Get Client IP using JavaScript / JQuery - Coding Tag Posted 5-Feb-14 20:08pm CoderPanda Comments Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 6-Feb-14 1:31am CRLF string username = Page.User.Identity.Name; Response.Write(username); //current logged User name string clientMachineName = null; clientMachineName = (Dns.GetHostEntry(Request.ServerVariables("remote_addr")).HostName); //Computer name Response.Write(clientMachineName); A.Venkatesan Microsoft Certified Professional Add a Solution 1 solution Solution 1 This will not help you but will tell you why you can not do it: [ ^] See the one answer using WMI query here [ ^ ]. Because of security measures implimented in most of the browsers, you cant have access to devices directly. To get Computer Name and IP Address using JavaScript, How get client (user) machine name (computer name) score:3 . There is no interface that invokes this. Can you give some example to use ServletRequest.getRemoteUser"GET", "" So let's get started. get client mac address using jquery $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR'] This contains the real IP address of the client. get an IP address using jQuery get client machine name using I found this code snippet that actually worked for me. Get Client IP Using jQuery Description: In previous posts I explained many articles relating to JQuery. Browser, Operating System, Screen Colors, Screen Resolution, Flash version, and Java Support should all be detectable from JavaScript (and maybe a to retrieve client machine name from javascript let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); -- ComputerName. Explanation: Above in the You can use System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry to get client name. flask, session documentation See this solution - PHP solution: how to get client machine name using php ? [Solved] How to get Client Ip Address and Client Machine Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained with an example, how to detect Browser details such as Name, Version, Platform, OS, Mobile or Desktop in JavaScript using jQuery. -How get client (user) machine name Get Client Machine IP Address using JQuery and JSON And unlike other codes which mostly returns server IP address it return client ip address o can we get the client machine name using this..? -How get client (user) machine name (computer name) with jQuery or JavaScript or server-side codes. getJSON ( "", function (data) { // Display the visitor's IP in the console console .log (data.ip); }); Client machines default printer name (scrutiny of possible ways)-C#. 2. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more. get client let req = await fetch(""); (scrutiny of possible ways), How to get Username of a client, login to Not sure if it works though. string UserHost_ComputerName4 = Dns.GetHostName ();//Server Name string UserHost_ComputerName5 = Environment.MachineName;//Server Name. for computer name. now, in flask we have a create_app function, there we will add the following lines python 1 2 3 4 5 def create_app (config_name: str = 'default', override_settings = none): app = flask (__name__) swagger = swagger (app) return app flask.session: you may also set up your application later using init_app () please see fsspec and urllib for more get username of currently logged user on client machine $ ("#ipaddress").html ("Your IP Address is " + response.ip); }; . Ulf Dittmer wrote:That property will always reflect the user on the server, so it's no use for what you're trying to do. // Show a pop up i Detect Browser Name, Version, Platform . function DisplayIP (response) {. In this article I will explain how to get or find IP address of client machine in using JQuery. I need a client machine name How get client (user) machine name (computer name) with jQuery If so, you could use ServletRequest.getRemoteUser for this. How Get Client Machine Name With Jquery Or JavaScript Or As far as I remember, in order to get: Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"] Request.ServerVariables["REMOT Coding example for the question How get client (user) machine name (computer name) with jQuery or JavaScript or server-side codes. $_SERVER ['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] This will fetch the IP address when the user is from shared Internet services. You can get IP address by using simple ajax request as:-. in page codebehind Public ClientMachineName As String = String.Empty ' make it public Dim host As P.S. Before troubleshooting name resolution problems on the client, it is a good idea to proxy servermaybe using ISA Serverso ensure that this server is correctly The requested peer var network = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Network'); the trigger shown below is working fine.But i want to get client machine name and client osuser name in the output of the same trigger shown below,how can i achieve this in the same trigger?any help higly appreciated . Solution 2 Hello, There is no direct support for obtaining the ip address of the machine from JavaScript. Is this a web app for which a login is required? You can get an IP address by using a simple fetch request as:-. Coding example for the question How get client (user) machine name (computer name) with jQuery or JavaScript or server-side codes. Using third-party API(Get public IP Address): For finding clients IP address you need any server-side languages means create service on your server (php,client,machine,name) and see also next related php solutions. I've already tried Environment.MachineName and Request.ServerVariables {"H OSTNAME"]. Not entirely sure on all the ways you can do this, but it would be possible through ActiveX, which could be a problem as that only works in some br Read Get Client IP Using jQuery and learn with SitePoint. get client machine name Accepted answer. async function getIP(){ Search. How get client (user) machine name (computer name) with jQuery or JavaScript or server-side codes. All these will only retrieve either IP Address or Server machine name. string PCName = Dns.GetHostEntry (Request.ServerVariables [ "REMOTE_ADDR" ]).HostName; But if you want Name of Host PC. How to get client IP address using JavaScript and jQuery But if you want Name of Host PC string HostPCName = D trigger :-----CREATE TABLE logonaudit (user_id VARCHAR2(30), string HostPCName = thanks and regards. get There are 4 types of IP addresses like private IP addresses, public IP addresses, static IP addresses, and dynamic IP addresses. I need the application to retrieve computer name of the client computer that accesses the application. TAGs: How can I do that using javascript? To implement this one write the code as shown below Those are: 1. The jQuery Browser Plugin will be used along with jQuery to detect the Browser details such as Name, Version, Platform, OS, Mobile or Desktop on Client Side in JavaScript. Try this: string PCName = Dns.GetHostEntry(Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]).HostName; Actually the problem is, you only have html and Javascript in the browser to work with the client. That is the most reliable value you can find from the user. Now I will explain how to get client machine IP address of client machine in using jquery. [Solved] How get client (user) machine name (computer