The traces from the switching "Armed" means it's ready to respond to a trigger. One of the insulation meter (ground) leads is connected to chassis ground. They have a few (widely spaced) frequency ranges, and relatively wide-range continuous frequency control within a given range. This sets a time after a trigger during which the sweep circuit cannot be triggered again. LC filter option. I1 and I2 share a common path Microsecond long events are trivial for oscilloscopes, but consider if you need faster. the PCB current loops and wiring will radiate HF energy to the environment. The WT5000 is capable of measuring not only the voltage, current, and power but also the voltage, current, and power peak values plus (+) and minus () sides, respectively. Although it takes money to make money holds true at times - the question still stands: How much should I invest in this software in order to achieve my desired result and how much does CAD software cost? The scale, spacing, etc., of the graticule can therefore be varied, and accuracy of readings may be improved. Intruder detection systems no longer require thousands of meters of wiring to be installed, Tips to Minimize the Effects of Differential Noise in RS485 Communication, Ive never been a morning person and pride myself on simply getting dressed and making it to work on time. increase or reduce. The proper name for voltage is 'potential difference', but most people prefer to say voltage! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. use beads but place the converter as close as possible to the load, and minimize Most multimeters have an ohmmeter setting. and examine system blocks separately. Do not use thermal relief in In this paper, zonation patterns of trace elements in fluorapatite are discussed that were visualized using four analytical techniques, namely back-scattered electrons (BSE) and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA), and micro-proton-induced X-ray/ gamma ray emission (PIXE/PIGE) mapping. The use of an enclosure is a more reliable means to assuring operator safety, particularly when tests require longer time periods. R distance to the loop in meters. Using an external DC power supply and additional wiring is no longer required. Some digital oscilloscopes can sweep at speeds as slow as once per hour, emulating a strip chart recorder. via the input and output capacitors. (a drop of 3 dB). Binding posts or banana plugs may be used for lower frequencies. increase the loop area. Switching converters Triggered sweeps can display a blank screen if there are no triggers. Keep adding capacitance until A battery is more than one cell. These markings, whether located directly on the screen or on a removable plastic filter, usually consist of a 1cm grid with closer tick marks (often at 2mm) on the centre vertical and horizontal axis. the common mode current in the input wires, Figure 17 : Common mode current measurement in input wires. This means that the total board radiation level is A microcontroller can quickly generate 50 MHz+ signals with its IO pins or communications like SPI. to the PCB : The high frequency noise is gone, but there is a large peak to a coaxial cable. grounding of the small signal section should preferably Digital electronics usually operate from a clock, so a dual-trace scope showing both the clock signal and a test signal dependent upon the clock is useful. A 50% reduction in ringing frequency means that the This ground fault will cause a third path for current in the faulted winding. A capacitor stores electric charge. The clearance between the microstrip and the ground pads is increased a little, and I added back in the soldermask to stop solder from wicking down the microstrip. It is possible to make 2 or 3 turns of smaller coax. For an oscillating reference and measurement signal, this results in a complex looping pattern referred to as a Lissajous curve. This allows an external signal to either increase (if positive) or decrease (if negative) the brightness of the trace, even allowing it to be totally blanked. For example, one can find numeric parameter variations caused by the influence of imposed high-frequency noise. Flat-panel displays do not need this control. Output Devices: Lamps, Heater, Motor, etc. Matching the time constants makes the attenuation independent of frequency. In all but the least-costly modern oscilloscopes, the sweep speed is selectable and calibrated in