A(n) ________ is a consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Humanistic psychologists may assess personality by a. asking a person to compare their ideal self to their actual self. Humanistic or Third Force psychology focuses on inner needs, happiness, fulfillment, the search for identity, and other distinctly human concerns. Further, although he acknowledges that genetics may play a role in determining personality, our behavior is determined by the environment more than we recognize. In all of his undertakings at work, Norm is a leader who looks to do the right thing. Katherine, a socially inhibited teenager, has always been withdrawn and isolated at her rehabilitation center. Dr. Jenna constantly experiences feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. According to, 201. al1571. Psychologists who take the cognitive approach to personality would suggest that aggressive behavior is learned because it has been rewarded. 1. An area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and that focuses on the influence of people on one another. Empathetic. The more closely we look at the characteristic ways people deal with emotional situations, the more we. Which of the following is a criticism of positive psychology? Both were key figures in the Third Force movement. Using what you have learned about emotions, respond to the following statement: Men feel fewer emotions than women. A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. a. Taijin-kyofusho. ________ are false, unusual, and, 184. studies the roles of consciousness, free will, and awareness of the human condition. B. that people are more alike than they are different. This indicates that Mohit is most likely a, Giovanni conducts research on prejudice and racism to understand how people of one group perceive and treat people in other groups. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the attitude of skepticism in psychology? 1. What does this mean? Consider the issue in psychology of free will versus determinism as discussed in your textbook. The systematic approach to the study of OB is most consistent with a. cause-effect relationships. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 181. What are the positions take by the psychologists of the humanistic perspective? e.it reinforces the importance of traditional methods of management. Eva is a five-year-old girl who has been brought to Dr. What did he call this accepting attitude? ________ is a severe psychological disorder that is characterized by highly disordered, psychotic thought processes. Psychologists who adhere to the trait approach to personality would say Sally's behavior, can be identified along a continuum of personality characteristics. Then, by looking for specific patterns and finding ways to alter them, it becomes possible to achieve more than if those patterns were not analyzed. C) conversion disorder. Individual-level variables that have been shown to affect group and organizational behaviour include, OB looks at three basic levels of analysis and organization. Whereas ________ requires organizations to be flexible in working with organizations and people from different countries, ________ requires employees to be flexible when working with others within the organization. Looking in-depth at single situations in order to gain insight into organizational behaviour relates to the examination of. When treating a client with a psychological disorder, a therapist makes the assumption that the, 189. At which point is an investigator most likely to use deductive reasoning? self-concept: our thoughts and feelings about ourselves. In the context of OCD-related disorders, an individual with hoarding disorder is most likely to. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Aristotle suggested that a meal makes us sleepy by causing heat to collect around the? d.balancing cultural sensitivity with the bottom line, e.putting employees in charge of what they do, Which of the following aspects of an organization has this chapter focused the least on? Provides a thorough, in-depth undersanding of participants. Which school of thought emphasized how people process information? cool restaurants batumi. Apples psychology to athletic activity and excercise. 12 terms. Thirty males and 30 females were used in the experiment. Social Developmental Cognitive Biological, A person's conscience and voice of reason and goodness is the superego Ego Id Oedipus Complex, Which type of psychology b.throat. What are the disadvantages of a case study? The science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. macro average vs weighted average which is better. What are the advantages of archival research? What are the benefits of skilled managers? A third of these people (Group A) were given cookies while studying the names. Which of the following organizational challenges is OB be best suited for. She obtains social anxiety scores from a large group of participants, and then tries to predict how those scoring high on the test will act in a social situation as compared to those scoring low. Other Quizlet sets. a. Alpha b. NREM-1 c. NREM-2 d. NREM-3 e. REM. Her psychologist tells her that she can spend an additional hour in the garden if she voluntarily initiates a conversation with another teenager. Which of the following statements is true about personality assessment? 217. 209. They contend that psychological disorders are Brenda is constantly in the habit of arranging and rearranging the things in her house. This refers to his a. efficiency. Contends that people can control their behavior and that they naturally try to reach their full potential. Inventories, tests, and direct observations. Dr. Lane is monitoring the levels of specific chemicals in the human brain to see their effects on the development of psychosis in individuals. d. Humanistic psychology. Professor Alan is studying the regions of the brain that are activated when his subjects view disturbing images from horror movies. humanistic psychology. His fear is exaggerated and. c. OB can be used in community settings like children's daycare centres. 