations, Global Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds Using Plane-to-Plane Correspondences, Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple Two-Dimensional Laser Rangefinders Based on a Trihedron, A general partial errors-in-variables model and a corresponding weighted total least-squares algorithm, Least Square Based Iteration Approach for Agricultural Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multi-Sensor Data, A Riemannian Optimization Approach for Solving the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for Nonsquare Matrix Pencils, Linear-quadratic programming and its application to data correction of improper linear programming problems, EIV regression with bounded errors in data: total least squares with Chebyshev norm, Prediction of terrain occlusion in Chang'e-4 mission, Constrained homogeneous errors-in-variables modelling and extended weighted total least squares solutions, Computationally Efficient Decompositions of Oblique Projection Matrices, Converted Total Least Squares Method and Gauss-Helmert Model with Applications to Coordinate Transformations, A New Simple, Fast and Robust Total Least Square Error Computation in E2: Experimental Comparison, Detecting the Most Insightful Parts of Documents Using a Regularized Attention-Based Model, Parameter Estimation, Variance Components and Statistical Analysis in Errors-in-Variables Models, The Constrained Total Least Squares Solution for Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning, Non-negative variance component estimation for the partial EIV model by the expectation maximization algorithm, The Bias-Compensated Proportionate NLMS Algorithm With Sparse Penalty Constraint, Novel Combined Variable Selection Approach Using Memetic Algorithm With Complex Harmonic Regularization, A Degenerate Spatial ARMA Process of External Sources Impinging Upon an Azimuth-Only ULA and the Estimation of Doas and Noise Variances, A Distributed Algorithm That Finds Almost Best Possible Estimate Under Non-Vanishing and Time-Varying Measurement Noise, Application of Optimization Algorithm for Unequal Time Interval MGM (1, N) in Engineering Survey, PERFORMING 3D SIMILARITY TRANSFORMATION WITH LARGE ROTATION ANGLES USING CONSTRAINED MULTIVARIATE TOTAL LEAST SQUARES, Using Delaunay triangulation and cluster analysis to determine the orientation of a sub-horizontal and noise including contact in Krakw-Silesian Homocline, Poland, Multiple-constraint inversion of SCOPE. 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