units of time per major graticule division. to reduce EMI. Rohde and Schwarz are typically known for very high-end test equipment, especially in the RF engineering world. Set the trigger level at a predetermined input voltage level to be used for the start of timing point for the following step (depends on the overall input/output voltage levels and input noise). The ground of both devices should also be made common. input capacitor placement. Compliance is a reciprocal measurement of the dynamic stiffness of a table top. This type of probe only senses AC. The height of a resonance peak in the "compliance curve" also measures damping. In transformer or reactor development, the WT5000 can be used to evaluate magnetic material characteristics using Epstein frame system. A transducer which converts sound to electrical energy. This is the switch used to operate a doorbell. How Much Does Cad Software Cost and Is It Worth It? Asynchronous switching is usually designated "Chopped", while sweep-synchronized is designated "Alt[ernate]". section in the area where the VIN decoupling currents or Figure 5 : Buck converter input and output filtering. The layout in figure 16 shows a bad placement of the Two adapters to a set for 5 A current Once the sweep completes, it resets, and does not sweep again until re-armed. package can also influence ringing: bonding wire packages will perform worse Supplies electrical energy. Combined with the /G7 option and IEC Harmonic /Flicker measurement software, the WT5000 measured harmonic data can be saved into a PC and tested according to IEC regulations. Heres how to create a PCB testing procedure for new boards. Fifty years of Moores law scaling in microelectronics have brought remarkable opportunities for the rapidly evolving field of microscopic robotics15. While a kit is always fun to build, these are essentially a bare unhoused version of the option above and are just as limited. reference, with impedance similar as the EMC measurement LISN network. Finally, if an experiment utilizes mechanical elements that move or vibrate, it is often necessary to vibrationally isolate these components from all other critically aligned optical elements. See figure 44. With direct coupling, adjustment of this control can compensate for a limited DC component of an input. in figure 2. Oscilloscopes with built-in logic/protocol analysers are incredibly powerful for firmware developers. After a power supply is designed and built with the components planned for production, situate it to allow access to the power supply input and It is possible to make 2 or 3 turns of smaller coax. The primary control is the Seconds-per-Division (Sec/Div) selector switch. very small, hardly measureable in this simple measurement setup. Probing with an oscilloscope revealed that two of the ADCs were apparently sending trinary "trits". These are normally 3m sites in anechoic chambers, 760902 5A High Accuracy Element. The test board was made in two versions : one with full The theoretical minimum sample rate required, using SinX/x interpolation, is 2.5 times the bandwidth.[20]. The high frequency current in cables The TBS1052B-EDU, being a 1000 series oscilloscope can be compared directly with the Rigol DS1052E and DS1054Z above. One type has a hole for the conductor, and requires that the wire be passed through the hole for semi-permanent or permanent mounting. frequency magnetic fields. Switching This ground fault will cause a third path for current in the faulted winding. The embedded e*Scope capability enables fast control of the oscilloscope over a network connection through a standard web browser. It can also be used as a filter, to block DC signals but pass AC signals. that is supplied via a bootstrap capacitor Cboot. be very low impedance for the buck converter switching currents. Earth/Ground: Earth Circuit Symbol: An oscilloscope is used to measure the voltage and time period of signals along with their shape display. For the price, being only a bit more expensive than the DS1052E above, you get a tremendous amount of functionality very cheaply. Beam-splitter types had horizontal deflection common to both vertical channels, but dual-gun oscilloscopes could have separate time bases, or use one time base for both channels. IPC standards will influence how a designer creates their board and how they will prepare it for production in different industries. The 'o' on the output means 'not' showing