Throughout The Odyssey, Telemachus has to mature to a man through his journey has to go on. Other articles in the Literature Archives Related to This Topic Include : Father and Son Relationships in The Odyssey and the Iliad The Narrow Role of Women The Odyssey by Homer Food Imagery and Temptation in The Odyssey The Narrow Role of Women The Odyssey by Homer Hospitality in The Odyssey and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The Theme of Revenge in Medea and The Odyssey. Weaknesses of Odysseus. He was also the suitor that figured out Penelopes quilt scheme. Case Study. The role of supportive psychotherapist is seen through Athenas actions of talking, listening, and strengthening Telemachus identification with his father (Rojcewicz). Obstacles the character overcame:With the help of Athena, Telemachus was able to mature into a more courageous hero. Which positive and negative character traits does Odysseus demonstrate in his adventure with the Cyclops in TheOdyssey? Even professionals who work independently can benefit from the ability to work well as part of a team. Employees, especially those who believe young people are unteachable, also value these qualities. Their problem-solving strengths allow them to think of new ideas and approaches to traditional problems. Because he fathered many gods, conflicts often arose. Strengths:Penelope was very cunning and mostly loyal to her husband, Zeus. --> The Odyssey by Homer (Richmond Lattimore translation) He holds his honor in high regards which made him treat others in a disrespectful way. Even more importantly, the rest of the text after this initial introduction to the heroic deeds of Odysseus shows that the father posses more common sense and cunning than the son. Even though there were so many potential suitors after her, her mind was constantly on Odysseus and her son, Telemachus. Even Poseidon, the god of sea, had to ask Zeus before punishing Odysseus. Name:Athena (Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom), First Introduced:Book 1(When all the greek gods had a council to discuss Odysseus fate). His final passage into manhood is the fight against the suitors, where he proves his courage and skill. The The Odyssey quotes below are all either spoken by Telemachus or refer to Telemachus. Weaknesses: There were no notable weaknesses of Calypso. Once he learned that Odysseus was returning back, he stirs up a storm attempting to drown Odysseus boat. Though she has not seen Odysseus in twenty years, and despite pressure the suitors place on her to remarry, Penelope never loses faith in her husband. Log in here. Strengths: Calypso had the ability to keep Odysseus and his crew as prisoners for over 7 years. Psychoanalysis: Its Strengths and Weaknesses. In addition to contrasting in the strengths and weaknesses they possess, both characters also differ in how, In The Odyssey, the character Telemachus may be considered a hero because he exemplifies characteristics attributable to most heroes. This is a sharp difference from the very beginning of the epic because he seemed very mindful of his mother and wanted to see her happy. Physical Attributes of the character: Zeus was described as a powerful and strong god. Dell's Strengths and Weaknesses. An infant when Odysseus left for Troy, Telemachus is about twenty at the beginning of the story. He failed his mission because Odysseus ended up returning home. Physical Attributes of the character:There were not any notable physical attributes of Eumaeus. Friends:Penelope was very kind to her servants. He chose the Scylla. First, Telemachus calls together the suitors, and he tells them to leave his father's estate. Weaknesses : Telemachus lacked courage in the beginning Weaknesses:One of his weaknesses throughout the book is his impulsiveness. Second, when Telemachus sees that Penelope, his mother, is upset over the singing of a bard about the Trojan war, he tells her to leave. The Odyssey, by Homer, is about the main character Odysseus leaving his home of Ithaca to fight a battle in Troy. However, he tricked the Cyclops, punctured his only eye, and escaped under the bellies of the Cyclops sheep. 2022 Article Myriad. Odysseus was also affected by his ego or pride. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'articlemyriad_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',700,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-articlemyriad_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Through the telling of these glorious tales of wit and conquest in The Odyssey by Homer, Telemachus no longer seems like a hero but like a weak shadow of his great father. Psychoanalysis: Its Strengths and Weaknesses. Friends:Telemachus did not have any notable friends besides Athena. Even when Odysseus was testing him, Eumaeus was very respectful and took pride in his master, Odysseus. Telemakhos begins listening to the disguised goddess (although later he knows her despite her attempts at concealment). Odysseus has not been home in 20 years, so Telemachus did not have a father figure growing up. His name means far from battle which alludes to his first appearance in Greek myth as a baby who Odysseus had reluctantly left behind to go to war far away on the plains of Obstacles the character overcame:The gods in the book were often described as having human-like emotions. Telemachus was born just after Odysseus left for the Trojan war. What is a "weak" democracy and what is a "strong" democracy? Site is owned and operated by Academic Resources Center, WHAT ARE TELEMACHUS STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES term papers and essays pg.4. Odysseus did try to take advantage of Eumaeus by testing him. In addition, at one point in the end of the book, all the suitors lost respect for him because of the way he treated a beggar (who ended up being Odysseus). Throughout the first few books of The Odyssey, it almost seems as though Telemakhos is the central character since the introduction of his father does not come until after Telemakhos has experienced an awakening" to his responsibilities. He has been able to speak his mind to the suitors and his mother and this is the first step in his process of self-discovery and development. While The Odyssey is essentially a work concerning Odysseus, it is impossible to ignore the contributions Telemakhos provides, especially in the conclusion of The Odyssey. If youre in a job interview, its because the employer sees some potential in you, and this question is a great opportunity for you to convince them that theyre right. Home of the character:Ithaca in his own palace. In The Iliad, Odysseus, Telemachus father, had been through a The catalyst in all of this is the visit of Athena in the disguise of Mentes, a friend of Odysseus. This paper looks at the origins, strengths, similarities and dissimilarities of anomie and social organization theory. Obstacles the character overcame:Calypso did not have any obstacles. The conclusion of The Odyssey by Homer contains two key moments for defining the development and maturation of Telemakhos. