Even discussing my slim risk factors with doctors isn't helping me overcome my bleak fear. I do however live in constant pain, my chest, jaw, left shoulder, left arm constantly hurt - if I google those symptoms Im having a full blown heart attack but I force myself to sleep and next day I wake up feeling murky but very much alive. it doesn't take much to reduce me to tears! This is ruining my life, I used to be fun . All stemming after a night of partying. this sounds like a typical case of health anxiety. Last year i was carted ff via ambulance TWICE due to suspected stroke/heart attack. I can't even get out for a walk. but you will be fine once you call the psychiatrist. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Instead of googling Dr Google, where you can go from a mild headache to dead in 3 clicks, research health anxiety online instead. I went through testing with the NHS and privately. dont often know exactly what causes cardiophobia. I am, one of the experienced users of discord till date. Then you have to remember that your heart wont let you down just because it beats hard and fast when you're anxious. Hi! Thank you for reading my mess :). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You then become panicked which then in turn switches on your fight & flight response which then gets the heart pumping. I have called the doctor so many times, but I am never re-assured. Not everyone is going to understand you, especially not those who have never experienced mental health. My doctor laughed when mentioned it to him. Though cardiophobia isn't as well-known as many other phobias, it affects hundreds of thousands of people in the US, according to a 2008 analysis. My boyfriend who I feel like Im pushing away by being constantly worried said that it could be subconscious worrying. It's defined as an anxiety disorder. Anyways I'm sorry about this ramble. If it's after eating it almost certainly is indigestion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As I type I am wondering whether or not to call 911 because of a chest pain I've woken up with. have you gone through major life changes recentlyschool, job, relationship etc? Sometimes when I'm on the exercising machine (idk what it's called) my parents ridicule me for not going fast enough. They may also feel like depression is slowly killing them from the inside and also ruining their life because they are not able to function as they used to. I have been feeling this same way for 3 years and honestly if it was anything i would have had a heart attack already or died lol i always have to convince myself its nothing and a few times iv gone to hospital because of it. Trauma Has Ruined My Life. After months of worrying Im going to die because of this I have been improving because I tell myself I just need to distract myself and calm down. is it high in refined carbs? Patient is a UK registered trade mark. All rights reserved. But when you actually move toward your anxiety and just allow yourself to experience it, without trying to flee the situation or reason your way out of it, those yucky anxiety feelings and bodily sensations tend to dissipate. My heart keeps skipping beats and having flutters? I am not "cured" and i still experience occasional anxiety specifically health related but I am doing heaps better. Ive been doing it almost constantly since I woke up a few hours ago, when I felt the tiniest flutter in my heartbeat, one that most people wouldnt even notice. Dang this is crazy, I truly never thought anyone else was going through this. Archived Cardiophobia has ruined my life For the longest time, I've dealt with health anxiety issues regarding my heart. The slightest twinge or indigestion and I instantly become overwhelmingly convinced I'm having a heart attack. Anyway, you are not going to die, and you are not alone. Having anxiety especially health anxiety causes hyper awareness of bodily sensations, I feel every tiny movement in my body EXCEPT when I am distracted or busy, this speaks volumes. If any of you are (which it seems to be) a hypochondriac like me. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. I eventually began to reduce the anxiety and slowly my symptoms began to fade. My mom doesnt have any. However a couple of years ago I suddenly suffered a panic attack. i had developed a 'if i die - oh well' mentality which lead to less panic. So now, your brain is hyper aware of the heart beat. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are It started during finals week in college and I felt overwhelmingly that I was going to die and my heart kept having palpitations, racing, etc.. I guess I'm too scared to die. Above all though you need to have some coping ways for when you feel like your going to have a panic attack( important note you must understand it will be alright its not a heart attack or of sorts while its really bad) ways that may help you which I use, Call a trusted person that you have shared interest to talk to them about anything besides your chest, find a figet toy that you can mess with, and if you are in a public place where you cant just lay down and calm down so easily then resort to finding a area in which you are at least semi comfortable and watch something read something anything to get your mind off it, you must get your mind off it even though it hurts its the most important part. i have also always had a little fear blood clots, but now that is becoming almost has become a regular part of my constant panic. I recently had 6 ECGS, Cardiac Enzyme Test, Full Blood Count, blood pressure checked and blood sugars Everything all came back fine. You will need to go beyond your comfort zone and get out. My body just feels like curling up and I automatically begin to panic. Ive posted my story a few times now and Im still here in bed right now with palpitations that dont seem to stop and random pains. Ive been going through things similar to what you described. Ive called 911 on myself multiple times, they tell me im having a panic attack. But when I get anxious even slightly it jumps right up to 100-110. I think this would be easier with another adult on your side to help you explain to them. I was 29 at the time and was drinking and doing some lines. I had panic attacks. After getting Covid with my family and watching my pass out from a panic attack thinking he died, I've now developed such awful health anxiety. My chest hurt and my heart was beating ridiculously fast, about 200 beats per minute. Everything suddenly began dwindling downwards as time progressed and so my parents took her to the hospital, where my mother and father came back to deliver the news of her passing. mvillarreal . hope you are able to gain some reassurance soon! The thudding went on for what seemed like several minutes, but in reality was less than one, before it felt like someone flipped a switch and suddenly I was back to normal. Its hard for me to believe its nothing with my family history. Reddit seems more true and honest and its relaxing to read about other peoples feelings. it is beyond calming to know people similar to me struggle with these issues. Just need to find a way for a medicine which could help with all of this we all seem to be going through. I know it's irrational but last time I was at the gym (5months ago) I got lost in the moment and started sprinting on the treadmill while I was listening to some upbeat music. I ended up getting gastritis from the stress of it all which only made me panic more that something with my heart is actually wrong since everyone told me my stomach hurting was just anxiety. Saya telah melakukannya hampir terus-menerus sejak saya bangun beberapa jam . I honestly have been a Bodybuilder for about 10 years doing everything necessary to maintain and gain as much size as possible all through my 20s. Worth a shot if anyone feels this way :), Ive been scared too, I need to start journaling it. i hate it so sk so sk much i cant. I have seen so many arrestsnothing like that. If I keep up with the lifestyle I'm striving for currently exercising six days a week, eating a pescatarian diet, and skipping tobacco, drugs and alcohol I have the best chance of avoiding my grandmother's fate. When I'm completely relaxed it's usually around 65-75. Here we discuss the symptoms, my experience, and I share some tips! I thought I was dying My mother started yelling at me. my last bad episode, i ended up talking myself down by telling myself over and over, it is my hormones making me feel this way. He knows exactly what Im doing. More evidence that it skipped a generation and fell on me. When I woke up overnight with a similarly elevated heart rate, thought it was just from a nightmare, and went back to sleep. I'm Battling Cardiophobia, a Fear of Heart Disease, Key Heart Health Questions to Ask Your Doctor, Women's Heart Attack Symptoms You Need to Know. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance.Read more. we all over think and over analyze our symptoms. They believe I do that on purpose and that really hurts deep. I had cardiophobia for 2 1/2 years! I'm a bit underweight yet I don't drink and I don't smoke. Answer (1 of 6): If you want to avoid taking medicine you can try to vent online in a group or in a journal (pen and paper). An electrophysiologist went into my heart through a catheter, lasered off the extra tissue and sent me on my way. the title implies it allhypochondria. I have raised 3 boys all with ADHD, and they lost their mom three years ago to Alcohol and drugs. I ended up having severe panic attacks every night for weeks screaming and crying, having my heart beating so fast, feeling like someone was standing on my chest it was so painful, shaking, unable to think, everything felt like a blur and I wasn't connected to reality. elevated blood pressure with tachycardia would be worrisome especially if high, but yours is low. But before you take this any further you got to try and get them back on board. you will have a million times googled your symptoms and felt like you FINALLY found your cause only to have your doctor tell you that's not it. call a psychiatrist ASAP. I had agoraphobia (fear of leaving my home). Did you give your parents a reason to doubt you? keep up with your interests. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Hi, I am also 23, female and suffered the same as you. I also often wake up screaming in the night and dont remember it the next day. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Im taking my pulse again. It did not kill you. I plopped down on the couch one day and bam my heart rate skyrocketed. I've talked to a friend who's a neurologist and he insists it's POTS. you've given us all the physical symptoms with your age, above all, is certainly in your favor along with being underweight. But someone before her did. ecgs in particular would've spotted something seriously wrong. work as hard as you can to take the daily edge off. Although the chest pain hasnt. The fifth though insisted it could be inappropriate sinus tachycardia. developed heart disease before they turned 55. I hope you can get through this! I dont know what to tell you if you cant get them back in your corner. Believe it or not this would have saved your life back in hunting times, you would be more equipped to fight or flee from the danger. Every single sensation Im straight away googling and worrying about. But now I'm completely petrified of dying and absolutely feel like every little tightness or aryithmias I get is gonna kill me. good luck. I'm too sick of my self. Jennifer Billock is an award-winning writer, bestselling author, and editor of theKitchen Witch Newsletter. I have never had a family member I knew have a death from heart related issues, so I cant imagine how much that is making it worse but you need to talk to someone, anyone that listens because it helps immensely. Maybe a grandparent or aunt who is sympathetic to your pain? Out of everything I have seen (war, trauma, etc. Please feel free to discuss your experience with cardiophobia, your symptoms, tools to help others, or just general questions. What does it mean if I want to go off my antidepressants Hey! sounds like a little OCD as well. I partly understand them. He noted three heart conditions that commonly have a strong hereditary component: familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (where the heart muscle becomes too thick), familial dilated cardiomyopathy (the heart muscle becomes too thin) and familial hypercholesterolemia (a chromosome defect that causes high cholesterol). Finally, you need to avoid blaming yourself over and over again for ruining your life. Thank you so much for your reply. It wasnt until I was in my 30s that a monitor finally caught something. Cardiophobia is defined as an anxiety disorder of persons characterized by repeated complaints of chest pain, heart palpitations, and other somatic sensations accompanied by fears of having a heart attack and of dying. Saya mengambil denyut nadi saya lagi. For anyone who has similar struggles, do you feel your discernment of reality is a large culprit? I didn't know what it was, thought it was a heart attack, and it triggered a full-blown panic attack. I have suffered from cardiac anxiety from 2014 after taking a lot of drugs one night and what I thought was a heart attack was my first full blown panic attack and Ive had nothing like it ever since. Theres some part of me that is still convinced Im going to drop dead of a massive coronary the day after my 40th birthday. My parents don't support the idea of going to a psychiatrist. If you're not on medication maybe ask for something temporarily to see if it can "reset" you? you'll eventually realize anxiety is entirely plausible in your case and that it's capable of manifesting many unpleasant symptoms beyond comprehension in many cases. He was fine, then he clutched his chest, shouted "I think I'm having a heart attack!" Doctors never saw the elevated rate. There are more, but those are the most common. Another phrase that really helped with my anxiety is saying that "I am okay in this exact moment/second and if I'm not okay, I will get help." Even though my 48 hour holter did not suggest any of them I'm gravely scared I might get a lethal arrhythmia called Ventricular Tachycardia. Basically, it was making my heart short-circuit into an abnormal rhythm because the electrical pulse was getting hung up on the extra tissue. So, if i experience chest pain, I will write down that this could be caused by stress, that I have experienced this before and that I am okay and still alive. I feel like such a burden going in to the drs as I know there are others that need the treatment over me. Shades of this conversation play out in my life practically every week. This does sound like health anxiety. This really helps to ground how I am feeling and rationalise any thoughts I'm having. Or if you really think somethings wrong try to get a 24 hour holter monitor which will pick up pretty much anything wrong with your heart. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? My brain still thinks Im going to die. above all, if you have interests you enjoy continue to do them no matter how difficult. Feeling a little down today and I dont know how to get Im mad at my parents for having me and subjecting me to Press J to jump to the feed. More science and medicine needs to be done on the correlation between cardiac anxiety and coronary disease but I can assure youre that youre ok and if youre not, ask for an echocardiogram or an angiogram and you can see for yourself. Maybe even try dietary choices to help anxiety like chamomile tea or CBA oil. Everyday, there's a trigger here and a trigger there. if you're waking up to a panic attack from a dead sleep then it certainly appears to be anxiety induced. It was triggered last year when I watched my father have a sudden heart attack and die. i used to wake up out a dead sleep in panic attacks. I've stopped doing homework because I can hardly concentrate and I don't see the point if I think I'm dying all the time. It does appear that heart problems in my family indeed skip a generation. It sounded a heck of a lot like me, so I forwarded it to my therapist so we could discuss it in my next session. I havent been able to live my own life in months and its getting tiring, This sucks. I apologize I cant be more helpful, and that this is all scrambled and messy, Im currently having anxiety from my chest being tight and Im thinking about it since Im writing this so I cant really calm down so Im just not thinking of making it look nice sorry. You need to convince them that this is about you. They may also feel like they are horrible people and they may be plagued by feelings of guilt and shame for no reason at all. having said this it doesnt help thinking negative constantly, im going through this at the moment as well but it is now leaving me paralysed in a chair! Please message me for your number if you need to speak as I know how divinely terrifying it can be but it does get better. But it has hindered my life significantly and honestly i am done using pot or any substances. You have to remember all those times you "thought" you were going to die..you are still here! I even purchased an at home ECG machine because I was so worried about my fast heart!! My father has had multiple heart attacks and both of his parents died from heart attacks. I had stomach cramps after eating some rich food. it will most probably make you extremely tired but it will stop the panic. So write back when you can and let me know how you are making out. Working with a Psychotherapist can also be helpful. none of our business but is valid with regard to symptoms coinciding with life events. Start The Test. Registered in England and Wales. Fears . I was talking to him, he looked at me and died. You have had the tests and you are fine. I have had this so many times- it is so uncomfortable. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My heart health first landed me in the emergency room at just 20 years old. It came out of absolutely nowhere with zero warning. anyway, it appears you are a very anxious healthy young woman. I was lightheaded and thought I would pass out. This is a coincidence, Dr. Patel says. I dont want to feel like crap anymore. These events act as a trigger to rewire your brain for you to condition certain thoughts and feeling as fight or flight and adrenaline gets released and puts you in these states of panic. I hope you're able to break this circle you're in. Right now you are fearing your own body (mainly your heart) so your brain zeroes in on your heart because you are perceiving it as something to be fearful of. And they keep saying everything seems fine. Im not yet 40, which is the weird pseudo-deadline Ive given myself to get my affairs in order by, and that weighs heavily on my mind. A month or two ago I had a panic attack which made me go to the hospital because I thought I was having a panic attack, I was fine although now pretty much daily Ive gotten chest and head pain, thankfully my head pain has stopped. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. this occured naturally on it's own as if my body had had enough. I take my blood oxygen constantly. It wasnt typically life-threatening, my new cardiologist told me, but it could be. Im 20 and experiencing the same thing! it doesn't sound like POTS either and this typically occurs from reclined to standing position and then symptoms usually resolve once you lay back down. Im trying to be sly about it, though turning away from my partner and pretending Im having an extended yawn while subtly checking my heart rate during the accompanying stretch. be rational with yourself when you do go on long walks and it's easy for you and your heart rate doesn't spike. One advice I wish i had given myself last year is to know that nothing lasts forever! Why can't I believe them, I hate cardiophobia : It came out of absolutely nowhere with zero warning. But by the time they got me checked in and hooked up to the monitors, my heart had slowed to a normal pace. 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