that it is a Not OR gate. On September 12, 1958, Jack Kilby developed a piece of germanium with an oscilloscope attached. The frequency band extends now to 300MHz range. [19] The 'o' on the output means 'not' showing that it is a, An EX-NOR gate can only have two inputs. While oscilloscopes are fantastic diagnostic tools, they can also be utilised when planning a project too. in the switching waveform. with the ground plane is much lower than with the single sided board. It adjusts the voltage on the last CRT anode (immediately next to the Y deflection plates). On September 12, 1958, Jack Kilby developed a piece of germanium with an oscilloscope attached. This feed would be from an individual channel's amplifier in a dual or multi-trace oscilloscope, the channel depending upon the setting of the trigger source selector. This website stores cookies on your computer. Equipped with seven user swappable and reconfigurable input elements plus four motor channels, the WT5000 high accuracy power meter is an ideal instrument for electrical and mechanical power and efficiency measurements. Set the oscilloscope to trigger from the probe across the input and set it to normal trigger mode and positive slope. Multi-channel Measurements. Rigol is often seen more like a budget/hobbyist brand, but when you compare specifications especially on the higher end units, its a clear winner for me when you add the retail price into the mix. Used instruments are usually out of calibration, and recalibration by companies with the necessary equipment and expertise usually costs more than the second-hand value of the instrument. After This exercise is excellent for strengthening the external rotators and for general scapula stability. Supplies electrical energy. The combination is a wideband transmission line with considerable delay per unit length. With high accuracy, multi-channel power measurements, evaluation of up to 4 motors and harmonic comparison capabilities, the WT5000 helps automotive engineers improve conversion efficiency, shorten charging times and improve driving range. Looking for more information on our people, technology and solutions? Many early games, such as Tennis for Two, used an oscilloscope as an output device.[12]. Supplies electrical energy. (Occasionally an oscilloscope user breaks the ground pin in the power supply cord of a bench-top oscilloscope in an attempt to isolate the signal common from the earth ground. resistance to the bootstrap circuit is relatively small. to find the root cause of specific radiation frequency emissions The three power inverter cables/wires will be probed and tested individually with the other insulation meter lead. This was originally achieved with a special CRT, a storage tube, which retained the image of even a very brief event for a long time. If the signal source has its own coaxial connector, then a simple coaxial cable is used; otherwise, a specialized cable called a "scope probe", supplied with the oscilloscope, is used. This mechanism is referred to as "equivalent-time sampling". with good planning where to place the key components. The switching waveform rise time is determined by the Magnetic field measurement will almost reduce to zero, electric The new current sensor element replaces the traditional current inputs and includes a sensor input terminal with integrated 15V power supply, eliminating the need for an external power supply. This control adjusts CRT focus to obtain the sharpest, most-detailed trace. A galvanometer is a very sensitive meter which is used to measure tiny currents, usually 1mA or less. However, it does not provide any visualisation. Useful on mic leads & computer cables. To catch these events, some oscilloscopescalled storage scopespreserve the most recent sweep on the screen. Some analogue oscilloscopes feature a Z input. This process can also significantly improve component choices by trying samples of different parts in a test circuit rather than relying on a generic SPICE model for that component type. For example, the 9megohm series resistor is shunted by a 12.2pF capacitor for a time constant of 110milliseconds. The sample rate needs to be a minimum of two times the frequency of your signal, ideally at least four times greater than the signal frequency. A safety device which will 'blow' (melt) if the current flowing through it exceeds a specified value. If we do the same measurement on the board with a ground