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'articlemyriad_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',341,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-articlemyriad_com-medrectangle-4-0');In Book I, to offer a short summary of The Odyssey in this section, Telemakhos is not yet mature, nor does he have the confidence or ability to stand up to the many suitors who greedily devour the familys vast stockpile of food and wine. In sum, for a character analysis of Telemakhos, it is fair to say he is not on equal footing with his heroic father but his character is fully developed by the end of the text. He scolds them all and although he is not entirely successful, as many do not take him seriously, this is his first awakening to his potential. Telemachus and Mentor by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, c. 1730-50, via Rijksmuseum, Amsterda. Term Paper. Almost as if her words had a magical influence upon him, Telemakhos becomes increasingly assertive, both with the suitors as well as his mother. Strengths:Telemachus was a very polite and charming individual. Weaknesses:Penelope was also described as a depressed individual. What are the suitors' plans for Telemachus? Home of the character:Aeaea, Circes island. Penelope was very upset over the absence of Odysseus however, she did not really attempt to do anything about it. She could have done so many things but because she was so miserable by Odysseus death, she did not play a big role. Looks at the use of character strength tools to assist high school students in learning how to make career and life choices. and author. Research Paper. Menelaus encourages him with news that Odysseus may be alive and held captive by a goddess-nymph named Calypso. Telemachus is not very mature and he does not know how to act like a real man. This skill can help them develop relationships with their managers and other members of their teams. In his well-received but controversial book, The No-Nonsense Guide to Democracy, Richard Swift asserts that politics in today's age suffers from something he calls "weak democracy". He often had a hard time standing up to the suitors She also fell in love with Odysseus. Answer example: I would definitely choose the ability to build a rapport and work as part of He often had a hard time standing up to the suitors that was taking over his home. Again, it is important to emphasize that Telemakhos does not seem to come to this understanding of his responsibility on his own accord but it takes a role model, someone close to his father (which is actually Athena is disguise) to urge him to greater things. Athena was also very wise with helping Telemachus throughout his obstacles. Obstacles the character overcame: With the help of Athena, Telemachus was able to mature into a more courageous hero. He is also a very loyal son, always believing in his father and always taking care of his mother. The Odyssey. Telemachus. Just an infant when his father left for Troy, Telemachus is still maturing when the Odyssey begins. He is wholly devoted to his mother and to maintaining his fathers estate, but he does not know how to protect them from the suitors. AcaDemon Southwest Airlines Weaknesses. An explanantion of psychoanalysis including its strengths and weaknesses. All Rights Reserved. Already a member? They happily greet Pisistratus and Telemachus, the latter of whom they soon recognize as the son of Odysseus because of the clear family resemblance. Organization. Another of TomTom's clients, Breyer Group, achieved a 60,000 reduction in insurance premiums after using the telematics systems to help it hit three reduction targets: frequency of accidents, accident severity and the number of claims. 2022, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Significant Myths and Structure of the Text. Telemachus and Antinous in The, Telemachus represents the idea of having no confidence to voice his or opinions, but has the strength of wit and battle that help him find his voice. He is wholly devoted to his mother and to maintaining his fathers estate, but he For instance, when Athena wanted to help Telemachus, she had to ask Zeus for permission. Physical Attributes of the character:Odysseus was described as a strong and built warrior. Antinous has the weakness of ignorance and selfishness, causing an illusion of a world built around him in which he didn't see consequence; however Antinous has the strength of leadership to rally people behind him, despite his ignorance. Analytical Essay. First, Telemachus calls together the suitors, and he tells them to leave his father's estate. Identify the exposition, rising action action, climax, falling action, and resolution in Homer's Odyssey. Harpies (Superus torturus) are a species of supernatural females thats main goal is to torture, but not kill, humans. When he faced the Cyclops, Odysseus was captured as food. The reader witnesses his struggles with the suitors who have taken over his fathers palace and with the assistance of Athena, he finally begins to take control of the situation. -->Vicki Chen See answer (1) Copy. WHAT ARE TELEMACHUS STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES term papers and essays pg.2. In the case of the Odyssey, Homer is able to illustrate a vivid picture of two characters who are shown to go head to head with each other on several occasions due to not only their vastly different ideals, but also because of their contrasting strengths and weaknesses. Welding and Structural Strength. Observe company policies and procedures, comply with regulations, maintain values