237. What are the challenges and opportunities to OB. Describe Lev Vygotskys ideas on the role of language, scaffolding, and the zone of proximal development in cognitive development. Which of the following actions is a behavior? In this instance, morphine is considered to be a(n) a. antagonist. Non-judgmental. incongruence: state of being in which there is a great discrepancy between our real and ideal selves. Is concerned with the psychology of the workplace. In the field of psychology, researchers who advocate structuralism are most likely to, Antelopes with long legs were able to run faster than antelopes with short legs. The training technique most widely used in the workplace is. When an individual hears and sees people who are not actually there, the individual is likely to be, 185. This is known as: Zeke is an employee who achieves his goals. The assumption of color perception by Young-Helmholtz in 1866 that we have 3 primary color receptor types, red, green and blue. A psychologist explains a woman's fear of snakes in terms of her unconscious fear of her father. According to the psychoanalytic approach, her daughter's misbehavior. He uses a polygraph machine to measure changes in respiration, pulse, and blood pressure of the participants when they lie. c. The biopsychosocial approach. Predictability of behaviour is increased if we know. Individuals face various challenges in organizational settings. The study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. Individuals with bulimia nervosa tend to have ________ of perfectionism and ________ of selfefficacy. This example supports the principle of. The, 231. Greg believes that aggressive behavior in his coworkers is an expression of frustration that results from unsatisfied basic needs. a. church. A false treatmnet, such a a pill, or "drug," or other substance w/o any significant chemical properties or active ingredient. Aria has been awake for two nights in a row and still feels highly energetic, and euphoric. Behavioral neuroscience examines the biological basis of behavior. 198. In the context of areas of specialization in psychology, Dr. Ames is most likely a ________ psychologist. 228. These theories tried to diagnose and fix learners. This means that the population of red-feathered birds should increase in future generations. What are the disadvantages of archival research? Sanjay is a very motivated employee who typically does work that is not part of his formal job responsibilities but which furthers the objectives of the organization. The methods a psychologist uses to assess personality depend partly on which approach to personality he or she adopts. a. Freud-Psycho analytic b. Rogers-Humanistic. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When we look closely at the reactions of people to the same situation, we see A. evidence that most people behave in typical ways. Unites the areas of biopsychology and clinical psychology, focusing on the relationship between biological factors and psychological disorders. The thinking style called splitting is associated with which of the following disorders? 196. Based on assumptions of people as lazy, uninvolved, and motivated solely by moneyactually caused people to behave in a manner consistent with those expectations. What are manifestations of paranoid personality disorder? d.stomach., Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory work involved experimental studies of a.animal intelligence. By __________ we mean the ways psychologists from different approaches measure personality. The final third (Group C) were given mint-flavored candy while studying the names. b. OB can shed light on the interactions among family members. This field draws upon many different disciplines, including basic psychology, cognitive psychology, experimental psychology, biology, physiology, and neuroscience. In the given scenario, Kevin uses the ________ to psychology in his research. Focuses on issue such as discrimination against women and the causes of violence against women. ; Maslow expanded the field of humanistic psychology to include an explanation of how human needs change throughout an individual's lifespan, and how these Which of the following modern psychologists now recognize that much information is processed below awareness? Broad explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest. A peak experience. that characteristic differences between people begin to emerge. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The greatest challenge to salespeople in the age of information is understanding ________. A species that can camouflage is less likely to survive. As a leader of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow approached the study of personality by focusing on subjective experiences, free will, and the innate drive toward self-actualization. Emily is in the habit of picking at her skin every time she feels nervous or anxious. d. Bandura-Social-cognitive. a. OCB promotes the effective functioning of the organization. focuses on the study of higher mental processes. Personalities exist within a cultural context. Toronto-based Dell Canada's technical service lines are handled by technicians located in India. You spend weeks teaching your new dog how to roll over. Some of OB's challenges and opportunities include all of the following except. To explain depression, trait theorists would most likely focus on. What are the advantages of survey research? d. Transference. Intuition and Systematic Study, and Evidence-Based Management, 1. Shortly after fulling asleep, James experiences the hypnagogic sensation of falling. Which of the following would not be considered an individual challenge? Frost uses techniques intended to uncover Eva's unconscious thoughts or experiences. Although the six approaches occasionally vary only in emphasis, two or more approaches provide incompatible explanations. Success identified with personal achievement, Most of the research on personality reported in the textbook is based on studies with people, Suppose you meet a new person on campus from a culture different from your own. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ can be defined as a set of activities directed at an organization's resources, with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. The approach to organization behaviour which suggests that its answers "depend upon the situation" is called the, The behavioural science that underlies organizational culture is known as, In OB, looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence is referred to as. 51 terms. Behavioral genetics studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior. This psychologist would probably be identified with which approach to personality? Which approach to personality represents an extreme position on this issue? critical thinking, curiosity, skepticism, and objectivity. A person's conscience and voice of reason and goodness is the. This shows Zeke is a. performing. b. a. Why can we see steadily and read street signs even though we may be walking or running? The variable that is manipulated by an experimenter. What are the positions take by the psychologists of the Neuroscience perspective? Willhelm Wundt laid the foundation of psychology in 1879, when he opened his lab in Germany. Which element of social learning theory is this an example of? Cognitive psychology focuses on Focuses on legal issues, such as determining the accuracy of witness memories. Depressed people tend to have fewer receptors of the neurotransmitters, 226. The disordered thoughts in schizophrenia are referred to as psychotic because, 183. EMT Final Study Guide 1-41. the consistent behavior patterns that individuals display across situations. C) behavior is influenced by environmental conditions. 233. Various challenges exist at the organizational level. The author of the textbook defines personality as consistent behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes originating within the individual. In 1961, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology was established. Research that is repeated, sometimes using other procedures, settings, and groups of participants, to increase confidence in prior findings. The text notes that a possible reason for this was. b.how the person perceives the situation. c.social influence. A peak experience. Which area of psychology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior? Which of the following is the most accurate description of ethics? Examines how people understand and think about the world. ________ psychology is the field within psychology that focuses on studying thoughts and their relationship to our experiences and our actions. Suicide rates in the weeks after Kurt Cobain's suicide held steady, contrary to the modeling effect seen with other celebrity suicides. 1. They get things done through other people. Early psychologists presented extreme positions on the conscious versus unconscious determinants issue. Which of the following statements is true of psychologists? You soon discover that your new friend has difficulty understanding what you mean by "self-esteem." Humanistic therapy is an approach to counseling where the helping professional does not judge what is being shared by a client regardless of the material being disclosed. What are the advantages of descriptive and correlational research? Diana is afraid to throw things away because she feels that she might need them in the future. Which approach to personality is most likely to argue that genetics plays an important role in determining personality and behavior? A small sample can be used to infer attitudes and behavior of a larger population. IS: the person who completes the test must be willing to report his self-assessment accurately. e. Our self-concept. What are the positions take by the psychologists of the cognitive perspective? a. OB is relevant only in employment situations. 193. She measures two variable at pre- and post drug intake: levels of a neurotransmitter and positive symptoms of the disease. 1) Industry: competitors, industry size and competitiveness, related industries; 1. They emphasize the scientific study of observable behavioral responses. They contend that human behavior is influenced by genetics. e. Formal operational. Although she has not slept much in the past few days, she. A hypothesis must be testable to be scientifically valid. is devoted to counseling children in elementary and secondary schools who have academic or emotional problems. d.the differences among employees based on age. Which of the following is correct about the relation between personality and culture? Considering behaviour within the context in which it occurs is known as the ________ approach. According to the text, psychology students are most likely to benefit from exposure to, If Kayla is interested in personality psychology, she is most likely to study. Behaviors, events, or other characteristics that can change or vary in some way. 236. What is the difference between behaviorism and humanistic psychology? What are the "what" of management: functions? B. natural Considers the relationship between people and their physical environment. Consistent behavior patterns that people display in many different situations are, often called individual differences by personality psychologists, Although Sally is well behaved and polite at home, she can be really mean to the other children at school. Essentials of Understanding Psychology 9th Edition. Which psychologist is incorrectly matched with the theory? Which of the following would not be considered an organizational challenge? a. ethical. Tom noticed that there is a wide variety of personalities, perception and attitudes among his staff members, which he believes affects