This might happen when that knock-off shirt doesn't fit you properly or the cost CAD software ends up being far from what you were looking for. Instrument for displaying time-varying signals, Vertical sensitivity, coupling, and polarity controls, The 20picofarad value is typical for scope bandwidths around 100MHz; for example, a 200MHz Tektronix 7A26 input impedance is 1M and 22pF. thus 220pF/3 = 73pF. Highest power accuracy Ammeter. Using a shielded cable (i.e.,coaxial cable) is better for low level signals. The internal DC power supply simplifies preparations before measurement, requiring only a connecting cable and eliminating the external power supply. - For the efficient development of electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy-related equipment -. frequency currents in copper traces or component pins. The earliest and simplest type of oscilloscope consisted of a cathode ray tube, a vertical amplifier, a timebase, a horizontal amplifier and a power supply. This type of variable resistor with 2 contacts (a rheostat) is usually used to control current. 0.01% of reading + 0.02% of range (50/60 Hz), High accuracy at low power factor in the board layout. A few oscilloscopes had a modulated chopping rate to avoid this occasional problem. total resonance capacitance is four times the original capacitance. Most multimeters have an ohmmeter setting. the output voltage. To help in restoring a visible display, the beam finder circuit overrides any blanking and limits the beam deflection to the visible portion of the screen. 3 years standard with optional Total Protection Plans ; Dimensions. A single WT5000 can be configured for synchronized measurements from up to 4 motors simultaneously. capacitor closest to the nodes. When the board under test is placed on the lab table, There are also current probes, with cores that surround the conductor carrying current to be examined. Guaranteed accuracy across a wide range Some DPDT switches have a central off position. FFT requirements During the very fast switch Inside the probe, a coil wound around the core provides a current into an appropriate load, and the voltage across that load is proportional to current. The high resolution, 10.1 inch WXGA display allows split screen viewing of up to 7 waveforms and can display up to 12 pages of diverse measurement parameters, making it ideal for efficiency tests of inverter driven motors, renewable energy technologies and traction applications like The high resolution, 10.1 inch WXGA display allows split screen viewing of up to 7 waveforms and can display up to 12 pages of diverse measurement parameters, making it ideal for efficiency tests of inverter driven motors, renewable energy technologies and traction applications like Yokogawas WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer has won the prestigious Test Product of the Year trophy at the annual Elektra Awards hosted by Electronics Weekly. 19. With a low sample rate, you can completely miss small transients or jitters in the signal, as the chance of that transient landing between samples increases. Meters and Oscilloscope Component Circuit Symbol . loops, you can check whether radiated noise levels will Harmonics Analysis & comparisons C.2. If you want to be more productive in PCB design and layout, try out these common Altium Designer keyboard shortcuts. Oscilloscope With measurement capabilities from up to 7 input elements the WT5000 is ideal for voltage, current, power, and frequency (for AC) before and after each converter, as well as converter efficiency and charging efficiency. On an actual scope, each trigger would be the same channel, so all would be the same color. An example of a practical application is if a pair of sine waves of known frequency are used to generate a circular Lissajous figure and a higher unknown frequency is applied to the Z input. Use a relatively light resistant band and tie to a door knob. An oscilloscope (informally a scope) is a type of electronic test instrument that graphically displays varying electrical voltages as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time. When looking at buying your first oscilloscope, its good to consider what you want to use it for or what circuits you might have on something you design. The aim is to add With a typical bandwidth of just 1MHz and 10MSa/s, even low-speed SPI communication is well beyond the capabilities of this device. give different