and ethics in the face of opposition and pressure. The second event that takes place that shows a great deal of development of the part of Telemakhos is when he kills Eurymachus, the man who had been one of his greatest sources of frustration, with his spear. How does Penelope hear of the plans. Throughout the whole poem, Odysseus is portrayed as a man of wisdom, determination, and courage. Some Mermaids May Have Enhanced or Extra Powers. Copyright 2022, Obstacles the character overcame:There were no notable obstacles Poseidon had to face. 1. Get an answer for 'In book 1, how does Telemachus show strength with Penelope, and how does this relate to the visit of Athena?' In books, characters typically find their weaknesses knocking down their strengths much like this. Although their relationship is never fully explored, this seems like an important event and shows that he has taken his position as man of the house" alongside his father. Telemachus was the son of Penelope, and Odysseus, who ruled the kingdom of Ithaca in ancient Greece. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Antinous and Eurymachus, two unruly and defiant suitors, give Telemachus trouble, but Telemachus is undeterred. It seems as though he might have continued with his half-hearted rebellion against the suitors unless Athena built up his confidence and made him see that he was perfectly able to bring about change. She was cunning when she tricked the suitors and told them that she will pick the most potential suitor after she finishes her quilt. In chronological order, he had to face the lotus eaters, the cyclops, circe, the sirens,Charybdis and the Scylla. The small few are more likely to ace the exams and tests. Strengths:Zeus was the King of all gods and men. Physical Attributes of the character:No notable physical attributes of the character. For a short while it seems possible to forget that he is not the hero of the text and it isnt until Book IV when he meets Menelaos and his wife that the reader becomes aware of the large gulf that separate the deeds and heroic personality of father versus son. Weaknesses: She was not smart enough to drug Odysseus because Odysseus had help from the god Hermes. In short, he banishes them. This paper looks at the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Parliamentary and Presidential systems of government. During his travels, Telemachus grows as a man. These three points show that Telemachus is growing up. He was well respected by everyone. However in the end, she had to let Odysseus and his crew go due to Zeus command. Analyzes the mental changes which Telemachus endures throughout books 1-4 of Homer's 'The Odyssey' and compares them to changes in present day teenage boys. Physical Attributes of the character: She was described as a beautiful nymph. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'articlemyriad_com-box-4','ezslot_5',261,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-articlemyriad_com-box-4-0');Much of this broadening and strengthening of this character against the suitors is not brought about by a personal revelation, but rather by the divine influence of Athena. A Particular Hard Skill. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Admission Essay. eNotes Editorial, 9 Oct. 2015, Finally, he had to face between Charybdis and the Scylla. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'articlemyriad_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',361,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-articlemyriad_com-banner-1-0');When Telemakhos finally sets out on his journey, he seems to feel like more of a man. He was a favorite of Athena, he had loyal servants even after he was gone - namely, Eumaeus, and he had his crew mates. Pitfall #3- Passing Yourself Off as Perfect. His disappointment in both himself and situation is apparent when he states in one of the important quotes from The Odyssey, I wish at least I had some happy man / as father, growing old in his own house / but unknown death and silence are the fate / of him that, since you ask, they call my father" (I.261-264). A nymph is similar to a fairy. She guided him and encouraged him to travel out in search for his father. This is a bold action, because Telemachus is still young, whereas the suitors are older men. An examination of Telemachus' changing relationships with Penelope and Odysseus in Homer's "The Odyssey". He listened to the many gods that helped him. The largest problem that Telemachus faces in Odysseus's absence is trying to be the man of the house before he is seen to be a man. Friends:Athena was often with Telemachus throughout the book. Obstacles the character overcame:Penelope did not have to overcome a lot of obstacle. For example, when he was told about the Sirens, he made sure his crew mates tied him up and gave his crew mates ear plugs. In some senses, it seems as though he might not have been able to muster the gumption without outside assistance and although he later is more heroic, it is this lack of true" heroics, both in terms of mind and spirit that separates from the his father. A Look at Richard Swift's 2002 text. What are Telemachus weaknesses? However, there are the small few who read and reread the books to grasp the details often lost in translation. An explanantion of Circe turns Odysseus crew mates into pig but eventually Odysseus convinced her to turn them back into human. She was undeniably the most important factor responsible for the reunion of Odysseus and Telemachus. / Will you not with him and talk and question him? AcaDemon Obstacles the character overcame:Antinoos attempted to kill Telemachus. Her cares make her somewhat flighty and excitable, however. He scolds his mother, telling her in one of the important quotes from The Odyssey by Homer, Mother, cruel mother, do you feel nothing. He was also very loyal to his father and had high hopes for bringing him back. Weaknesses : Telemachus lacked courage in the beginning of the epic. Term Paper. Where is dramatic irony in The Odyssey, and what does this show about Odysseus' character? He was also very loyal to his father and had high hopes for bringing him back. Penelope. The reader meets Telemachus when he is fed up with the suitors that have taken after his home and claim to be interested in marrying Telemachus mother, Queen Penelope.