how they behave. The approach used by psychologists to systematically acquire knowledge and increase understanding. In the early 20 th Century (early 1900s), behaviorism and psychoanalysis were the dominant educational theories. What are the disadvantages of survey research? rapidly growing area in psychology that focuses on biological mechanisms such as genes and chromosomes. a result of feelings of hostility turned inward. Of the following approaches, which ignores inherited influences the most? Unconditional positive regard. With respect to the three characteristics of abnormal behavior, when a behavior interferes with a, 204. The ________ was published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association for the major, 199. The ________ is a theory suggesting that preexisting conditions, such as genetic characteristics. How did his theory differ from that of Jean Piaget? People blind from birth do not usually exhibit common facial expressions. What are the disadvantages of descriptive and correlational research? The component necessary for the study of personality known as assessment is characterized by which of the following? Which of the following goals of science does the empirical method best fulfill? Your roommate is acting very strangely. Explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease. 222. ________ is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or, 229. a. a. therapy, Organizational behaviour is generally defined as a field of study that, b.investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within, What are the three levels of behaviour in organizations that OB is concerned with? a. What are the positions take by the psychologists of the humanistic perspective?-Nurture-Concious-Internal emphasis-Free will Other Quizlet sets. She believes that her head is. An individual with an exceptional memory is identified. A characteristic of Johan's department is that there is a broad mix of people in terms of gender, race and ethnicity. Token economy. Contributions to OB: - Behavioral change - Attitude change - Communication - Group processes - A.unrealized customer product specifications B.realized customer product specifications C.unrealized customer needs and requirements D.realized customer needs and requirements E.realized and unrealized customer She is capable of recalling major events, the weather, and what she did on any given date. Which of these must be true in order for a person to be found guilty of a crime? What are the two types of Study Variable and what do they lead to? In the study of OB, common sense is generally replaced by a. systematic study. Investigates the similarities and differences in psychological functioning in and across various cultures and ethnic groups. Which of the following attitudes are central to the scientific approach to psychology? Which of the following statements is true of panic disorder? D) illness anxiety disorder., The BEST example of malingering is a person who: A) fakes an illness because he or she enjoys being a patient. In the context of perspectives in psychology, the professor is using the ________ in his study. Which of the following statements is true of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? alder referred to the striving to become more masculine as the. Provides a sample of people in their natural environment. The ability of an organization's culture to motivate employees and increase its effectiveness is directly related to the way in which, In the Post-Bureaucratic Model, organizations develop consensus through institutionalized dialogue rather than. As demands on adolescents intensify, different areas of their lives may come into conflict. Humanistic theory aims to help the client reach what Rogers and Maslow referred to as self-actualization the final level of psychological development that can be achieved when all basic and mental needs are essentially fulfilled and the "actualization" of the full personal potential takes place. This procedure to study the structure of the mind has subjects describe in deatail what they are experiencing when they are exposed to a stimulus. Brad has been in a state of incessant worry for almost half a year now. e. putting people in a stressful situation to see how they behave under pressure. Which of the following statements is true of the psychological and sociocultural factors involved in. Everyone loves to work for peter because he gives them complete responsibility for what they do. c. Aaron Beck. Focuses primarily on educational, social, and carrer adjustment problems. Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. In psychology, individuals who are primarily engaged in helping people and offering them guidance as they work through problems are often called ________ of psychology. In 1951, Carl Rogers published Client-Centered Therapy, which described his humanistic and client-oriented approach to therapy. In a(n) ________, a person experiences recurrent, sudden onsets of intense terror, often without. Which of the following would not be considered a group challenge? Which school of psychology was more likely to focus on the operation of the entire mind instead of specific parts? Which of the following is true of the principle of natural selection proposed by Darwin? Dr. Lane's study fits best into the area of, Prejudice and racism are topics most likely to be studied by, Mohit conducts research on how thought and behavior change and remain stable across the life span of an individual. Includes topics such as individual differences, perception, motivation, learning, communication, and understanding organizational goals/purpose. Effective management is critical during hard economic times. Humanistic psychology is a psychological perspective that emphasizes thestudy of the whole person. Why do organizations that have OCB outperform those that do not? When managers empower their employees they are.
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