input loop area and stray inductance. Apply a rolling six-minute average to these exposure ratios, to yield the SAR-based exposure ratio for the emission(s) under consideration. determined by the inductor peak current and the total parasitic capacitance In this paper, zonation patterns of trace elements in fluorapatite are discussed that were visualized using four analytical techniques, namely back-scattered electrons (BSE) and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA), and micro-proton-induced X-ray/ gamma ray emission (PIXE/PIGE) mapping. However, I had to bring in my own oscilloscope for many tasks as the input voltage was only 20v peak maximum, with a 100V maximum limit. The trigger can be set to automatically restart after each sweep, or can be configured to respond to an internal or external event. Yokogawa's WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer won the prestigious Power Product of the Year trophy at the second annual Electronics Industry Awards. This type of push switch is normally closed (on), it is open (off) only when the button is pressed. Supplies electrical energy. Figure 36 : Switching waveform with Figure 23 : Adding single 10nF 0603 between ic GND 18. Consequently, a one-meter direct (1) coaxial probe loads a circuit with a capacitance of about 110pF and a resistance of 1megohm. The effects of noise and aliasing are minimized by antialiasing and line filters with Digital Parallel Path technology allowing simultaneous power analysis of wide band and narrow band components. Keysights experience in test equipment shows in their user interface design for the display. Remotely view and control the oscilloscope over a network connection through a standard web browser ; Standard probes. With 4 channels and a 2GSa/s sample rate plus 2 million points of memory depth, its a powerful and practical scope. Frequency response analyzer or network analyzer designed for power supply stability measurements. Copyright 2008-2022 Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation, Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases High Accuracy Current Sensor Element for Use with the WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer, Yokogawas WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer wins Test Product of the Year accolade at the Elektra Awards, Yokogawas WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer wins Power Product of the Year accolade at Electronics Industry awards, Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases the WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer, {{ baseCtrl.fullNavList[baseCtrl.fullNavList[baseCtrl.currentMenuDepth].parent].name }}, {{ baseCtrl.fullNavList[baseCtrl.currentMenuDepth].name }}, Voltage and Current Calibrators and Standards, Xviewer (701992) / XviewerLITE (free software), DL950 Acquisition Application Programming Interface, DL950 Flash Acquisition Data Access Library, 701925 PBDH0500 Differential Probe 25 V / 500 MHz, 701927 Differential Probe 1400V / 150 MHz, 701977 Differential Probe 7000 V / 50 MHz, 701978 Differential Probe 1500 V / 150 MHz, 701946 Miniature Passive Probe 400V / 500 MHz, 701949 Miniature Passive Probe 400V / 500 MHz, 701944 High Voltage Passive Probe 1000Vrms / 400 MHz, 701945 High Voltage Passive Probe 1000Vrms / 250 MHz, 700929 Isolated Passive Probe 1000V / 100 MHz, 702902 Isolated Passive Probe 1000V / 60 MHz, 702915 Current Probe 50 MHz/ 0.5 ARMS, 5 ARMS, 30 ARMS, 702916 Current Probe 120 MHz/ 0.5 ARMS, 5 ARMS, 30 ARMS, B9852MJ Power Cable for Differential Probes, 366921 BNC to Banana-Jack (Female) Adapter 42V, 751512 Banana (Male) to Binding Post Adapter, 701901 BNC to Safety Banana 1.8m Cable, 1:1, 701954 Large Alligator Clip (dolphin type), 758929 Large Alligator Clip Adapter 1000V, B9852HF Basic accessories set for the 701941 probe, 366961 Banana to Alligator 1.2m Cable, 1:1, 701966 Printer roll paper for DL750P and SL1400, 701968 Soft carrying case for DLM4000/DLM5000, 701969 Rack mount kit for DLM4000/DLM5000, 720212 High-speed 200 MS/s 14-Bit Isolation Module, 720256 4-CH 10 MS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module, 720211 High-Speed 100 M/s, 12-Bit Isolation Module, 701261 Universal Voltage & Temperature Input Module, 701262 Universal Voltage & Temperature Input Module (w/AAF), 701265 High-Precision Temperature Input Module, 720266 High-Sensitivity, Low-Noise, Voltage, Temperature Module, 720221 16-CH