Use functional options on operation call to. Type: String. I am using boto3 Python to list findings from Inspector v2, using the list_findings() method inside a loop, according to AWS Boto3 Inspector2 Docs I have to set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list action but keep getting error in all these cases for variable next_token: nextToken = None: botocore.exceptions.ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed: Lists Amazon Inspector coverage statistics for your environment. // The tags associated with the resource. Find the best deals on flights from Nelspruit (NLP) to Izmir (ADB). // disabled. Can a black pudding corrode a leather tunic? Details about the resource involved in a finding. This is a Tagged Union structure. Lists the Amazon Inspector usage totals over the last 30 days. Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from Inspector2.Client.list_coverage(). ListAccountPermissions operation. A timestamp representing the start of the time period filtered on. The values can be AWS_EC2_INSTANCE or AWS_ECR_REPOSITORY . For, // subsequent calls, use the NextToken value returned from the previous request to. See crate::client::fluent_builders::ListFindings for more details about the operation. An object that contains details on the package epoch to filter on. for all accounts you manage. An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon Web Services account IDs. endpoint resolving logic, or stub out specific endpoints with custom values. Network.AWS.Inspector.ListFindings - An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on finding types. An object that contains details for each member account. // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to apply a tag to. The IPv6 addresses of the Amazon EC2 instance. Retrieves setting configurations for Inspector scans. ListAccountPermissionsPaginator is a paginator for ListAccountPermissions, NewListAccountPermissionsPaginator returns a new ListAccountPermissionsPaginator, HasMorePages returns a boolean indicating whether more pages are available. The total count of critical severity findings. Details on the filter criteria associated with this filter. The high-level workflow is as follows: You commit the image definition to a CodeCommit repository. The version of the package that contains the vulnerability fix. This package is not in the latest version of its module. The subnet ID of the Amazon EC2 instance. Details on the vulnerability type used to filter findings. When a project reaches major version v1 it is considered stable. The resulting type after obtaining ownership. A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response. the EndpointResolver interface. A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination. ListFindingAggregationsPaginator. // Objects that contain the results of an aggregation operation. // Defines which scan types are enabled automatically for new members of your, // The updated status of scan types automatically enabled for new members of your,, (c) BatchGetAccountStatus(ctx, params, optFns), (c) BatchGetFreeTrialInfo(ctx, params, optFns), (c) CancelFindingsReport(ctx, params, optFns), (c) CreateFindingsReport(ctx, params, optFns), (c) DescribeOrganizationConfiguration(ctx, params, optFns), (c) DisableDelegatedAdminAccount(ctx, params, optFns), (c) DisassociateMember(ctx, params, optFns), (c) EnableDelegatedAdminAccount(ctx, params, optFns), (c) GetConfiguration(ctx, params, optFns), (c) GetDelegatedAdminAccount(ctx, params, optFns), (c) GetFindingsReportStatus(ctx, params, optFns), (c) ListAccountPermissions(ctx, params, optFns), (c) ListCoverageStatistics(ctx, params, optFns), (c) ListDelegatedAdminAccounts(ctx, params, optFns), (c) ListFindingAggregations(ctx, params, optFns), (c) ListTagsForResource(ctx, params, optFns), (c) UpdateConfiguration(ctx, params, optFns), (c) UpdateOrganizationConfiguration(ctx, params, optFns), type DescribeOrganizationConfigurationInput, type DescribeOrganizationConfigurationOutput, NewListAccountPermissionsPaginator(client, params, optFns), type ListAccountPermissionsPaginatorOptions, NewListCoveragePaginator(client, params, optFns), NewListCoverageStatisticsPaginator(client, params, optFns), type ListCoverageStatisticsPaginatorOptions, NewListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginator(client, params, optFns), type ListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginatorOptions, NewListFiltersPaginator(client, params, optFns), NewListFindingAggregationsPaginator(client, params, optFns), type ListFindingAggregationsPaginatorOptions, NewListFindingsPaginator(client, params, optFns), NewListMembersPaginator(client, params, optFns), NewListUsageTotalsPaginator(client, params, optFns), type UpdateOrganizationConfigurationInput, type UpdateOrganizationConfigurationOutput, func NewDefaultEndpointResolver() *internalendpoints.Resolver, func WithAPIOptions(optFns func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options), func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options), func New(options Options, optFns func(*Options)) *Client, func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns func(*Options)) *Client, func (c *Client) AssociateMember(ctx context.Context, params *AssociateMemberInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*AssociateMemberOutput, error), func (c *Client) BatchGetAccountStatus(ctx context.Context, params *BatchGetAccountStatusInput, ) (*BatchGetAccountStatusOutput, error), func (c *Client) BatchGetFreeTrialInfo(ctx context.Context, params *BatchGetFreeTrialInfoInput, ) (*BatchGetFreeTrialInfoOutput, error), func (c *Client) CancelFindingsReport(ctx context.Context, params *CancelFindingsReportInput, ) (*CancelFindingsReportOutput, error), func (c *Client) CreateFilter(ctx context.Context, params *CreateFilterInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*CreateFilterOutput, error), func (c *Client) CreateFindingsReport(ctx context.Context, params *CreateFindingsReportInput, ) (*CreateFindingsReportOutput, error), func (c *Client) DeleteFilter(ctx context.Context, params *DeleteFilterInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*DeleteFilterOutput, error), func (c *Client) DescribeOrganizationConfiguration(ctx context.Context, params *DescribeOrganizationConfigurationInput, ) (*DescribeOrganizationConfigurationOutput, error), func (c *Client) Disable(ctx context.Context, params *DisableInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*DisableOutput, error), func (c *Client) DisableDelegatedAdminAccount(ctx context.Context, params *DisableDelegatedAdminAccountInput, ) (*DisableDelegatedAdminAccountOutput, error), func (c *Client) DisassociateMember(ctx context.Context, params *DisassociateMemberInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*DisassociateMemberOutput, error), func (c *Client) Enable(ctx context.Context, params *EnableInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*EnableOutput, error), func (c *Client) EnableDelegatedAdminAccount(ctx context.Context, params *EnableDelegatedAdminAccountInput, ) (*EnableDelegatedAdminAccountOutput, error), func (c *Client) GetConfiguration(ctx context.Context, params *GetConfigurationInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*GetConfigurationOutput, error), func (c *Client) GetDelegatedAdminAccount(ctx context.Context, params *GetDelegatedAdminAccountInput, ) (*GetDelegatedAdminAccountOutput, error), func (c *Client) GetFindingsReportStatus(ctx context.Context, params *GetFindingsReportStatusInput, ) (*GetFindingsReportStatusOutput, error), func (c *Client) GetMember(ctx context.Context, params *GetMemberInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*GetMemberOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListAccountPermissions(ctx context.Context, params *ListAccountPermissionsInput, ) (*ListAccountPermissionsOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListCoverage(ctx context.Context, params *ListCoverageInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListCoverageOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListCoverageStatistics(ctx context.Context, params *ListCoverageStatisticsInput, ) (*ListCoverageStatisticsOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListDelegatedAdminAccounts(ctx context.Context, params *ListDelegatedAdminAccountsInput, ) (*ListDelegatedAdminAccountsOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListFilters(ctx context.Context, params *ListFiltersInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListFiltersOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListFindingAggregations(ctx context.Context, params *ListFindingAggregationsInput, ) (*ListFindingAggregationsOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListFindings(ctx context.Context, params *ListFindingsInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListFindingsOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListMembers(ctx context.Context, params *ListMembersInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListMembersOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListTagsForResource(ctx context.Context, params *ListTagsForResourceInput, ) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error), func (c *Client) ListUsageTotals(ctx context.Context, params *ListUsageTotalsInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListUsageTotalsOutput, error), func (c *Client) TagResource(ctx context.Context, params *TagResourceInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*TagResourceOutput, error), func (c *Client) UntagResource(ctx context.Context, params *UntagResourceInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*UntagResourceOutput, error), func (c *Client) UpdateConfiguration(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateConfigurationInput, ) (*UpdateConfigurationOutput, error), func (c *Client) UpdateFilter(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateFilterInput, optFns func(*Options)) (*UpdateFilterOutput, error), func (c *Client) UpdateOrganizationConfiguration(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateOrganizationConfigurationInput, ) (*UpdateOrganizationConfigurationOutput, error), func EndpointResolverFromURL(url string, optFns func(*aws.Endpoint)) EndpointResolver, func (fn EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (endpoint aws.Endpoint, err error), func NewListAccountPermissionsPaginator(client ListAccountPermissionsAPIClient, params *ListAccountPermissionsInput, ) *ListAccountPermissionsPaginator, func (p *ListAccountPermissionsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListAccountPermissionsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListAccountPermissionsOutput, error), func NewListCoveragePaginator(client ListCoverageAPIClient, params *ListCoverageInput, ) *ListCoveragePaginator, func (p *ListCoveragePaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListCoveragePaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListCoverageOutput, error), func NewListCoverageStatisticsPaginator(client ListCoverageStatisticsAPIClient, params *ListCoverageStatisticsInput, ) *ListCoverageStatisticsPaginator, func (p *ListCoverageStatisticsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListCoverageStatisticsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListCoverageStatisticsOutput, error), func NewListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginator(client ListDelegatedAdminAccountsAPIClient, ) *ListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginator, func (p *ListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListDelegatedAdminAccountsOutput, error), func NewListFiltersPaginator(client ListFiltersAPIClient, params *ListFiltersInput, ) *ListFiltersPaginator, func (p *ListFiltersPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListFiltersPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListFiltersOutput, error), func NewListFindingAggregationsPaginator(client ListFindingAggregationsAPIClient, params *ListFindingAggregationsInput, ) *ListFindingAggregationsPaginator, func (p *ListFindingAggregationsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListFindingAggregationsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListFindingAggregationsOutput, error), func NewListFindingsPaginator(client ListFindingsAPIClient, params *ListFindingsInput, ) *ListFindingsPaginator, func (p *ListFindingsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListFindingsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListFindingsOutput, error), func NewListMembersPaginator(client ListMembersAPIClient, params *ListMembersInput, ) *ListMembersPaginator, func (p *ListMembersPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListMembersPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListMembersOutput, error), func NewListUsageTotalsPaginator(client ListUsageTotalsAPIClient, params *ListUsageTotalsInput, ) *ListUsageTotalsPaginator, func (p *ListUsageTotalsPaginator) HasMorePages() bool, func (p *ListUsageTotalsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns func(*Options)) (*ListUsageTotalsOutput, error), func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, ) (out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error), ListDelegatedAdminAccountsPaginatorOptions, api_op_DescribeOrganizationConfiguration.go, api_op_UpdateOrganizationConfiguration.go. The date and time that the finding was first observed. How do I sort a list of dictionaries by a value of the dictionary? // The Amazon resource number (ARN) of the resource to list tags of. // An object that contains details for each member account. The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the finding. Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. // Provides idempotency tokens values that will be automatically populated into. The Amazon resource number (ARN) of the filter. An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon ECR repositories. The highest number to be included in the filter. // An object that contains details on the covered resources in your environment. NextPage retrieves the next ListFindingAggregations page. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. EndpointResolverFromURL returns an EndpointResolver configured using the Updates the configurations for your Amazon Inspector organization. aws inspector2 list-findings - wikieduonline Details on the finding status types used to filter findings. Concealing One's Identity from the Public When Purchasing a Home, Space - falling faster than light? // The 12-digit Amazon Web Services account IDs of the accounts to retrieve Amazon, // An array of objects that provide details on the status of Amazon Inspector for, // An array of objects detailing any accounts that failed to enable Amazon. Cheap Flights from Nelspruit to Izmir | Skyscanner ListAccountPermissionsAPIClient is a client that implements the Enter JupiterOneSecurityAudit as the Name and click Create Policy.. Return to the Create Role tab in your browser. Associates an Amazon Web Services account with an Amazon Inspector delegated administrator. your organization. An object that contains the details of a package vulnerability finding. This one helped me, this would have been a better answer if it mentions more information about pagination, I am new to this term, and this article helped me. Details on the vendor severity used to filter findings. Gets free trial status for multiple Amazon Web Services accounts. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: accountAggregation, amiAggregation, awsEcrContainerAggregation, ec2InstanceAggregation, findingTypeAggregation, imageLayerAggregation, packageAggregation, repositoryAggregation, titleAggregation.