Representative example. 2018). Since most enzymatic hydrolysis processes involve mixtures of a pretreatment liquid and a solid cellulosic material, there are good reasons to take enzyme inhibition into account. PALF is widely accepted in textile sector . All of the authors commented on the manuscript during its preparation. For example, the whole-cell biocatalyst system has been enhanced to immobilize the enzymes and improve substrateenzyme contact, while increasing the catalytic potential of the enzymes by extending their overall lifetime (Kisukuri and Andrade 2015). doi:10.1007/s00253-014-6154-0, Kim S, Kim CH (2012) Production of cellulase enzymes during the solid-state fermentation of empty palm fruit bunch fiber. Phenolic compounds are also investigated with regard to inhibition of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose [21]. 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