Temperature/Voltage Input Module, 701275 Acceleration & Voltage Input Module (w/AAF), 705926 Connection Cable for DA4, DA12, Scanner Box (701953), 701970 DC Power Cable, Cigarette Lighter Type for DL850EV, 701971 DC Power Cable, Alligator Clip Type for DL850EV, 701955/701956 NDIS Bridge Heads 120/350, 701957/701958 D-Sub Bridge Heads 120/350, 758923 Spring Hold Safety Terminal Adapter Set, 758931 Screw-Fastened Safety Voltage Terminal Adapter Set, 701902/701903 Safety BNC to BNC Cable 1m/2m, 701963 Soft carrying case for DL850E Series, 720941 Optical Transceiver Module 1000BASE-SX SFP module 850 nm, 720942 Optical Fiber Cord Multi mode optical fiber (LC-LC/3 m), Harmonic Analysis Software for WT3000/WT3000E, CT60/ CT200/ CT1000/ CT1000A/ CT2000A AC/DC Current Sensor, A1323EZ, A1324EZ, A1325EZ Shunt resistor boxes, B8213ZA Safety Current Terminal Adapter Set, 761952 Safety Terminal Conversion Adapter Set, 761954/ 761955/ 761956 Dedicated Cable for the Current Sensor Element, AQ6380 Highest Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1200 - 1650 nm, AQ6360 Telecom Production Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1200 - 1650 nm, AQ6370D Telecom Optical Spectrum Analyzer 600 - 1700 nm, AQ6373B Visible Wavelength Optical Spectrum Analyzer 350 - 1200 nm, AQ6374 Wide Range Optical Spectrum Analyzer 350 1750 nm, AQ6375E Long Wavelength Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1200 to 2400 nm and 1000 to 2500 nm, AQ6376E Three Micron Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1500 - 3400 nm, AQ6377 Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1900 - 5500 nm, AQ1000 Entry Level Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, AQ7280 Modular Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, AQ1210 Series Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, AQ7277B Remote Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, AQ2200-112 LS Module (DFB, 1/2 channels), AQ2200-131/132 Grid TLS Module (C/L band, 1-channel / 2-channel), AQ2200-212 Sensor Module (800 to 1700 nm), AQ2200-222 Dual Sensor Module (800 to 1700 nm), AQ2200-215 Sensor module (high Power up to +30dBm, 970 to 1660 nm), AQ2200-232 Optical Sensor Head (Large diameter detector, 800 to 1700 nm), AQ2200-242 Optical Sensor Head (Large diameter detector, 400 to 1100 nm), AQ2200-202 Interface Module (2-channels), AQ2200-411 Optical Switch Module (1 x 4/1 x 8), AQ2200-412 Optical Switch Module (1 x 16), AQ2200-421 Optical Switch Module (1 x 2/2 x 2), AQ2170 Series Portable Optical Power Meter (Simple & Compact), AQ2180 Series Portable Optical Power Meter (w/ data storage/transfer), AQ1300 Series 1G/10G Ethernet Multi Field Tester, FG400 Isolated Arbitrary/Function Generator, 2560A Wide Output Precision DC Calibrator, Power Meter Calibration Software [free software], CA500 Series Multi-Function Process Calibrator, External pressure sensor PM100 (Accessory for CA700), Clamp-on Tester CL150 (ACA, ACV, DCV, OHM, 2000A), Clamp-on Tester CL155 (AC, True RMS, 2000A), Clamp-on Tester CL255 (True RMS, AC/DC 2000A), Clamp-on Process Meter CL420 (DC mA Current), Clamp-on Tester CL320 (Leakage Current, 200A), Clamp-on Tester CL340 (Leakage Current, 400A), Clamp-on Tester CL345 (Leakage Current, True RMS, 400A), Clamp-on Tester CL360 (Leakage Current, 100A), Clamp-on Tester 30031A/30032A (Leakage Current), Digital Thermometers TX10 Series (Single-Function), 93053 Hand Pump Case (Pneumatic/Hydraulic), 98073 Test Leads - Electrical Test Meter Leads, AQ9335C FC Connector Adapter for optical sensors, AQ9335C SC Connector Adapter for optical sensors, AQ9335C LC Connector Adapter for optical sensors, AQ9335C MU Connector Adapter for optical sensors, Latest Software Driver & Firmware Releases, {{ baseCtrl.fullNavList[baseCtrl.currentSidenavItem].name }}, {{ baseCtrl.fullNavList[grandchild].name }}, IEC harmonic and voltage fluctuation/flicker test, Remote monitoring of waveform data and power values, Measurement of power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic power generation system, Evaluation Test of Power Conditioning System for Solar/Wind Power Generation, IEC62301 Standards Testing for Standby Power Measurement, Loss and Impedance Measurements of Reactors in Operation, High precision measurement of Standby power, Harmonic and Voltage fluctuation/flicker measurement according to IEC61000, Motor/Inverter Evaluation and Offline Simultaneous Analysis, Synchronous Measurement in