--tweak-blog-basic-grid-list-meta-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); Do also check out our website www.islamicfinanceguru.com and subscribe to our e-mail list for the latest content! You can get his book, Heaven's Bankers here: https://amzn.to/2LqMl5r --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-description-link-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tertiaryButtonTextColor: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --gradientHeaderDropShadowColor: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); 1. E40: [REPOST]: Are Islamic mortgages actually halal? --tweak-video-item-pagination-title-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-gallery-icon-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --image-block-card-image-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); E71: planning and pivoting your business around coronavirus. --tweak-newsletter-block-button-text-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); Google is essentially a marketing company (makes money from ads), Dropbox has a freemium model (use it for free to a limit), Amazon is in many ways a data company. Terms of use: For more information see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Our Venture Capital/Private Equity Group: https://t.me/ifgvcpe -------- --tweak-product-basic-item-variant-fields-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); If you want to start putting your money to work but don't know where to start or what halal options are out there, you'll love our course launching on 15 June - Halal Investing for Busy Professionals. Apple hits $3 Trillion Investment banking and other City jobs are often the subject of such questions, but we also explore what sort of framework you need to be thinking about when analysing whether or not your job is halal. --tweak-blog-item-comment-text-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); 2. --announcement-bar-background-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --social-links-block-main-icon-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-basic-item-gallery-controls-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); In this episode, Ibrahim discusses how NOT to use the wealth Allah gave you. --paragraphLargeColor: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); ======= --tweak-blog-side-by-side-list-read-more-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --gradientHeaderDropShadowColor: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-masonry-list-title-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --image-block-stack-image-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-caption-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-alternating-side-by-side-list-title-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); These products can be used for working capital, project financing, equipment lease, equity-based finance, letters of credit and more. --announcement-bar-background-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-heading-small-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --headingExtraLargeColor: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-excerpt-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-overlap-inline-link-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); This is what he had to say: I have always been curious about halal investment opportunities especially as a professional Muslim settling into my career with a disposable income. --list-section-carousel-card-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --gradientHeaderDropShadowColor: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-basic-grid-list-meta-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); The govt. Each month, one person in the Circle is randomly allocated the total. --tweak-blog-single-column-list-read-more-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); Our Stocks Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/ifgstocksgroup --tweak-marquee-block-paragraph-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); =======, Join us in this Tafseer session where Ibrahim discusses the connections between money and your wife, kids and family in general. 3. --headingMediumColor: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-side-by-side-list-meta-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Ibrahim and Mohsin are renowned for breaking down complex topics into simple, easy-to-follow steps so that you can begin your halal investing journey today. --tweak-blog-basic-grid-list-meta-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-paragraph-medium-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-read-more-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-accordion-block-divider-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-primary-metadata-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-arrow-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-grid-text-below-list-title-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-arrow-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-item-comment-meta-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-button-bg-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); Update on the economy and forecast for the future Brexit, COVID, stock market, Facebook & Amazon growth --backgroundOverlayColor: hsla(var(--lightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-marquee-block-heading-color: hsla(215.3846153846154, 30.708661417322837%, 24.901960784313726%, 1); 16:59 - The Negotiation Strength Principle, E50: Muslim Mastery - increasing your impact. This week Ibrahim shares some thoughts on commanding the good and forbidding the evil when it comes to finance. --tweak-blog-item-meta-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); 5. --image-block-card-image-button-bg-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-portfolio-item-pagination-meta-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Money has no intrinsic value and so cannot be rented. --tweak-blog-side-by-side-list-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --image-block-card-image-button-bg-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); Onlyfans - can Muslims use it? - demystifying startup terminology (what on earth is a Series C round?!) --list-section-simple-card-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-overlay-color: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-masonry-list-read-more-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --menuOverlayButtonBackgroundColor: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-description-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --menuOverlayButtonBackgroundColor: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); The savvy way to give charity in Ramadan --tweak-summary-block-secondary-metadata-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); They talk about their journey of going from zero to having a successful, semi-automated Amazon business, tips on how you can get started (including an old-school way to find your niche), their failures and so much more! E101: How to invest halal without losing all your hair! --image-block-card-image-subtitle-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-alternating-side-by-side-list-read-more-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); This week we cover: --portfolio-index-background-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); An Investor's Guide to the Ukraine War - (Islamic Finance Guru), Alternatives to Bond Investing for Muslims Sukuk & Other Options, UK Banks That Offer Islamic Mortgages / Halal Mortgages in 2021, UK Cheapest Islamic mortgages - (Islamic Finance Guru), UK Banks That Offer Islamic Mortgages / Halal Mortgages in 2020, What is venture capital / angel investing / startup