Motor/Inverter Development, Power and Efficiency Measurement of Motors and Inverters, Yokogawas Power Calibration Technology to Support High-Precision Power Analyzer, SAE J1634 Measurements and Optimizing for EV MPG Range, Voltage Fluctuation/Flicker International Standards and Measurement Techniques : Measurement Techniques, Voltage Fluctuation/Flicker International Standards and Measurement Techniques: Standard, Bandwidth and Phase Characteristic Requirements for High-Precision Power Measurement of HighFrequency and High-Current PWM Control Inverters, Harmonic Current International Standards and Measurement Techniques: Measurement Techniques, Harmonic Current International Standards and Measurement Techniques: Standard, Power Analyzer Accuracy and Basic Uncertainty Calculator, Specifications WT5000 Precision Power Analyzers, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzers /DS option, /G7 option, Current Sensors & Probes CT2000A/CT1000A/CT1000/CT200/CT60/751552, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer Features Guide, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer User's Manual, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer Getting Started Guide, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer Communication Interface Users Manual, Harmonic Measurement Software for WT5000 (IEC 61000-3-2 Compliant) User's Manual, Voltage Fluctuation/Flicker Measurement Software for WT5000 (IEC 61000-3-3 Compliant) User's Manual, Voltage Fluctuation/Flicker Measurement Software for WT5000 (IEC 61000-3-11 Compliant) User's Manual, Harmonic Measurement Software for WT5000 (IEC 61000-3-12 Compliant) User's Manual, Harmonic Measurement Software for WT5000 (with Power Supply Function, IEC 61000-3-2 Compliant) User's Manual, Voltage Fluctuation/Flicker Measurement Software for WT5000 (with Power Supply Control Function, IEC 61000-3-3 Compliant), Voltage Fluctuation/Flicker Measurement Software for WT5000 (with Power Supply Control Function, IEC 61000-3-11 Compliant), Harmonic Measurement Software for WT5000 (with Power Supply Function, IEC 61000-3-12 Compliant) User's Manual, Model 760991 Additional Option License for WT5000 Users Manual, Harmonic/Flicker Measurement Software for the WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer, LabVIEW Drivers for WT5000 ( NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Web Page ), Unify Data Across Engineering Work Groups with The Power of One, New Current Sensor Element for WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer- An Introduction, WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer - Reliable, Versatile and Simple, How To: Yokogawa WT5000 Power Analyzer Current Connectors, WTViewerE Making Power Measurement Easier, How to Test to IEC Standards Using a Power Analyzer & Harmonic Flicker Testing Software, How to Collect Raw Waveform Data with the WT5000, Measuring Individual Phase Power on Three Phase Systems, WTViewerE: How To Analyze Your Collected Power Data, Make measurements you can trust with a guaranteed accuracy of *0.03%, 10MS/s, 1MHz power bandwidth, 18 bit resolution enabled by Yokogawa isoPRO fiber optic isolation technology, Simultaneously analyze 7 phases with one chassis, producing over 1000 power parameters real-time, Precision current measurement guaranteed by innovative symmetric coaxial shunt design, Stream raw waveform data up to 22 items at a rate of up to 2 MS/s for detailed waveform analysis, Modular architecture with 7 user swappable and reconfigurable input elements, High-accuracy element, built-in DC power supply, enables both easy wiring and reliable high-precision, large-current measurements, Up to 10ms data update, up to 50ms data update when using data streaming, Follows frequency fluctuations in input signals by auto update mode, Synchronize multiple chassis for large multi-phase systems, For motors and generators up to 4 speed and torque inputs** can be used measuring total system efficiency, Isolate and measure harmonic losses with configurable advanced filtering for simultaneous wideband and harmonic power analysis, Highly responsive 10.1 inch electrostatic capacitive touch screen, Intuitive and easy menus to connect, configure, measure and record, Modular interconnect design putting safety first, AC power accuracy: 0.01% of reading + 0.02% of range, DC power accuracy: 0.02% of reading + 0.05% of range.
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