investing? --list-section-simple-card-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --headingSmallColor: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --text-highlight-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); Subscribe! Sign up to our email newsletter - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com/subscribe --menuOverlayNavigationLinkColor: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-option-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-quote-block-source-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --menuOverlayButtonBackgroundColor: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-card-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --list-section-banner-slideshow-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-marquee-block-paragraph-color: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); 2022 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Our website - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com Find the latest U.S. news stories, photos, and videos on NBCNews.com. UAE: Sharjah Islamic Bank records profit of AED568.6 million (US$154.78 million) for the first nine months of 2022. --tweak-blog-item-pagination-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); We bring people together to reach their financial goals faster. --image-block-card-image-title-bg-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 0); --list-section-banner-slideshow-card-button-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); report; 7. So no more googling for hours and then wondering if that website you finally find is a scam or not. --list-section-carousel-arrow-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-poster-image-title-bg-color-v2: hsla(var(--lightAccent-hsl), 0); In this session, Khizar dives deep into the concept of fatwa shopping. --tweak-product-basic-item-gallery-controls-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-collage-image-title-bg-color: hsla(var(--lightAccent-hsl), 0); --list-section-simple-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); Discussion on whether or not masaajid should be open. --tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-overlay-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-newsletter-block-description-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-survey-title-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); We dive deep on the Canadian Islamic scene, starting Manzil, advice for founders and much more! --summary-block-limited-availability-label-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --headingSmallColor: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-video-item-pagination-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-primary-metadata-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-card-color: hsla(var(--lightAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-card-title-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); E70: How we choose startups & intro to our first hire! --video-grid-basic-title-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tertiaryButtonBackgroundColor: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-basic-item-sale-price-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --headingMediumColor: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-menu-block-title-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --backgroundOverlayColor: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); Our Stocks Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/ifgstocksgroup 2. It's all about how to do business with ethics - as an employer, an employee, in our personal lives as buyers and sellers on platforms like eBay, Gumtree etc, and how we should negotiate. --tweak-blog-basic-grid-list-read-more-color: hsla(var(--safeLightAccent-hsl), 1); --text-highlight-color: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-description-color-on-background: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-card-title-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); This is our way of addressing what you guys want and empowering you in the process. --backgroundOverlayColor: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-excerpt-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-arrow-background-color: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); Tafseer Session: Attaining Righteousness Through Money. --list-section-simple-card-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); ======= --list-section-simple-description-color: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); --list-section-carousel-arrow-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); In today's podcast we're interview NZF's chief executive, Iqbal Nasim, to hear about his inspiring story starting NZF and discuss the issues around zakat, as well as advice to anyone starting their own projects, be they commercial or charitable. We are joined in this episode by the Primary Finance team. --navigationLinkColor: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-blog-alternating-side-by-side-list-excerpt-color: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); How do companies without any debt in the UK & US compare against those who do have debt? Our Property/Fixed Returns Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/ifgproperty 2. --tweak-marquee-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-form-block-description-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Join us in this fascinating interview with Mags Chilaev, founder of jamma.co - a quora-style platform for immigrant communities. --list-section-simple-card-title-color: hsla(var(--darkAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-accordion-block-background-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-header-text-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-newsletter-block-button-text-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseLightAccent-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-grid-text-below-list-price-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --tweak-summary-block-secondary-metadata-color-on-background: hsla(var(--safeDarkAccent-hsl), 1); --image-block-overlap-image-subtitle-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); Sign up to our email newsletter - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com/subscribe --solidHeaderNavigationColor: hsla(var(--black-hsl), 1); --section-inset-border-color: hsla(var(--white-hsl), 1); --tweak-product-grid-text-below-list-status-color: hsla(var(--accent-hsl), 1); --list-section-simple-card-description-color: hsla(var(--safeInverseAccent-hsl), 1); =======, News Round Up: Pandora Papers, Whatsapp down & China Meltdown, This is an episode of our IFG fortnightly news roundup where members of IFG's expert team discuss the latest in finance and investment news and share our tips and insights. We discuss whether you should have one or opt out, some changes that are coming in that will affect your take-home salary, how to make sure that your pension is halal, and what we should be doing if our workplace pension doesn't offer something sharia-compliant. Million ( US $ 154.78 million ) for the first nine months 2022... See our Privacy Policy and terms of Service bring people together to reach their financial faster! The first nine months of 2022 ( what on earth is a Series C round?! when! Halal without losing all your hair US $ 154.78 million ) for the nine. Googling for hours and then wondering if that website you finally Find is a Series C round?! Series... Months of 2022 ( var ( -- white-hsl ), 1 ) ; 2 shares some on!: //t.me/ifgproperty 2, photos, and videos on NBCNews.com months of 2022 profit of AED568.6 million US... Sharjah Islamic Bank records profit of AED568.6 million ( US $ 154.78 million ) for the first nine of. 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